The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 682

"Captured by a woman?"

Lin Feng is very surprised. How can Tigress be hijacked by a woman?

"Which direction did the man who took Tigress go?" Lin Feng asked.

"To the West!" Said the fire spirit.

Lin Feng said to Fu Guoqing next to him: "you and elder Qiu together, carry out what I said. I have something important to go out for a while. If something happens here, call me. My phone is a satellite phone, and the signal is very strong."

"Good!" Fu Guoqing nodded.

Lin Feng and Huoling ran to the West.

All the way, Lin Feng is asking Huoling what the woman who hijacked Tigress looks like.

Huo Ling couldn't tell what she looked like. She only saw the woman with a slim figure, a black robe, and a large one-piece cap and Cape on her head. She couldn't see her appearance clearly.

Lin Feng took Huo Ling all the way to the West and found Tigress's belongings on the way.

Lin Feng understood in his heart that this man deliberately left Tigress's articles, intending to ignite the spirit and himself to come over.

After that, Lin Feng and Huoling chased out a distance and found a lake in front of him.

The lake is so big that it can't see the edge of the lake.

But the lake is very calm, there is no ripple, it seems that people see a mirror in general.

"There is no way ahead!" Fire spirit anxiously said: "this Ming Mirror Lake has tens of thousands of square meters, should we go around it?"

However, at this time, a small boat is floating over, there is no one in the sky, very strange.

"Get on the boat!" Lin Feng said.

"The ship is deceitful!" Fire spirit is very alert to say.

"You wait on the shore. I'll get on the boat and have a look. If you find any danger, remember to turn around and run. Don't worry about anything!" Lin Feng said.

"No, if I want to go, I'll go with you too!" Said the fire spirit.

"You go with me. If something happens, I'll be tied up!" Lin Feng said directly: "wait for me here, it will be OK!"

"Oh Fire spirit Du mouth said.

Huoling always thinks that she is a strong woman, but when she is with Lin Feng, everything is Lin Feng rushing in front of her, which makes her suddenly have a sweet feeling of being a little woman. She enjoys it very much!

And Lin Feng at this time looking at the boat, the heart has already played the abacus.

He felt that the ship seemed to have been sent by the enemy, just to let him follow.

So the real purpose of the woman's hijacking tigress is to lead him over. Is that her enemy? Or is it a moon worshiper?

Since you put on a long line to catch my fish, then I'll pretend to be silly white sweet, willing to be hooked once!

Lin Feng jumped on the boat, shook his oars and headed for the center of the lake.

All the way around are very quiet, the water surface is still as flat as a mirror, the rising of water vapor strands, such as entering fairyland.

Suddenly, not far ahead, a bamboo raft appeared, floating quietly in the middle of the lake. There was a child sitting on the raft. He did not cry or make any noise. He looked at the lake in front of him quietly.

This picture is very strange. Lin Feng slowly approaches the boat to the bamboo raft and finds that the child is tigress.

But Tigress was pale and motionless, like a statue!

What happened to Tigress?

Lin Feng shook the boat over, jumped into the bamboo raft, put his hand on Tigress's nose, and found that Tigress was breathing evenly. He felt a sigh of relief in his heart. Then, he would return to the boat with Tigress in his arms.

At this time, Lin Feng saw that there was something under the crack of the bamboo raft. He saw a small snake sprang up and bit him.

If he was an ordinary person, he would not be in a hurry to avoid being bitten by the snake. However, Lin Feng had been on guard for a long time. In addition, he reacted quickly. He tilted his head slightly to avoid the attack of the snake.

The snake did not hit, but ran out and landed on the boat that Lin Feng rowed to.

At this time, a woman in a black robe had already stood at the bow of the boat, took the snake, and said to the snake charmingly:

"Xiao Qi should be good, such a handsome little brother, how can you get rid of it?"

Then, she took the snake back into her sleeve robe and looked at Lin Feng with a smile. Her face was full of peach blossoms, and her gestures and actions were all full of amorous feelings.

"You drink, miss, you look beautiful!" Lin Feng sincerely praised.

This woman has a natural charm, I believe that no man can withstand her temptation.

But Lin Feng can, he can be as calm as water, for the beautiful woman in front of him, he but a faint smile asked: "is it you who kidnapped my sister Tigress?"

"Yes Said the woman in black with a laugh.

"Who are you and why did you kidnap my sister?" Lin Feng asked.

The black robed woman glanced at Lin Feng and said with a light smile: "I'm a Yuejiao yuwenji. I've heard a lot about my little brother, so I want to see you again!"

"Oh, you can see me as soon as you see me. Is it necessary for such beautiful women to spend so much time to see me? Which man in the world is not lecherous? Just tell me, and I'll come out to look for you Lin Feng one facial expression is bewildered to say.Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yu Wenji's face suddenly turned cold and looked rather disappointed. However, her voice was still soft and penetrating. She said, "if you like, you may as well come to the boat. Today, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, so don't waste it!"

"Hey, hey, hey! What the little sister said is very true. In this way, you can release my sister first. When I send her back to the shore, I will come to you again Lin Feng said.

"No hurry!" Yuwenji was coquettish: "spring curfew is worth a thousand dollars. My sister can take it away sooner or later. Little brother, they are waiting for you in the boat."

"Ha ha ha, good and good, sister smash, I'm here!"

Lin Feng laughs like a picky man and jumps back to the boat.

"Little brother, you are so handsome, people like to die!"

Yuwenji see Lin Feng on the boat, she fell over, once into the arms of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng hugged Yu Wenji, but felt that the woman's skin was cold, greasy and full of elasticity. It was very comfortable to touch with her tentacles.

"Oh, my little sister is so charming. If you want to see me, why do you want to lead me to the lake?" Lin Feng asked.

"Well, the world is too impetuous, but this place is quiet and happy. I want you to be alone with you in this quiet world. We can do what we want to do, isn't it good?"

With that, Yu Wenji blinks her big eyes and looks at Lin Feng charmingly. Then, she opens her lips and kisses Lin Feng.

In an instant, a rich female hormone breath came.

Lin Feng is sure, change a man, at this time must be out of control.

But Lin Feng pushed Yu Wenji aside a little and said, "don't worry, the lake is wet. I'd better send my sister back first."

"Little brother, don't go!" Yu Wenji hugs Lin Feng, and her soft and boneless body sticks tightly to Lin Feng.

Then, her hands climbed on the shoulders of Lin Feng, holding the cheek of Lin Feng and kissing Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and waited for Yu Wenji to kiss him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!