The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 681

White elder see Lin Feng still so arrogant, his heart is more angry.

He put his foot into his waist, and then used to his arms. He yelled at Lin Feng and said, "if you are brave enough, take my fist!"

"Oh, I was just about to tell you! If you're brave enough, take my punch Lin Feng said.

"Lin Feng, you are too arrogant. I will let you know how to write the word" death "today Elder Bai suddenly started and galloped toward Lin Feng. With a blow and the sound of the wind, he rushed to Lin Feng's face.

Lin Feng quickly adjusted the essence of the group and boosted the strength. In an instant, his whole body reached the strongest state, and then all his strength was concentrated on the right fist.

"Give me a punch!"

Lin Feng also exhausted all his strength, a fierce punch toward the white elder in the past.


A blast of cyclone collision came out. People heard the sound and looked at it one after another.

After the two fists collided, elder Bai's body suddenly retreated and was hit to fly.

Then, heavy fall on the ground, mouth a mouth of blood spurt, was actually injured.

And his hand is not good to take, five fingers were smashed fracture, the whole hand is no longer in shape.

"Good, good fight!"

Before others cheered, elder Qiu immediately cheered: "Lin Feng, good job!"

"Qiu Mingchang, you..."

elder Bai said, and a mouthful of blood gushed out again. He was angry and fell into a coma.

"Elder Bai!"

"Elder Bai!"

People rushed forward to help, someone pinched Bai Chang, but found that Bai Changlao did not wake up.

All of a sudden, the Dragon without a head, this group of people all of a sudden panic.

but Raymond Lam saw Bai Changlao beat the fist, and the villagers were more emotional. They shovel the spade and then rush towards the disciples.

In an instant, the disciples of the moon worship sect were split and were submerged by the villagers.

If you look around, you can see that two or three villagers are beating around a disciple who worships the moon cult. Many disciples want to run, but they are surrounded by the villagers. They are beaten and fall to the ground.

For a while, the worship of the moon was defeated like a mountain.

Lin Feng saw that all the disciples who worshipped the moon religion were beaten down. He waved his hand and said, "well, don't fight any more!"

All of them stopped to see what instructions Lin Feng had.

Lin Feng called out to the group of people who worship the moon: "your elder Bai can't make decisions for you now. Find someone to make decisions for you. I have something to say to him!"

People naturally put their eyes on elder Qiu.

Because Bai Yuqiu, the three elders of the worship of the moon, is the highest leader in addition to the leader.

Elder Qiu saw that everyone was looking at him. He straightened his chest and said to Lin Feng, "the great God of Lin Feng, if you have anything to say, just tell me!"

Qiu Mingchang is very careful about Lin Feng's words. At this time, he is in awe of Lin Feng, so he doesn't dare to make any mistakes.

Qiu Mingchang has this kind of psychology, it is not on the spur of the moment. He has experienced a lot of reflection before he seriously examines Lin Feng.

Today, Bai Changlao played a flute to control the poisonous insects. Qiu Mingchang thought that the counterattack of the worship of the moon would defeat Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, however, seems to be more powerful than he imagined.

He can't help but drive back all the poisonous insects of the moon worship cult. Just now, right in front of him, he even smashed the white elder, who was at the peak of huaxue state.

This kind of power is simply too terrible. It's unprecedented for a person with four levels of blood level to defeat one move at the top of a blood level.

Looking back on the fact that all his Gu insects were killed by Lin Feng, he is more convinced that this guy is unpredictable.

From another point of view, elder Bai's sarcasm, compared with Lin Feng's magnanimity, forms a sharp contrast. Therefore, Qiu Mingchang at this time also inexplicably produced a kind of trust in Lin Feng's people.

At this time, Lin Feng said to the disciples of the moon worship cult: "there are two ways ahead of you. The first way is to continue to work for the worship of the moon, and then be killed by our villagers. The second way is to choose to be a new person. I will give you some money to change your face and become a normal person."

As soon as people around him heard this, they began to talk.

Lin Feng continued: "we are all parents. You will have a next generation in the future. Even now, some people have wives and children. Do you want to spend your whole life in the mountains and let future generations learn from you to be king of mountains? Please consider for future generations, if you go on like this, you will destroy them! So, now the opportunity is in front of you, and it depends on how you choose! "

Elder Qiu lived at the foot of the mountain for a long time. He knew that the environment in the mountain was bad, and the downhill was full of light and wine. It was a civilized and colorful world.

For Lin Feng's exhortation, he also very much agreed, he said: "we have nothing to consider. I suggest that we all choose the second way. The great God of Lin Feng is really thinking for you and living a comfortable life from now on is not much better than pretending to be a ghost in the mountains."They all nodded and agreed.

Many people who want to go down the mountain for a long time are forced to do not know how to live down the mountain. They have been wronged to stay in the mountain. When they have the opportunity, they suddenly feel that the rain has passed and the sky is clear. Their life is full of endless hope.

They knelt down to Lin Feng with tears. Today, they really stepped into heaven from hell.

At this time, the disciples of the worship of the moon covered their wounds and knelt down to Lin Feng.

It has always been the case since ancient times. As long as the people can live the life they want, then who gives it to him is the king!

Lin Feng said with a smile: "everyone's consciousness is very high! Not bad, not bad! "

"By the way, Lin Feng, you don't want to go to the moon worship headquarters! I'll take you there Qiu Mingchang volunteered.

"You drink, are you really? You are the elder of the moon worship sect. This is not a betrayal of your master Lin Feng asked.

"No fight, no acquaintance!" Elder Qiu is used to staying at the foot of the mountain. He doesn't like the life of the so-called moon worship religion in the mountains. In fact, he has wanted to leave the worship of the moon for a long time. However, due to the fact that the worship of the moon gives him the name of an elder, it can be used to bluff people.

But at present, Bai Changlao's virtue is enough, and he said to Lin Feng, "you don't know Lin Feng, I like the life in metropolis too! In fact, I prefer the title of a member of the Chinese folk witchcraft association than the title of the elder of the moon worship cult! "

Elder Qiu saw the power of Lin Feng. He really took it, so the most important thing was that he wanted to flatter him.

"Well, when will you take me?" With a smile on his face, Lin Feng despised Qiu Mingchang's behavior in his heart.

A person who can betray his friends and organizations at will is not respected. Now he is still useful, so Lin Feng is not too strict with him.

"When would you like to go?" Elder Qiu asked.

"Just tonight, how about it?" Lin Feng doesn't want to dream long nights.

"Yes, yes!" Elder Qiu said.

However, at this time, Lin Feng saw Huo Ling running towards this side. As she ran, she cried out anxiously: "Lin Feng, no good, tigress. Tigress has been taken away by a woman!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!