The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 67

"Why should I go out?" Lin Feng said, "I'm not going out. There's air conditioning in here. It's cool."

"If you can't afford to buy something, don't wander around our store. If you lose something, you are responsible. Do you know that?" At this time, a security guard came over, holding the electric stick in his hand, and said in a swaggering manner.

This security guard is very smart. He knows that Zhao Qianqian is a popular person around the boss. If he can climb up to Zhao Qianqian, he will have a chance to get promoted and get a raise.

Moreover, as soon as Lin Feng entered the door, he wanted to drive him out. His clothes were so ragged that he dared to enter such a luxurious place. It was not polluting his office environment!

At this time, Chu Yuqi begged: "the security elder brother, she is looking for me, please don't drive him out, and wait for him to finish the matter, then leave!"

After all, Lin Feng helped her fight with Zhao Qianqian and was driven out by the security guard. What a pity to drive out on such a hot day!

"No, we just had a new boss in our good material gold shop. Boss Wu Liang asked us to be tall and powerful. Such people can't afford gold and cling to it, which will pollute the image of our gold store and have to get rid of it!" What the security guard said.

Lin Feng was stunned by the fact that Wu Liangkai owned the gold store? Is that the scum Wu Liang who once chased Su Jing?

"I wipe it! Enough for you! In the shop of that wicked bastard, gold must not be so good. Even if it is given to me, I have to consider whether or not to give it to me! " Lin Feng sneered.

He still remembers the last time Wu Liang insulted Su Jing and was beaten severely by himself at the barbecue stand.

Then Wu Liang is a scum and scum, and also a good gold shop. It should be called an unscrupulous gold shop.

When the security guard heard Lin Feng scold his boss as a bastard, he immediately got angry. He held out the electric stick and pointed it to Lin Feng. He swore: "you dare to call my boss a bastard. I'll shoot you to death!"

Said, the hand-held electric stick toward Lin Feng to connect over.

But the next second, strange things happened. The security guard felt that the figure in front of him flashed and his hand slipped. Suddenly, the electric stick disappeared.

He immediately stopped and found that Lin Feng was still opposite, but the difference was that Lin Feng had his electric stick in his hand.

Everyone didn't see what was going on, and they all looked confused.

"If the electric rod is turned to the maximum voltage, will it electrocute people?" With that, Lin Feng turned on the electric stick to the maximum voltage, and the current crackled and crackled, and the people who heard it were creepy.

"Or I'll give you a try." Lin Feng said and walked towards the security guard.

"Ah, brother, be safe. It's dangerous. Put it down!" The security guard was almost scared to urinate. He used to scare people with this electric stick. The baton was in someone's hands, and he didn't even have the strength to run.

"Is it dangerous? Or you can try it for me. Is it dangerous? " Lin Feng said that he was going to face the security guard.

"Ah, don't, whoa --"

"stop, who dares to make trouble in my shop?" A voice came, and then a man in a golden suit came down the stairs.

"That's it. Here comes our boss!" Chu Yuqi was the first to react and said to Lin Feng in a panic: "my boss is very fierce. Run quickly, and don't be caught by them!"

At this time, all the people around him were gloating. This boy dares to scold the boss son of a bitch. This time, there will be a good show!

Wu Liang came to Lin Feng with a cigarette in his mouth and crab steps.

But he didn't walk a few steps, and he was a fool!

The smoke in his mouth fell to the ground, and the whole man was like a great enemy!

He did not think that the person who was making trouble downstairs was Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was a man who broke up the wolf society. When he knew the news privately, he was shocked and even scared his back. Thinking about the barbecue stand, he provoked Lin Feng too much. It's really a big life for him to live to this day!

And he Wu Liang can be the gold shop owner today, thanks to Lin Feng!

The gold shop, originally owned by the wolf society, was managed by Wu Bo.

Because Wu Bo had no children and only Wu Liang was such a nephew, after the collapse of the wolf society, Wu Liang took advantage of his relationship with Wu Bo to seize the gold shop.

In fact, after taking the gold shop, Wu Liang would face a very difficult problem. That is, he inherited his Uncle Wu's gold shop. However, Wu Bo was killed by Lei Hong. According to the rules of the road, he must avenge his uncle before he can inherit the gold shop.

But this problem was solved by Lin Feng, because Wu Liang heard privately that it was Lin Feng who broke Lei Hong's sword and forced Lei Hong to commit suicide.

This time, he was at ease.

Therefore, Wu Liang not only wanted to thank Lin Feng, but also offered him up like a God, because he could not afford to offend him!

He quickly bowed and said with a flattering smile: "ah! It's the peak! What brings you here? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I'll drive to pick you upLin Feng ha ha a smile: "Wu boss business is big, how dare I bother you?"

"What do you say, brother Feng? Come here and sit down! You are my guest of honor Wu Liang with a fawning smile said to Zhao Qianqian behind the counter: "go and make two cups of tea, good Longjing! Come on

Zhao Qianqian was still very arrogant just now, completely in a state of muddle!

Not only him, but all the people present were confused!

What is the origin of this man? The boss even bowed to him?

"What are you doing? Go and make tea Wu Liangchao and Zhao Qianqian roared.

"Oh, oh!" Zhao Qianqian reacted at once and went to make tea.

"Brother Feng, come and sit here! Originally, I was going to look for you, but I didn't expect that you even condescended to come to me today. I am really brilliant Wu Liang said.

"What are you looking for me for?" Lin Feng asked.

"I want to thank you. I didn't know anything about Mount Tai that day. I was so angry that you didn't kill me. I'm very grateful." Wu Liang flatters very well.

Lin Feng waved his hand: "Wu Liang, you are a little advanced at last!"

"Xiao Wu, just call me Xiao Wu!" Wu Liang said with a smile.

At this time, the people around can not be described as surprise, they even feel that they have hallucinations.

On weekdays, the boss with a snobbish nose even wagged his tail and asked others to call him Xiao Wu. This...

Chu Yuqi was even more surprised. Who is Lin Feng? Why are you so interested?

Originally, she was worried that Lin Feng would be caught by her boss and beaten severely. But now, the boss is flattering him!

At this time, Zhao Qianqian made the tea, brought it over and put it on the table.

"Don't you know to pour it on the guests? How do you do things? " The lesson of Wu Liang's rage.

"Ah! Xiao Wu, how can you treat employees like this? It's rough, bad, bad! " Lin Feng shook his head, put on a senior look, and said in an educational tone: "although this female employee is acrimonious and mean, and her speech is particularly ugly, especially, she has insulted me and other employees, but as a noble person like us, we should convince others by virtue. We should infect her with benevolent heart and noble sentiment."

Lin Feng finished, lost eyes smile.

But Wu Liang was scared. He was not stupid. Zhao Qianqian dared to scold Lin Feng? This is not to seek death! If Lin Feng gets angry, he has to be tied into the coffin!

At this time, he looked at Lin Feng's smile. The more he looked at it, the more terrible he was. The cool wind came from his back. He turned back and said to Zhao Qianqian angrily: "you, he, dare to call me brother Feng. Who gives you the courage? You're not going to die, are you? Hurry him? Kneel down and kowtow to my brother Feng and apologize! "

Zhao Qianqian's face turned white when she heard it!

"Poop Zhao Qianqian kneels on the ground, kowtow to Lin Feng: "I was wrong, my mouth is cheap!"

Lin Feng was unhappy and said, "Xiao Wu, what are you doing? Am I such a mean person? Did I ask you to apologize? "

"You're not mean. It's necessary to apologize, brother Feng!" Wu Liang said.

"Oh, I don't care. She scolds Yuqi younger sister more severely." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Wu Liang understood immediately and directly yelled at Zhao Qianqian: "do you apologize to Yuqi, hurry up! Or I'll kill you! "

Zhao Qianqian quickly kowtow to Chu Yuqi, "Yuqi, I'm wrong, please forgive me!"

Chu Yuqi is very kind-hearted. Seeing Zhao Qianqian like this, she couldn't help helping Zhao Qianqian: "sister Zhao, don't do this, I'm fine!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng laughed and said, "Xiao Wu, look at what you've done. I didn't ask you to apologize. You have to apologize. It's like I'm very revengeful! Don't you scold me

Wu Liang was scared and said: "no, no, brother Feng, you must not think so. You are high-quality, your moral character, we can't finish learning. We are willing to apologize, you don't want us to apologize, but we have to apologize to you, we posted upside down, our fault!"

Looking at Wu Liang's cautious appearance, those around the counter miss and security personnel, suddenly muddled don't want, even, the world view has been subverted!

What else?

Is that guy all over the floor a devil? This is too dark, too terrible!

And at this point, it's not over.

Lin Feng looked at Chu Yuqi and said, "Yuqi beauty, sometimes, you can't be too soft hearted. Your kindness to the villains is cruelty to yourself. In fact, you are fully competent for the position of group leader because you are too easy to bully, so it's a pity that you are occupied by others. Alas

With that, Lin Feng sighed helplessly.

Hearing this, Wu Liang quickly said: "I now announce that Chu Yuqi has officially appointed as the day shift leader of Liangcai Jindian, and Zhao Qianqian has been removed from the post of group leader! Immediate effect! ""Boss, I..." Zhao Qianqian's heart is cold, let her work under Chu Yuqi. Before that, she has been bullying Chu Yuqi. Is it possible that she will be bullied by Chu Yuqi!

"what has the final say for me? Do what you like, if you don't, get out of here Wu Liang scolded.

Compared with Lin Feng, his Zhao Qianqian fart is not as good as Wu Liang, who is so smart, of course, will not lose a lot for small things.

Zhao Qianqian couldn't stand it any longer. She took a look at Chu Yuqi with gnashing teeth, turned her head and rushed out of the door of the gold shop.

"Bitch!" Wu Liang scolded.

"Ah, tut Tut, Xiao Wu! Why are you so rude? Why did you drive people away? This is not a good way to do it Lin Feng shook his head, saying that he did not approve of Wu Liang's practice.

"Don't worry, brother Feng. She doesn't know Taishan well. She deserves to leave!" Wu Liang said.

"Oh! What a pity Lin Feng spread his hands and expressed his regret.

But we can all see that the big devil, once again, succeeded in his routine.

From the beginning to the end, he did not ask Wu Liang to do anything, but Wu Liang was so cooperative. Of course, he did not dare not not cooperate, because he knew the real situation.

Zhao Qianqian has been flaunting her power here. Now she has been dismissed, and people are dying of anger. Instead of leaving, she sits in the coffee shop next door and keeps in touch with one of the counter girls in the shop. She just wants to see what kind of goods Lin Feng is!

Jindian side, Zhao Qianqian's business is settled, it's another person's turn.

Lin Feng looked at the security guard who wanted to hit him before. He said with a smile, "Xiao Wu, let's talk about the security guard of your gold store."

With that, he smiles at the security guard.

But that security guard, the heart that wants to die has, he is really regretful now, don't want, how offended such a plague God!

The security guard had been on the verge of collapse just now. When he saw Lin Feng, his legs trembled, and he knelt down with a sound of "puff" and cried out: "big brother! It's because I have no eyes , the fastest update of the webnovel!