The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 677

Qinglong village.

The village leader Mu Qinglong's family fled and disappeared.

The people in the stockade were so happy that no one oppressed them again.

What's more, what's more gratifying is that Lin Feng really, as he said before, sent a dose of antidote to the people who were poisoned in the stockade.

The effect is very remarkable. People who take the medicine will soon be forced out of the cold, and their appetite will be much better. They just need a few days' rest and it will not be a big problem.

Lin Feng became a famous doctor in Qinglong village. All the families rushed to the grandmother's house in order to marry his daughter to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng has no choice but to frighten the villagers. The worship of the moon will come to seek revenge at any time. If you run around the village, you may be in danger.

Therefore, for the safety of themselves and their families, the villagers still resisted the agitation in their hearts and went home with their doors and windows closed.

However, Lin Feng's bluffing is not unreasonable, because at this time, a group of disciples of the moon worship sect, under the leadership of elder Bai, have arrived at Qinglong village.

It's night. The moon is bright.

Dozens of people in black robes and pointed hats quickly shuttle through the jungle and stop at the back mountain of Qinglong village.

An old man in white, with white hair, stood at the top of the back mountain and looked at the Qinglong village. Then, he put a smile on his mouth and began to play the flute.

A melodious flute, through the woods, clearly spread to the ears of everyone in Qinglong village.

The sound of the flute is more clear and pleasant in the quiet night in the mountains.

Listen to the wonderful flute sound, the picture is very strong, flute sound like bursts of pine waves in the breeze gently swing, covered with a layer of green waves.

Once in a while, it's clear and soothing.

The crowd was also intoxicated.

But all of a sudden, the sound of the flute became extremely rapid.

It's as if bursts of pines meet the wind, as if the mountains and rivers meet the cliff. The original quiet and melodious atmosphere is instantly broken, and the rapid rhythm is like the golden horse galloping in the battlefield, roaring and murderous.

At this time, if you look at the mountain path by moonlight, no matter who it is, they will be shocked by the scene in front of them.

On the mountain road, on the fallen leaves, there appeared various kinds of poisonous insects.

There are spiders with wings, centipedes with scorpion tails, and rats with red tusks, which are extremely fierce.

Those insects pass through the leaves on the ground and make the sound of "rustling", which makes the scalp numb.

At a glance, there are hundreds of insects, rushing towards Qinglong village.

Under the control of the flute, the insects are still in an orderly and orderly way.

These poisonous insects are made by all the disciples of the worship of the moon. They are all under the control of Bai Changlao today.

Bai Chang is always a master of Gu Chong. His flute is a seven hole Magic Flute handed down from generation to generation.

Generally, there are only six holes in the flute, and the one hole that he created is used to communicate with the poisonous insects!

Bai Changlao is also familiar with the way to control insects. After decades of training, his communication skills with Gu and insects have been refined as pure as fire.

He can integrate his feelings and instructions into flute music. Compared with human language, music can make animals and insects understand more easily, because nature itself is a beautiful movement.

Therefore, although Bai Changlao came out with half of the people who worshipped the moon religion, he did not think about it and directly asked his disciples to rush up.

He believed that Lin Feng could not deal with so many powerful insects, which were all refined by his disciples one by one.

Seeing that those poisonous insects have entered Qinglong village, they are swaggering along the road in the village, looking for the target of attack.

Some people in the village were attracted by the sound of the flute. They could not help but open a window to have a look, but they saw the reptiles all over the ground. They almost lost their soul. They closed the window and shivered.

Lin Feng also felt abnormal. He was just thinking about his own Wugu Cuan. At this time, he had put down the Wugu Cuan and went to the living room.

Lin Feng found that Huoling was sitting in the living room and listening to the flute outside the window.

"It's not a good thing to play flute at night." Fire spirit see Lin Feng came to the living room, said to Lin Feng.

"There is something strange about the sound of the flute!" Lin Feng said.

Then, Lin Feng looked out of the window, and then said to the fire spirit, "it's the people who worship the moon."

Fire spirit also came to the window and looked out of his wits.

On the ground, there are all kinds of reptiles scurrying around. They look ugly and colorful. Although the small ones are only the size of nails, they look terrible.

"The worship of the moon has come to revenge us Huoling's face is pale. She has intense phobia.

"Yes Lin Feng Road."This time, the scale of poisonous insects is unprecedented. It seems that the worship of the moon has become fierce!" Huolingdao.

"Yes Lin Feng said again.

"You don't seem nervous at all!" Fire spirit was infected by Lin Feng's calm attitude, and he was a little calm. He asked, "how can I do with so many poisonous insects?"

Lin Feng smiles. Most of the insects are not afraid of him now, so he is not worried at all. What's more, he still has the treasure of Qianfan waves, Wugu Cuan.

Speaking of this Wugu Cuan, Lin Feng wants to have a try.

Lin Feng is proficient in music theory, and his mother, Qin Huilan, was good at singing and dancing in her early years. Lin Feng also inherited Qin Huilan's excellent genes, so he is at his fingertips in music theory.

Even when Lin Feng helped Lao Hu on a mission a few years ago, the Royal Vienna Music Festival in Western Europe invited him to attend as a guest. He regarded Lin Feng as a representative of ancient Chinese traditional music, which shows his musical attainments.

Therefore, Lin Feng is very good at Chinese ancient musical instruments. Before that, he played a piece of high mountain and flowing water with Golden Phoenix's guzheng, and the Golden Phoenix surprised Lin Feng.

The Wugu Cuan, a kind of pottery Cuan, is a kind of ancient Chinese musical instrument. Naturally, Lin Feng is also familiar with it. Therefore, he has explored some things in his spare time in the past few days, and has already mastered it thoroughly.

Even, he had an unexpected discovery. He found that there were two small fingernail sized plugs at the bottom of the Wugu Cuan, which had been ground flat. It seemed that no one had found it.

after he took off the plug, there were still two holes below, but once the two holes were opened, the Wugu Cuan could not blow.

But Lin Feng couldn't beat Lin Feng. After searching some materials, he found that there were two holes in the bottom of the Cuan, which was the hand of a tribal leader in ancient times, called the eight hole pottery Cuan.

There are six holes in the top and two holes in the bottom.

The most mysterious thing is that this kind of eight hole pottery Cuan is divided into front and back. Once the two holes on the back are opened, most people can't blow.

Even if someone can blow the sound, the sound is harsh.

Only the leader who invented the eight hole pottery Cuan could blow out the sounds of nature.

However, Lin Feng didn't believe in evil. In addition to treating people in the stockade, he spent most of his day studying the witchcraft Cuan. He even consulted his master and elder martial sister who were far away in Kunlun.

Shifu likes to sing poems, paint and drink, but the elder martial sister is very accomplished in musical instruments. She is the one who has the most profound understanding of music theory so far.

Therefore, he admired this.

After listening to Lin Feng talking about the eight hole pottery Cuan, the elder martial sister told Lin Feng how to play this Cuan. The reason why many people can't play this Cuan well is that they don't have enough strength.

When playing this Cuan, if you open the two holes below, you must be able to blow it by the person at the top of the blood state. Because the practitioner at the peak of the blood state has enough strength to support the velocity of the air flow and cover the two holes below to form an open voice, which will increase the three-dimensional sense of Cuan music, so it will appear more ethereal and natural.

Although Lin Feng has not reached the level of six levels of blood level, he has already possessed the ability to transform blood state due to the addition of essence and blood of ancient martial arts.

Therefore, he tried to use the essence in his body and played it with luck. He found that the sound was really shocking.

Moreover, the two holes below can also be used as playing holes, adding to the richness of the witchcraft Cuan.

As soon as Lin Feng played the Magic Flute, he felt that the music was so wonderful that he was almost brought into it, especially when playing in the back mountain. Even the birds fell on the branches and looked at Lin Feng quietly. It seemed that he was immersed in the wonderful music played by Lin Feng.

Therefore, Lin Feng can be sure that this Wugu Cuan is absolutely a treasure. Its sound can resonate with living things, so that the emotions and thinking of creatures can follow the music.

What Lin Feng didn't expect was a big treasure.

However, this baby in the hands of qianfanlang, is also a cruel thing, wasted!

Because Qianfan wave has always been with the witchcraft Cuan in the side, but did not find the two holes behind this, it is ridiculous.

What's more, Lin Feng has a thorough understanding of Wugu Cuan in recent days. It can even be said that with Qianfan waves, it must be a heaven and a ground!

That thousand sails wave, it seems that can only grasp the 10% effect of this witchcraft Cuan.

Although he has mastered 10%, he can walk horizontally in the Miao area, which shows that this thing is really powerful!

However, Lin Feng has self-knowledge, and he has not mastered 100% of it, because he listened to his elder martial sister's words. It is related to his own strength. The higher his attainments are, the more proficient he will master, and he can open up more unknown and powerful skills.

Even when you reach the state of Huaqi, you can kill people with music and play musical instruments. You can kill people from 100 meters away.

Lin Feng has also heard of such things. For example, there was always a lion roar skill in ancient times. A roar can make people bleed from seven orifices.There are also six finger harp demons who can behead enemies tens of meters away with the sound of the zither.

Of course, this sounds very mysterious, because it is impossible to imagine what kind of scene it is without reaching that realm.

Lin Feng didn't think much about it. If he was as good as the elder martial sister said, he could achieve it one day.

At this time, Lin Feng takes back his thoughts and sees the fire spirit on one side pale.

"What's the matter? Uncomfortable? " Lin Feng asked.

"Well, listening to the flute, I feel very depressed!" "Fire spirit way:" even want to commit suicide

"So amazing?" Lin Feng was very surprised.

But it was not just the fire spirit. At this time, all the people in the village fell into an extremely low mood. Fear, confusion and despair filled the whole Qinglong village. It was like a thick fog coming from the face, which shrouded the whole village in an instant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!