The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 676

In the depth of 100000 mountains in Miao area.

In a very secret cave, the fire flickered.

Although the entrance of the cave is not big, there is another cave in the cave.

The cave is very open, thousands of square meters in size, and the top of the cave is dozens of meters high. If you look carefully, you can see that the top of the cave is shaped by a series of stalactites. Occasionally, water drops fall from the cone and fall into the river at the bottom of the cave.

The DIHE river passes through the bottom of the cave and divides the cave into two. On the side near the cave gate, there are some ancient style houses built of green brick, which seems to be able to live and work.

On the other side of the river is a tall building with a layer of gold on its surface. The building is similar to a two-story building. Under the reflection of the fire, the surface is shining with golden light.

In front of the building, there are many ancient and strange totem like wooden piles. The patterns of the wooden piles are very strange, just like some kind of incantation. On the wooden piles, there are many animal skeletons and skulls, which seem to have a bit of horror.

This is the headquarters of the worship of the moon!

The magnificent building on the side of the river is the parliament hall, which is the most solemn building of the worship of the moon.

At this time, a man in a black robe and a white mask was sitting at the table in the hall of Parliament, and was sternly questioning a centurion with a pointed cap.

"You said elder Qiu was arrested by the young man named Lin Feng?"

The tone of the man in black is a little sharp, but he looks like a woman, but listening carefully can tell that he is a man.

"Yes, the leader. Elder Qiu was also broken by Lin Feng. Liu Changxin, the tenth commander of my staff, said that he would not cheat me!" Said the pointed cap, trembling.

"What a shame! If you attack the elder of the moon worship sect, you won't give me the face of the moon worship sect! " The man in black slapped on the table.

"Don't be angry "I have something more irritating than that," said the pointed cap

"Let's hear it. How can it be more irritating?" Asked the man in black.

"After Lin Feng captured elder Qiu, he still insulted our worship of the moon. He said that our worship of the moon was not very good. You understand the meaning of" low, low "? It's just very low... "Said the pointed cap.

"Shut up!" The black robed man stood up, frowned, and asked, "this is what Lin Feng himself said?"

"Yes The pointed hat dare not look up.

The black robed man's teeth clenched, and said to the pointed hat, "what else did you say?"

"There's nothing more to say!" Pointed hat road.

"OK, I see. You go down first." Black robed man road.

"Yes The pointed cap went out.

At this time, in addition to the black robed man, there were two people, one white and one black.

Among them, the man in white is an old man with white hair and whiskers. His eyebrows are long and long, and they have dropped to the ground. They look like fairies.

The man in black, however, was dressed in a long robe, with a broad cloak on his head, and his face was stuck in the cloak, and he could not see his appearance clearly.

The man in black took a look at the two black and white people sitting below and asked, "elder Bai and elder Yu, what do you think of this matter?"

"I feel that Lin Feng's coming is naturally related to the broken jade in your hand!" The old man in white first said, "the broken jade you took is related to a precious jade called blood jade. The blood jade is a treasure protected by the Lin family of China for generations. So Lin Feng's coming here is to lead the snake out of the cave through elder Qiu. After all, our headquarters are so strict that he can't find it here!"

"Well!" The man in black smiles: "elder Bai said it's reasonable, but Qiu Mingchang is really a waste. He will be defeated by the boy Lin Feng. I have sent someone to check the details of that boy. He is just a four fold cultivator of blood state, and he doesn't know magic."

"Hum, Qiu Mingchang's one item is a pig's brain, and the leader doesn't know it? Maybe he was taken by someone else! " Said the old man in white.

"Oh, this Qiu Mingchang!" With a sigh, the leader turned to look at the man in black and asked, "elder Yu, what do you think of this? Do you think we should give Lin Feng some color to see?"

"Lin Feng... Have you seen him? Is it handsome? " A very soft voice came from the mouth of the man in black.

Then he turned his head and looked like the leader. For a moment, the candle light shone into her black cloak, but his face was very beautiful.

She has bright eyes and bright teeth. She is a goddess level beauty.

"Elder Yu, can you be serious The master frowned.

"Master, don't blame her. She has always been greedy for men. There are 80 handsome men who have died in her hands! She said that, she must want to kill Lin Feng! " Elder Bai said.

"Ha ha ha, elder Bai understands me so well." Elder Yu's voice is very soft and charming. If ordinary people hear him, his bones will crumble.Suddenly, a small snake with the thickness of a thumb sprang out of her sleeve robe. The snake's head was very bright and the snake's letter hissed. She said lazily in her mouth:

"my little seven, but I haven't drunk man's blood for a long time!"

After hearing this, the leader shook his head helplessly and said, "I don't object to killing people. But why do you have to go to bed once before you kill people? This is very hard for me to understand!"

"Is it abnormal for men to have sex with women?" Rain elder asked, and then a smile: "ordinary people want to die in my hands, but not qualified ah, only I can see on it!"

"If you say that, I can't refute you!" The leader said, "but I have made a decision. I will guard the base camp. Bai Changlao and elder Yu, you two, will take half of our brothers who worship the moon to Qinglong village tomorrow night. I want you to bring Lin Feng's head to see me."

"Good!" Elder Bai said.

"Wait!" Rain long said.

"What can I do for you, elder rain?" Asked the archbishop.

"I always like the complete body, or, bring back Lin Feng's complete body!" Rain elder side carefully looking at his long red nails, said as if nothing happened.

With a heavy sigh, the leader said, "whatever you want."

But the white elder stroked his beard and said with a smile: "elder Yu is called the first demon girl in the Miao area. He is really very individual."

"You haven't known me for a day or two. Why do you always flatter me?" Rain elder soft smile, that smile, any man will be moved, but her mouth is cold said: "elder Bai, don't waste your mind, I'm not interested in you! Ha ha ha

With that, he looked up and laughed, and then walked out with graceful steps.

"Such a woman makes me love and hate me!" White long old gnashing teeth said, hand a little hard, but accidentally crushed the arm of the pine chair.

"Oh, elder Bai, you have the strength to use it on women. Look, my good wooden chair has to be repaired again!" The leader said in a strange way.

"I'm really sorry. I've just advanced to the peak level of blood state. I'm still a little unstable in my control of my strength. I hope you'll forgive me!" Elder Bai said.

"Well, it's very good. I hope you can break through quickly and enter the realm of bone melting one day." Said the Lord.

"I believe it won't be long!" Elder Bai said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!