The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 678

Lin Feng listened carefully to the sound of the flute. He was really depressed.

He knows the music theory and naturally knows the mystery.

The mystery of the flute sound is the same as a world forbidden song.

The foreign forbidden song is called Black Friday.

Black Friday, born in France in 1932, is a pure music, mainly accompanied by the piano, and was destroyed in 1945.

This piece of music, originally called magic music, was not composed by one person, but by a group of music masters.

But this is not the point. The point is that none of the people who have heard this piece of music have survived. It uses infrasound waves and other means to stimulate the cortical nerves. The human brain and infrasound waves with frequency of 20Hz can produce resonance, and can not be restrained by willpower.

It is said that in the 13 years of its existence, none of the people who have heard it can laugh.

Many people suffer from schizophrenia, depression and so on, and hundreds of people commit suicide.

Suicide left a suicide note saying that suicide is because they can't bear the sad melody. There are countless guitars, pianos and other artists who have played the music and have been closed since then.

The author deeply repented before his death. He said that he did not expect that the music had caused such a great disaster to mankind. This is not his original intention. He did not expect that the music would kill so many people, so he joined hands with Western European countries to destroy the music.

This kind of music is simply too terrible, this thing happened in reality, people have to admit that music is actually a kind of weapon.

Well, it's not surprising that Huoling has this idea of suicide.

It seems that the other side is really a master.

Lin Feng took out the witchcraft Cuan and said to the fire spirit, "is there a loudspeaker at home?"

"Yes, I used to use it when I went up the mountain to call people!" Said the fire spirit.

"Here, I'll use it!" Lin Feng said.


Huoling looks decadent and goes to the inner room and takes out the loudspeaker to Lin Feng.

"Hold on!"

Lin Feng gives Huoling a firm look, and then rushes out of the door and runs to the mobile phone signal tower near mu Qinglong's home at a very fast speed.

At this time, many of the villagers in the village were very weak because of the poisonous insects and poison, and they were very weak. When they heard the flute music again, they immediately cried and had no courage to live.

This emotional contagion is very fast, many people are decadent, want to struggle, but listen to this music, feel scalp numb, involuntarily in the heart of despair.

They wonder who can cut off the music, but no one dares to go out, because there are colorful insects lurking outside.

So everyone is like a turtle in a jar, stuffy at home, sitting in front of the window, slowly depressed, depressed.

However, at this time, a figure quickly rushed to the signal tower. At a height of about 20-30 meters, he sat down and turned on the loudspeaker.

"Cough, the majority of villagers pay attention to it, villagers pay attention to it, and now the meeting begins, ah, it starts now!"

A very disharmonious voice interrupted the original atmosphere, in this quiet and depressed night, quite funny.

Everyone is excited. Meeting? What meeting will be held in the evening?

But we all know it's Lin Feng.

At this time, the sound of the flute continued and eroded everyone's consciousness. The villagers soon fell into the sound of the flute.

But then, Lin Feng's discordant voice came out from the loudspeaker: "cough, Hello, everyone can hear clearly, Hello, Hello!"

After a few awkward auditions, Lin Feng entered the main topic: "Hello, villagers, I'm Lin Feng, I'm Lin Feng! Now the meeting begins! Cough! In other words, the spring breeze of reform is blowing all over the land. The people of Zhaizi should strive for success, and the party's call should be kept in mind to win the victory! We should be socialist citizens with positive energy. We should strive to be strong and live a beautiful, prosperous and strong life! "

Lin Feng slogans shout, every word is to inspire people, but people are not willing to listen to him!

However, Lin Feng continued: "well, first of all, the first thing is that Mu Qinglong has run away. We have to choose a new village leader. I think Fu Guoqing and doctor Miao are both good. Do you have any suggestions? How about going back to a secret ballot?"

As soon as they heard that the village leader was chosen, it was in their interests. They could not help but pay attention to Lin Feng and listen carefully.

"If you don't have any objection, let's just say that. I'll have a vote one day. I'll choose a new stronghold leader among the two candidates and lead everyone to become rich." Lin Feng said.

The villagers are happy for a while. The stronghold leader selected by Lin Feng is definitely right. As long as Mu Qinglong is not the leader, everyone is 100 times better than him. It seems that there is hope for a good life.

However, Huoling is very aware of Lin Feng's practice. Lin Feng is changing his direction to guide everyone to ignore the sound of the flute as soon as possible.

She had a deep understanding of it, and was in a good mood after listening to Lin Feng's bullshit.At this time, Huoling also had a deeper understanding of Lin Feng. Lin Feng seems absurd and unruly, and seems to be idle and cynical. However, every thing he does has his own significance, but many people can't see through it.

At this time, the fire spirit's worship of Lin Feng was once again elevated to the point where it was impossible to climb.

In her heart, Lin Feng is a distant master, she can only look up to, can only worship.

Just like the lyrics said: you dominate, I worship, there is no better way, I only love you, you are my super star!


however, at the top of the mountain, a white old man in white played his flute for a while, but he heard the noise in the stockade, and his eyebrows twisted into a lump.

The villagers' meeting was held in the evening, and the noise and formality disturbed his melodious flute.

He took back his flute and listened carefully to the sounds in the stockade.

Yes, there is a meeting. We have to choose a new stronghold leader. We don't know how to die!

"Bai Changlao, it seems that there is a man who is shouting at you with a loudspeaker on the signal tower! Ha ha ha Next to a seat in black rain elder quite a bit to see the meaning of lively said.

"Well!" Elder Bai nodded and said, "this man really knows nothing about life and death. He even held a villagers' meeting in the evening. I'll clean him up first, so as not to let him get in the way here!"

"Wait!" Yu elder waved his jade hand and said, "this man, shouldn't it be Lin Feng? People who have heard of Lin Feng say that he looks beautiful, but he is a handsome young man! Don't destroy the flowers with your hands! "

Finish saying that, on the face of Qing Guo Qing Cheng, the eyebrow is smiling, as if to Lin Feng quite covet general.

"Elder rain, please find out the situation. Lin Feng is our enemy, not your lover!" Bai Changlao was very unhappy and said, "the leader knows you are like this, but you should be furious!"

"Hum, I've always been like this. The leader knows that you always want to take advantage of me. When you see that I like young men, you are very jealous. In this case, you can play by yourself and I won't be with you!" Rain elder cloaks a swing, buckle on the head, waist and limbs swing, turn around and disappear in the dark jungle.


Bai Chang's old-fashioned teeth itched, and then all his anger shifted to Lin Feng. He picked up the flute and looked at Lin Feng, who was holding a villagers' meeting on the signal tower of Qinglong village. He said: "let you hinder me. I'll ask Gu insects to eat you up." , the fastest update of the webnovel!