The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 673

Qiu Mingchang was angry and surprised.

What's the situation? Shouldn't your cold poison bug kill him instantly?

Why is he all right? He's so comfortable?

Not only Qiu Mingchang was surprised, but everyone around him was extremely surprised. His whole body was covered with insects, but he didn't want it. What's the situation?

"Elder Qiu, you are good at serving people. I am very comfortable!" Lin Feng also made fun of Qiu Mingchang.

Qiu Mingchang gritted his teeth and gave a big drink: "all come back to me!"

This is a simple instruction, which is often practiced with the poisonous insects on weekdays, so that the insect can form a conditioned reflex, just like calling a dog back.

However, those who are obedient on weekdays have no response and seem to have abandoned his master.

"All back to me!" Qiu Mingchang's face was red and his neck was thick and he was shouting hard.

However, the insects still ignored him.

Lin Feng laughed and said, "your bug training is not good. I don't listen to you!"

Then, Lin Feng look is suddenly a cold: "harmful things, what is the use of living?"

As soon as he spoke, he saw the insects crawling around him and the fire spirit, their limbs were stiff and fell to the ground.

For a moment, there was not a worm on the two people's bodies to continue to climb.

All these insects died in an instant!

Looking at the insects falling on the ground, they did not move, as if a black sesame, Qiu Mingchang heartache to can not breathe.

These insects took him decades of painstaking efforts to become ice cold poisonous lice. They are his life protecting insects, which are usually hidden in his belt and used at critical moments.

I didn't expect to meet Lin Feng today, but it failed!

The reason why Lin Feng can control his Gu freely is because of the blood of ancient martial arts.

The blood of the ancient martial arts of Lin Feng is dry and hot. These cold poisonous insects are most afraid of the hot and dry blood. Therefore, Lin Feng can transfer the blood in his body and let his body reach the most dry and hot state. He can kill these poisonous insects completely.

However, he did not kill the insect immediately because he was doing an experiment.

He found that the poisonous insects had come to him, and did not rush to attack him, but seemed to be looking for something.

Lin Feng carries the cold air in his body, which is the cold air given to him by the black ice bead. He finds that those poisonous insects like it very much, and immediately indulge in it.

Lin Feng was overjoyed to know that these insects must be looking for xuanbingzhu. The cold air of his own xuanbingzhu can actually control the cold insects.

The blood of ancient martial arts can control the poisonous insects of dry heat type.

Most of the insects are cold and hot, so this shows that most insects can be controlled by themselves.

Moreover, on the contrary, their own blood of ancient martial arts can kill cold poisonous insects, and their own black ice beads will certainly kill poisonous insects of dry heat type.

In this way, for the insects and insects in Gu Shu, you can control them if you want to control them. If you want to kill them, you can kill them!

So Lin Feng killed those poisonous insects after the experiment.

Through this experiment, Lin Feng also found that his body's dry heat and cold breath seem to blend better, and he can even control the temperature by himself, sometimes cold and hot.

What a surprise.

At this time, Qiu Mingchang was red eyed. His hard work of several decades was destroyed today. He wanted to kill Lin Feng and the man he hated so much.

"Since Gu Shu can't deal with you, I'll just kill you with my fist!" Qiu Mingchang red eye big drink: "Lin Feng, you give me to die!"

Qiu Mingchang was as mad as a madman. He accumulated all his strength and jumped up suddenly. He punched Lin Feng from top to bottom.

The fist of the later practitioners of the five levels of blood state was powerful and heavy, like rolling thunder.

Qiu Mingchang blows down from the air and roars along a gravitational potential energy with the momentum of an eagle fighting a rabbit.

This punch, even a few meters away from the other people, feel the pressure.

Lin Feng is a cold smile: "I am also lazy and you ink, you go back to me!"

With that, he punched Qiu Mingchang.


When their fists collided, Qiu Mingchang felt a numbness in his arm. However, a strong force sent him flying.

"Putong" a sound, Qiu Mingchang heavily fell on the ground, subconsciously looked at his right arm, suddenly scared him heartbroken.

His right arm, unexpectedly hard by Lin Feng a blow off half.

The flesh and blood were still connected, but the bone had already been broken. His arm was hanging on the ground, and the blood flowed in an instant.

The scene is shocking, and the people nearby are terrified.

However, more people were surprised and puzzled. How much energy did this young man have? He knocked down a cultivator of five levels of blood state with one punch!Fu Guoqing, Liu Feng and doctor Miao, on the other hand, were elated.

They are glad that Lin Feng did not waver. Lin Feng is a God!

"Ah --"

Qiu Mingchang suddenly lost his courage and began to howl with his right arm.

"Elder Qiu!"

"Elder Qiu!"

The four disciples of the worship of the moon came forward quickly.

"Although the injury is so frightening, but he can't die. Help him stop the blood and join the bones. He's still a good man!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "the bone is broken, you can set the bone, the flesh and blood can grow on it, and your tendon is not broken. What are you afraid of? How about being an elder? Is it disgraceful? "

As soon as he heard that he could be cured, Qiu Mingchang felt that life was full of hope. He changed his face and prayed to Lin Feng:

"Lin Feng, the great God of Lin Feng, please, I don't want to be disabled. Can you connect this hand for me? I beg you, I kowtow to you

Qiu Mingchang at this time completely did not have the arrogance just now, almost knelt on the ground to call the ancestor of Lin Feng.

"Have you ever heard of healing an opponent?" Lin Feng sneered.

"God, I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. I'm blind to be your opponent. I'm not worthy to be your opponent! You just think I'm a garbage, please God Qiu Mingchang was disgraced at this time. He didn't care so much about it. He didn't even have time to think about how he was beaten by a person with four levels of blood level to look like a bird.

He wants to keep his arm now.

"You drink, now you admit it? Don't you think you're very good? " Lin Feng joked: "you are the elder of the worship of the moon, how can I fight with you?"

"God, I am a fool! You don't have the same idea with me! I really know I'm wrong! " Qiu Mingchang said.

If he had to spend the rest of his life with one arm, he would rather not be an elder of the worship of the moon.

At this time, he realized that nothing is as important as a healthy body.

Lin Feng looked at Qiu Mingchang, with a bad smile on his face and said, "good, I'll cure you!"

Said, to doctor Miao, take alcohol cotton and gauze bandage over.

Doctor Miao took it to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng really helped Qiu Mingchang bandage it.

"Thank God, thank God!" Qiu Mingchang kowtowed to Lin Feng, then turned to the other four and said, "let's go!"

"Wait!" "Did I let you go?" said Lin Feng

Qiu Mingchang was so frightened that he asked, "what else do you want from the great God?"

"Elder Qiu, come back to my bowl Lin Feng smiles. , the fastest update of the webnovel!