The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 674

"What do you mean?" Qiu Mingchang doesn't know why.

"I mean, you were tied by me before, and you will continue to accompany me now. If you are by my side, don't want to leave. Here is the rope! Do it Lin Feng picked up the rope that had been tied to Qiu Mingchang on the ground, and then threw it to Qiu Mingchang. He said to the four disciples of the moon worship sect nearby, "you elder Qiu's hand is a little inconvenient. You four can help me!"


look at me and I look at you, but I don't know what to do.

Elder Qiu is helpless. Lin Feng is definitely a devil!

But at this time, his hand injury was not good, only thinking that he would have a chance to escape in the future.

He roared to those four people: "what are you looking at? The God wants you to tie me up. Tie me up quickly. What are you looking at?"


Four people rushed up in a hurry, and soon bound Qiu Mingchang, leaving only the wrapped arm.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "the first time I saw myself tied up, I was still so attentive!"

Then, he turned his head to Mu Qinglong and asked with a smile, "Muzhai leader, I heard you wanted to kill me?"

This sentence, wood green dragon scared face pale.

"Lin... Lin Feng, I'm joking. How could I want to kill you? It's too late for me to worship you Mu Qinglong quickly changed to a flattering smile.

"Yes? Did you make fun of me Lin Feng goes to Mu Qinglong.

"Yes, yes, for fun!" Mu Qinglong nodded and bowed.

"But why do you call me a jerk Lin Feng said, but a fierce punch in wood Qinglong's abdomen.

"Ah --"

Mu Qinglong only felt that his bladder seemed to have been broken. First, he felt a tingling sensation, and then he felt intense and unbearable pain.

"Ah --"

Mu Qinglong's face turned red with pain and roared up to the sky.

"You're so old, and women are almost playing. You can't touch a woman again. This is punishment for you!" Lin Feng said.

As soon as he looked at Mu Qinglong, he knew that this guy was an old lecher. When he was old, he also harmed good family women. If he didn't abolish him, it was not natural for him.

Mu Qinglong fainted in pain for several times and rolled on the ground.

But mu aza saw the situation was not good and ran away.

But I did not run a few steps, I felt that a strong force pulled his back and pulled himself down.

Lin Feng stepped on his face and asked, "your father has been arrested. Where do you want to run?"

"I... please let me go... I'll give you whatever you want, Lin Feng. Don't take a common view with me... I'm an asshole!"

Mu aza was trampled on his face by Lin Feng. He was scared and incoherent. He thought that his father-in-law had been abandoned by Lin Feng. He was still a young man in his twenties. How could he live in the rest of his life?

Lin Feng knew Mu aza's psychology, so he deliberately threatened him and said, "you want to occupy the fire spirit, don't you? I can't tell you to be a man now. I see how you can occupy the fire spirit

"Don't... Don't... Please, I won't dare again! Fire spirit is yours, it's yours! " Mu aza screamed heartrendingly, and the whole person was scared to blow up the fur of the civet cat.

"No, I still can't let you go!" Lin Feng deliberately aimed at Mu aza's crotch.

"Don't... you can do what you want me to do. Please let me go. I'll listen to everything you want!" Muazar said.

He is now a mess of regret, regret that he should not have provoked the spirit and Lin Feng, but now it is too late, can only do everything to remedy.

"Do you really listen to me now?" asked Lin Feng

"Yes! Yes Mu aza saw that things were slow and said quickly.

"Then I order you to take out all the talent of your family to cure the villagers, and the rest to repair roads in the village!"


The people in the stockade cheered as soon as they heard it.

Qinglong village is also more than ten kilometers away from the nearest mountain road, which is all mountain road, or it is not a road at all, because even bicycles can't go with each other, they can only walk on both legs.

But when it rains on a cloudy day, it's just a ghost's sorrow. If it's not for the young and strong labor force, I'm afraid we can't get out of the stockade.

So the villagers are really speechless about this part of the road. Mu Qinglong, who has been the stronghold leader for so many years, didn't even want to do it. He only cared about packing money around his waist.

When Lin Feng came to the village, he felt that the road was too rough, so he made such a request.

However, this request was suddenly brought to the hearts of the villagers.

The villagers knelt down to worship Lin Feng, calling him a living Bodhisattva.And those girls who had worshipped Lin Feng before were so overused that they wanted to rush to Lin Feng.

However, the small Shanzhai is closed, and these young girls are in love, but they can only gnash their teeth and stare at Lin Feng with blush. They can't bear to leave the sight for a moment.

Seeing the villagers like this, Lin Feng quickly said, "you don't have to be so polite. Get up quickly."

"Lin Feng, my daughter is 20 years old. You are unmarried when it comes to marriage age? Do you want to think about it? I don't want anything in my family, and I will prepare a full dowry for my daughter! " Said one, pointing to his daughter.

His daughter was as beautiful as a flower, and now she was blushing with shame and even more charming.

"Well, good looking..." Lin Feng laughs, but suddenly he looks at shanghuoling.

However, people see that Lin Feng did not refuse, but began to propose marriage one after another.

"My daughter is 19 years old and is still in college, but without delay, Lin Feng will think about it."

"And my family, eighteen years old!"

"And mine!"


"are the people in your village so enthusiastic?" Lin Feng asked Huoling.

"Well, it depends on how excellent you are Fire Spirit said: "our custom here, excellent men can have three wives and four concubines, so they will choose you. If you are happy, it's OK to marry."

"How can I do that? My goddess Utopia still has a group of goddesses waiting for me. How can I have so much energy now?" Lin Feng said.

"Then you can just say no!" Fire spirit has no good breath murmured: "no one forced you!"

Lin Feng laughed and said to the villagers, "I've got your wishes. If you have to do this, it's not impossible. I'll go back and send the numbers to you. Ha, come one by one, or I can't remember..."

"Lin Feng, you... Don't you mean you don't have enough energy?" The fire spirit stamped his feet and said angrily.

"I mean I don't have enough energy now. I can come back and get married when I'm free! Ha ha ha ha ha Lin Feng laughed.

"Lin Feng!" The fire spirit stares at Lin Feng.

"Why?" Lin Feng asked.

"There's one thing I've wanted to say for a long time!" Fire Spirit said: "you are the last one I've ever seen. There's no one."

Lin Feng smile: "thank you so much, thank you!"

On the spot, a mouthful of old blood almost spurted out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!