The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 672

Qiu Mingchang's heart was full of anger. Lin Feng repeatedly challenged his authority. At this time, there were four other disciples of the moon worship sect watching him. If he didn't clean up Lin Feng himself, how could he get a foothold in the worship of the moon?

"Lin Feng, it's you who want to die yourself. No wonder I am!" Qiu Mingchang drank: "deal with you, I don't have to do it myself!"

With that, he grabbed the switch of the belt with one hand, and a crack was suddenly opened at the tail of the belt, and a pile of small black insects surged out of the belt.

The insects are sesame sized, but they are numerous in number. They are all gathered on Qiu Mingchang's left arm, and his left arm is tightly sealed.

Seeing this scene, everyone's scalp was numb.

Although I've seen Gu on weekdays, it doesn't look as terrible as Qiu Mingchang. If the Gu is put on someone, he will surely be bitten to death. Even if Lin Feng is fierce, he can't resist so many insects!

At this time, many people know why Qiu Mingchang is so confident. It turns out that he can defeat Lin Feng without his own martial arts.

"Lin Feng, I've been tied up for so many days. I've let it go today. I want you to know that it's as easy as crushing an ant if I want to kill you!"

With that, Qiu Mingchang shook his hand and hit Lin Feng with a fist. He drank in his mouth and said, "go!"

With his fist in the air, all the small black insects on his fist instantly ejected to Lin Feng. The shape was like an open net, which would cover Lin Feng in an instant.

Seeing this scene, everyone was frightened. Gu insects are no more than other insects. Any one of them can kill people. What's more, there are so many poisonous insects that they can't escape even if they have three heads and six arms!

Sure enough, as everyone expected, all the insects fell on Lin Feng and began to wriggle.

"Ah --"

Lin Feng groaned loudly, clenched his teeth and frowned, and clenched his fist.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing this, Qiu Mingchang was overjoyed. He yelled: "Lin Feng, you are the one to blame for everything. If you dare to do the right thing with me, you are really beyond your ability."

Seeing that Qiu Mingchang had the upper hand, Mu Qinglong crawled to Qiu Mingchang, and tried to butter him up: "elder Qiu, you are so powerful, elder Qiu, kill the scum of Lin Feng! Kill him

"Stay away from me. Don't get in my way!" Qiu Mingchang scolded Mu Qinglong.

"Elder Qiu, you..." Mu Qinglong said: "at the beginning, I asked people to untie you! I saved you

"Shut up!" Qiu Mingchang drank a lot. As soon as he mentioned this, he was not angry. He looked at Mu Qinglong coldly and said, "can't I get rid of it without you? Do you think I'm too simple? "

"Oh, no, no, no, I'm wrong, I'm wrong!" Mu Qinglong quickly compensated.

But his heart is angry to death, this Qiu Mingchang is simply an ungrateful white eyed wolf, if you can break free? Will they be tied up for several days?

But mu Qinglong knows that Qiu Mingchang can't afford to offend him. What's more, Lin Feng is his number one enemy now. As long as Qiu Mingchang can help him kill Lin Feng, what's wrong with him even if he's a bloody dog?

"Hum!" Qiu Mingchang saw that Mu Qinglong looked like a dog in front of him. He could not help but snort coldly and looked more.

The other four disciples of the moon worship sect, seeing elder Qiu's move, subdued Lin Feng. They admired him very much. They immediately knelt down to Qiu Mingchang and said, "elder Qiu is mighty!"

"The four of you are going to get out of my way, useless bucket!" Qiu Mingchang cheered.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The four men were afraid to hide to one side.

At this time, fire spirit and Fu Guoqing and others are anxious, but they dare not go forward.

"Ah -"

"Oh -"

"ahhh --"

Lin Feng kept moaning, frowning and spasmodic.

Fire spirit see this scene, heart like a knife, she found that she seems to have fallen in love with this man.

Because the smile and twinkle of this man made her fascinated, and she could feel the pain of this man at this time. Even those poisonous insects bit her heart!

"Lin Feng, I'm coming!"

The fire spirit rushes toward Lin Feng regardless of everything. Even if it is going through fire and water, he also wants to bear with Lin Feng at the moment.

Seeing this scene, people were shocked.

Knowing that it can't play a role, but still rushing forward, what kind of belief is this?

Is this the love that will never die?

All the people present were shocked and sorry for the fire spirit's move. Such a beautiful young girl in flower will fall!

People watched helplessly, the fire spirit rushed to Lin Feng, tightly hugged Lin Feng.

She has now put life and death aside, just want to hug this man tightly together, because she wants to help Lin Feng share the pain, which she owes Lin Feng.At the same time, she is also the first time to know that falling in love with a person can really do anything for him, including death!

Fire spirit beautiful eyes tightly closed, gently will head on Lin Feng's shoulder, she knows what she is doing at this time, she has been ready to eat the heart of ten thousand insects.

However, in the next few seconds, it was very quiet.

Then, a pair of big hands around her waist.

Fire spirit surprised to look up, but see Lin Feng a pair of bright eyes such as the moon, gentle and quiet looking at her, Lin Feng mouth up, still hanging if there is no ruffian smile.

"You know I'm great, so come and have fun with me?" Lin Feng asked.


Fire spirit muddled force, Shuang is a few meanings?

At this time, Lin Feng rolled his eyes and groaned again.

"Ah --"

"Oh, roar --"

"so cool, so cool!"

Lin Feng cried, his face originally painful expression, but at this time it looks more like the appearance of ecstasy.

At this time, Huoling's body was also covered with insects, and an itching feeling covered the whole body. However, the feeling was more and more intense, which led to some itching and pain. However, it was not like the itching and pain of the disease, but it was more like a superior technician doing a whole body massage for her, which was extremely comfortable.

"How about it? Are you happy? Is it like fish therapy? " Lin Feng asked with a smile.

Fish therapy is to put the feet into the basin, and a group of fish come to nibble at the feet. In fact, what they eat is dead skin, which makes people feel very comfortable.

At the moment, it's the same feeling that poisonous insects are attached to the body!

"Well, it's cool!" Fire spirit red face said.

Then I thought that just now I was still naive about going to huangquan with Lin Feng, and her face was even more hot. She grabbed a small powder fist and punched Lin Feng's chest. She said, "you are good or bad. The people who hurt you are so worried about you! You are good or bad...

"hahaha, I am cool, not painful!" Lin Feng laughed.

Looking at two people in a group of poisonous insects, chatting, flirting, all of a sudden, the three destroyed, jaw block fell down.

This... And this kind of operation?

The insects are crawling all over the body, but the people who are poisoned are so cool? , the fastest update of the webnovel!