The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 671

"Lin Feng, you seem to have miscalculated Mu Qinglong warned.

"Oh, yes, I seem to have missed a slap!" Lin Feng frowned and said with his fingers.

"I wipe it!"

Mu Qinglong immediately burst into tears. He wanted to give himself a slap and scolded himself: "do you think you owe your mouth? What are you talking about? Now, there's another slap! "

However, Lin Feng was a straight face and said, "do you think I slapped you eight times, is it a miscalculation?"

"Oh!" Wood Qinglong a face muddled force, and then, quickly said: "not a random calculation, you have your reason, you have reason."

This kind of obedient advice made the villagers around feel comfortable. They didn't expect that the usually arrogant and domineering leader of the village would fall into such a field today.

However, these villagers are also very puzzled. How can they slap five people in total?

At this time, Lin Feng said to Mu Qinglong: "my extra three slaps, one is to beat you for your parents! Educate you to be such a loser! Second, they beat you for the people. They thought you were the stronghold leader, but you wanted to squeeze them. Third, beat you for grandma and tigress. Don't you understand? Do you think it's wrong for me to hit you when you bully the old and bully the children

The people around him gave Lin Feng thumbs up one after another. This is too right. It's time to fight!

Lin Feng thought again and frowned: "Oh, no, I beat you for your parents. Your parents are two people. Then I beat you for Tigress and grandma, or two people. This should be four slaps. I'll beat you for so many people. Er, you wait, I'll count the heads...

" brother, please forgive me! "

Mu Qinglong knelt on the ground and kowtowed incessantly for mercy.

Lin Feng was suddenly cold said: "you know, this is my most benevolent means, if you don't like it, it doesn't matter, I can change other patterns!"

With that, Lin Feng picked up the rope that originally tied Qiu Mingchang on the ground and said, "we can play games. I believe you won't repel the game? This game is called, see how long your neck can last, hehe. I think it must be very exciting, but you should be careful. It is said that people who play this game will be hanged to death! "

When Mu Qinglong heard this, he felt a burst of despair. He was hanging himself!

"Let's just slap your mouth." Muqinglong road.

"Why are you so vulgar! I told you, it's reasonable Lin Feng said.

"Well, be reasonable!" Mu Qinglong couldn't even find a way to cry.

He never thought that one day he would be teased and tyrannized by a 20 year old boy.

However, before Lin Feng goes to abuse Mu Qinglong, he listens to Qiu Mingchang, who has never spoken.

"Lin Feng, have you played enough?"

Qiu Mingchang stood up and kneaded his fists and said, "we should settle the accounts between us."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll settle with you when this is finished!" Lin Feng said.

"Asshole, do you think I'm playing with you?" Qiu Mingchang's face was black and blue: "you've cheated me and tied me up for so many days. I'm going to settle this account with you now."

"In such a hurry? Well, then I can settle accounts with you first Lin Feng turns his head and stares at Qiu Mingchang.

Qiu Mingchang at this time to ease over almost, so the heart of Lin Feng did not have any fear.

"Lin Feng, I know that you came to the territory of Miao territory for the broken jade, but I'm sorry to tell you that you can't take away the broken jade, and no one can take anything from the hand of worshipping the moon!" Qiu Mingchang said.

"Yes? You didn't mess with me before Lin Feng cold channel.

Blood jade is the treasure of his family. No matter who is interested in blood jade, he will not let go. People block killing, Buddha blocking killing Buddha.

Not to mention you a little cult!

Seeing Lin Feng's disdain for his face, Qiu Mingchang felt very dishonored. He said in a loud voice: "Lin Feng, don't think that if you defeat the Dragon five, you can look up to me. You don't ask me. I'm Qiu Mingchang, one of the three elders of the moon worship sect. Can you fight against it?"

"I don't see that you look like an elder, except that you are old." Lin Feng said scornfully.

"Looking for death!" Qiu Mingchang said: "do you think you are great when you defeat a cultivator who has just been promoted to the fifth level of huaxue state? I'm a cultivator in the later stage of the five levels of the huaxue realm. I'm only one step away from the peak of the huaxue realm. Compared with me, you are very tender

As soon as the words came out, people were worried about Lin Feng.

Although many people are confused, the basic meaning is understood. Elder Qiu's martial arts strength is much higher than that of Longwu.

The experts like Longwu are powerful enough. How powerful Qiu Mingchang is!

Moreover, he can also play magic tricks, which adds a lot of chips to his strength.So, Lin Feng has no success!

The beautiful eyes of the fire were flashing, and her heart was also a little panicked. She didn't expect a wave of ups and downs, and that wooden green dragon was not completely settled, and Qiu Mingchang was suddenly in trouble.

However, Lin Feng felt the restlessness of the fire spirit. He looked at the fire spirit on his side and smiled slightly: "rest assured, I can make sure!"

His smile is like the warm sunshine of March, warm and hopeful.

The fire spirit melted in his smile in a moment, feeling the whole world calm down, incomparable peace and comfort.

Lin Feng is such a magic, so she will be deeply trapped in the gentle village of Lin Feng can not pull itself.

After the fire spirit was calmed, Lin Feng said to qiumingchang, "although I am a four-fold cultivator in the blood environment, I have a fearless heart of brave people! You don't want to find me to settle the bill. Come on, who is afraid of! "

Seeing Lin Feng is not afraid at all, people around him suddenly have a little awe for Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, a young man, is so brave!"

"We are short of such capable and courageous young people in our stockade!"

"Lin Feng is in danger now. What can we do for you?"

After the whispering of the discussion, a person suddenly stood out and said to Qiu Mingchang on behalf of all the villagers: "elder Qiu, please let Lin Feng go. He is still young. What can we say?"

"I'll talk about you!" Qiumingchang was really rude.

He was angry now, and was tied up for several days by Lin Feng for no reason. As a result, the chance of revenge came, and the group of people was still in the middle of NIMA.

"You guys get me away. Who dare to come up and I will kill him first!" "Cried Qiu.

"Elder Qiu, you worship the moon too overbearing!" The man trembled.

The worship month taught them to poison their village, and it was difficult to come out to speak for them. Elder Qiu also killed Lin Feng on the spot. It was so vicious and overbearing.

"What, are you not satisfied?" Qiumingchang looked at the leader of the village people, their eyes were as sharp as eagle eyes.

"Elder Qiu, what is the ability to bully the honest strongmen? Come to me!" Lin Feng sneered: "I don't want you to let me go. You take the most cruel moves to deal with me. Come on, come on!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!