The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 670

"Pa --"

a slap was pulled heavily on the face of the wood green dragon. The head of the wooden green dragon was stun by Lin Feng, and almost fell to the ground a few steps back.

"You, aren't you saying something reasonable? How do you do it? " Asked the woody dragon, covering his swollen face.

"Yes, it is necessary to make sense with you. You are the stronghold leader and have a special identity. Therefore, I have a special way to speak. It is a VIP treatment for you!" Lin Feng smiled.

"This..." wooden green dragon head once heard that the person who hit also said so good listen: "are you VIP treatment?"

"Of course!" Lin Feng smiled: "I know your heart is also very moved, you also need not be moved, I just appreciate you! So, I will always carry out this VIP way of reasoning to you! "


Muaza saw his father was beaten, and immediately he was angry, wiped the blood from his mouth, and said to the dozens of beaters, "what are you still doing? Your stronghold leaders are beaten. Come on together. Give me the Lin Feng to die. If you kill him, what do you want me to give!"

When they heard, they were all fighting.

If they didn't reach out to help the dragon before, it was because the wood green dragon had a local gun, and they thought it could be made.

However, I didn't expect Lin Feng to take the wooden green dragon back and take it. Everything came too fast. They were still shocked and didn't respond.

Now listen to the Ma za a shout, the next thought, our brother dozens of people, are training family, even if he Lin Feng can fight alone, good tiger also can not stand a group of wolves!

All the hitters, look at me, I see you, and they don't know each other.

"Come on, come on together!" "Again, muaza urged him to shout.

One of the strong men, who had more than one meter and ninety, had a bite and wanted to bring a head to everyone. By the way, he showed his loyalty to the wooden family, and shouted, "brothers, for the leader of the stockade, rush!"

As a result, he acted too fast, and others had not kept up with him, but he went up alone!

When he found himself alone, it was too late to stop halfway, could he? That's more humiliating.

He rode south, but still hard scalp, rushed to Lin Feng, babbling in his mouth, a punch to Lin Feng beat past.

Lin Feng shook his head: "you wait for the goods, I don't know how many jin or two!"

Said, but directly take him a punch, pulled his arm, a hard break.

"Bang" a crisp sound, the arm of the man was broken to the back with strange radians, he grinned in pain, ah ah shout.

But Lin Feng did not stop, but directly kicked the man to kneel on the ground, one hand tugging at the other arm, but also a hard twist.

"Click" a sound, this time bone stubble all leak out, blood lay down the elbow, startled.

The two arms are like two dead boa snakes, powerless hanging on both sides of the body, swinging, looking strange and scary!

Lin Feng kicked him down on the ground, stepped on his head, and said to the rest of the hitters, "come on, dogs, come on, come on, I promise you will be more enchanting than him!"

Lin Feng's move to make an example of the monkey immediately worked. Watching the big player was crippled by Lin Feng three or two times, the players were afraid of each other.

If you spend the second half of your life in a wheelchair, what's the use of more money?

So these hitters you look at me, I see you, dare not to go!

"What are you so many afraid of? Don't you want money and you don't want women? Come on, please! " Muaza at this time a bit of a dog jump the wall, red face at the group of players roar.

However, he suddenly felt a shadow on his left, and then he turned to see it subconsciously, and found it was a big fist with sandbags.

"It's just that you're talking a lot!" Lin Feng drinks cold, a boxing hit on the jaw of muaza.

Although this punch is not fatal enough, it dislocated the jaw of muaza.

The jaw of muaza is crooked, the painful "ah ah" calls straight, but the whole words are not able to say.

"You should have shut your stinky mouth!" Said Lin Feng.

Then he looked around and looked at the villagers and said, "my Lin Feng is not a violent man, but this pair of father and son always makes me angry. You see, I will count the good things they did. They let go of the people I caught ... "

when it comes to this, Lin Feng points to qiumingchang and then says," insult my friends! "

Then, he pointed to Huoling and Fu Guoqing doctor Miao, and then said, "the most hateful thing is that I still pointed the gun at me, so, we also saw it, and I taught them a lesson in good faith!"

All listened to Lin Feng's statement, and immediately they cried and laughed.

The face of Mu aza was all crooked, and the wooden green dragon was swollen into pig head. It was so cruel to fight, but it was just a good faith lesson?If you really teach a little hard, don't you want to abolish people?

However, for Lin Feng's practice, the villagers of Qinglong village fully agreed with him, and they all admired him.

This time, they were a big eye opener.

Looking at the father and son of the wooden family in front of him like a native emperor, Lin Feng was playing with him, and he was extremely embarrassed. He had no strength to fight back.

The hatred of these villagers towards the Mu family and his son suddenly surged out like a river burst of water. The long suppressed emotion was released at the moment when Lin Feng defeated the Mu family father and son.

It was a very happy feeling. It was Lin Feng who let their hatred and anger vent. They didn't know how to thank them, so they bowed to Lin Feng one after another to show their respect for him.

However, Mu Qinglong lost his temper completely.

His weapons and fighters, have no effect on Lin Feng, he deeply felt a helpless sense of despair.

"By the way, Muzhai leader! Now do you want to hear me reason with you? " Lin Feng asked jokingly.

"Speak, speak, I listen, I listen!" Mu Qinglong is completely in a mess. He has never seen such a fierce young man as Lin Feng. This time, he really has no resistance.

"You want to hear me reason, don't you? Good! Then I will continue to give you VIP treatment! " In front of all the people, Lin Feng slapped Mu Qinglong.

"Pa --"

Mu Qinglong was beaten to turn around, dizzy, and nearly fell on the ground several times.

"This slap is to beat you for not doing as the leader of the stronghold. You are not worthy to be a stronghold leader for a long time because you are such a rubbish." Lin Feng cheered.

"Mm-hmm, yes, yes, I'm not worthy to be the stronghold leader!" Wood Green Dragon covered his face, the corners of his mouth DC blood, scared repeatedly nodded.

"Pa!" Lin Feng slapped Mu Qinglong's face again and yelled: "this time, it's for my friends. You bully men and women, bully Huoling, doctor Miao, Fu Guoqing's husband and wife, and aunt osmanthus. I'll get justice for them!"

But he thought about it for a second and said, "well, it seems that it's not right. You should not just slap so many people!"

Then he broke his fingers and calculated: "Huoling, doctor Miao, Fu Guoqing, Liufeng, Auntie osmanthus! There are seven people in all, and I have to slap you seven times! "

Mu Qinglong immediately cried and couldn't find a tune. In his heart, ten thousand Cao NIMA rushed by. The heart said that Lin Feng, Lin Feng, at the critical moment, can you count seriously?

It's obviously five people. Where did you get seven slaps?

"Lin Feng, you seem to have miscalculated Mu Qinglong warned.

"Oh, yes, I seem to have missed a slap!" Lin Feng frowned and said with his fingers.

"I wipe it!" Wood Green Dragon immediately old tears, a face of life can not love! , the fastest update of the webnovel!