The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 669

"I didn't expect that the moon worship sect poisoned us. It was Mu Qinglong who did it!"

"Yes, it has nothing to do with Lin Feng. We misunderstood them."

"Mu Qinglong, you are really good at acting as the stronghold leader. You secretly look for people to cheat us, and then you put the blame on others, and then use us as a gunner. If Lin Feng didn't expose this incident today, we would be sold by you, and we would have to count the money for you!"

"Mu Qinglong, my wife and children have been poisoned by poisonous insects. I'll fight with you


the crowd was excited, and their resentment against Mu Qinglong was interwoven with their guilt towards Lin Feng, and their fear of Mu Qinglong disappeared.

When people are forced to be anxious, they can't even imagine how brave they will be.

What's more, their families were badly hurt. They were also played by Mu Qinglong as an evil writing brush. They were almost used by Mu Qingli to deal with Lin Feng. So at the moment, their eyes were red, like wild animals in a rage. All the depression and anger accumulated in their hearts for many years would burst out in an instant.

"Kill Mu Qinglong, kill this insidious villain!"

Some people yelled and echoed, and the rest of the people behind them followed suit.

Mu Qinglong looked up to the sky and sighed. He didn't expect that he had been the leader of the village for most of his life. However, when he was old, he ended up in a bad time.

From his heart, he saw that he was besieged on all sides, and there was no room for maneuver. His mood also changed abruptly.

The pig is anxious to bite people, and the dog is anxious to jump off the wall. If people are anxious, they will be indifferent to life and death, and then they will do it!

Mu Qinglong yelled at the thugs behind him: "everyone who protects me today will receive a huge reward. I guarantee his glory and wealth in his life."

There are more than a dozen thugs behind him, who originally planned to abandon the pit. No matter Mu Qinglong, after all, how can more than a dozen thugs carry the hundreds of villagers?

But after listening to Mu Qinglong's words, they all hesitated.

Money can make the devil move the mill. In the face of a lifetime of glory and wealth, few people can carry it, so one by one, they want to give up, but they are reluctant to give up the coming glory and wealth.

At the same time, Mu Qinglong took out a gun and fired a gun directly into the sky.


A stream of smoke along with the sound of the earth shaking, scared people a shiver.

However, Mu Qinglong's move is not to frighten anyone. He is actually sending a signal.

Just a few minutes after the sound, there were many thugs around the old woman's yard, all of them were Mu Qinglong's usual beaters.

There are dozens of people.

Mu Qinglong continued to shout to those thugs and said, "I repeat, as long as you protect me today and do as I say, more than half of my family property will be distributed to you to ensure that you will have no worries about food and clothing in your life! Do you hear me clearly? "

"Hear me

The answer was unusually neat and loud.

Money can not only make the devil push the mill, but also can make the mill push the ghost. This is absolutely true.

When these thugs realized that their team had grown up and could compete with these villagers, all the ethics and morality were forgotten. They were full of red bills, white women and shining chickens, ducks, fish, meat and fierce seafood!

Therefore, he obeyed Mu Qinglong without hesitation.

Seeing that there were dozens of thugs behind him, Mu Qinglong got up in an instant and yelled at the crowd: "are you coming? Go on? I'll kill anyone who dares to go up? Today, Laozi is the heaven here. Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me will die! "

When they saw the momentum of Mu Qinglong, they were all afraid of it.

Now, among the hundreds of people, there are about dozens of young people, almost as many as the other side's thugs, but their combat effectiveness is certainly far from that of the fighters.

What's more, Mu Qinglong has some guys in his hand. That's not for fun. Even martial arts experts are afraid of them. They are even more afraid of them!

Therefore, although everyone has red eyes and is extremely angry in his heart, no one dares to stand up and carry the flag. He can only scold himself in his heart for being useless and sulk at the side.

"Ha ha! A bunch of rubbish Mu Qinglong saw these people's advice and couldn't help but scold with pride: "don't you want me to move his real style, do you know how many eyes the Lord Ma has?"

After he had a big drink, the scene was as silent as ever.

But a joking voice said: "cough, I'm sorry, I still don't understand. How many eyes does the Lord ma have?"

The speaker was Lin Feng. He looked at Mu Qinglong with a smile and asked again, "have you ever seen Lord ma? Why don't you tell me how many eyes you have? "

The more wood Qinglong looked at Lin Feng's appearance, the more angry he was. The gun head aimed at Lin Feng and said, "are you strong? Can you pass the bullet well? "

"I'm not as good as a bullet." Lin Feng said."Well, it's good to know. If you move, I'll shoot you!" Mu Qinglong said.

He felt that he was in full control of the situation, so he was more arrogant and ordered Lin Feng to say, "kneel down for me!"

"There is gold under a man's knee. You are so unkind!" Lin Feng said.

"I'll let you get down on your knees, or I'll kill you!" Muqinglong road.

"Abba, don't talk so much nonsense, just kill him, so as not to have a long dream!" Muazar called from the side.

"Your son is right." Lin Feng said: "you have to shoot me, or you will be very miserable, because in this world, no one dares to point a gun at my head, because those who hold a gun to my head have gone to another world!"

Lin Feng said lightly, but the confidence and aloofness in his words were not taboo.

Mu Qinglong shook his head and sneered: "up to now, you still dare to pretend to be forced by me. You are just a martial arts man. No matter how fierce you are, this piece of land belongs to me. I am the king here. Look at them. Look at these people. Which one is not listening to me? What kind of an outsider would you like to play with me? I'll tell you to come back today

"Well, I'll tell you what the real king is Lin Feng stares at Mu Qinglong with both eyes. Although the gun barrel is against his head, he has no fear.

This courage and courage make all of you feel inferior. Those villagers have never seen such a fearless young man as Lin Feng. They are still guilty of previous misunderstanding, but at this time, they are more in admiration.

Young people from this big city seem to have a unique personality charm. They can't help but want to stand behind him and be willing to be his followers.

No wonder the beautiful woman like Huoling will follow him. If she is a woman, she will follow him too!

However, brave to brave, how can people fight against bullets?

At the same time, everyone pinched a cold sweat for Lin Feng.

Fu Guoqing quickly pleaded with Mu Qinglong and said, "Muzhai leader, don't be angry. It's against the law to kill people. Don't be impulsive."

"Yes, stronghold leader, can't we listen to you? Don't be hard on that young man! "

There were also old people in the crowd who came forward to intercede for Lin Feng.

They all feel owed to Lin Feng!

It's all about the village, but Lin Feng is implicated. How can they feel.

Fire spirit is more guilty, he bit his teeth and said to Mu Qinglong: "put down the gun, I promise you what you say, don't be difficult for Lin Feng!"

"Hum!" Mu Qinglong saw that the fire spirit was soft, and he was even more proud, "now do you know that you are afraid? It's late! This Lin Feng has seriously touched my bottom line. I will never let him go! "

"Stronghold leader, murder is against the law, please..." fire spirit wants to persuade again.

"Fart!" Mu Qinglong is quite inflated now. He waves his big hand and says, "it's not easy for me to kill people. I'm the law here!"

Then, he looked at the fire spirit with obscene eyes, his throat moved, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said, "stand behind quickly, rub my shoulder for me, I promise you are alive, or in case the gun goes off fire, I will fight you together!"

When people around him heard Mu Qinglong say this, they are angry and don't want it.

This is a human cancer. Bullying men and women is worse than animals!

But no way, he has a guy in his hand, others dare not rush forward.

At this time, but listen to Lin Feng coldly way: "Mu Qinglong, you have seriously touched my bottom line, so from this moment on, I will not regard you as a person again!"

"If you dare to scold me, I will kill you now!" Mu Qinglong was drinking, and he really had to pull the trigger.

However, Lin Feng suddenly flashed to him, and a finger was inserted into the back of the trigger, which made muqinglong unable to pull the trigger.

Lin Feng's set of movements, not to delay, people feel that a flash in front of people, Lin Feng to Mu Qinglong in front of.

What is more admirable is that one of his fingers can be inserted into the back of the trigger accurately at such a critical moment. How confident is it? How big a heart is needed to withstand the pressure?

But in Lin Feng's opinion, this is Pediatrics, which was rotten in the early years.

At this time, Lin Feng's other hand, pinched on the head of the gun, slowly turned his head, toward Mu Qinglong, said: "I now take out my fingers, you can choose to shoot, I wish you good luck!"

Say, Lin Feng pulls out finger.

Wood Green Dragon scared face light, quickly release the trigger, a big gasp.

Lin Feng smile: "harmonious society, don't move the knife and gun, I like to reason, now we can be reasonable?"

Mu Qinglong was awed by Lin Feng's strength just now. This was his first experience of having a gun in his hand, but he was still so powerless in the face of the enemy. The shock was so strong that he did not know what method to use to deal with Lin Feng."Reasonable?" he asked in a trembling voice? What do you want to say

"Come on, I'll teach you!"

Lin Feng said, suddenly stretched out his hand, directly toward wood Qinglong is a slap. , the fastest update of the webnovel!