The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 66

Lin Feng let the mouse black the census office system, a detailed look at Chu Yuqi's identity, it turned out to be Jincheng commercial university students.

Then, the mouse hacked the student files of Jincheng commercial university and got the detailed information of Chu Yuqi:

Chu Yuqi, female, 21 years old, is a senior student of Jincheng commercial university, majoring in precious metals. She is now working as an intern in the head office of good materials gold store in Jincheng central street.

"Boss, she's from the Commercial University, and she's alumni with Wei Yichen." The mouse blinked his little eyes and helped the green cap on his head.

Lin Feng nodded and immediately picked up the phone and called Wei Yichen.

"Hello! Morning, there is a girl named Chu Yuqi in your school. Do you know her

The other end of the phone said, "I've met, but we're not in the same class. We don't know each other very well. She's very beautiful."

"Beautiful?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "how beautiful is it?"

"It's the pure school flower type. It's the kind that fascinates people and doesn't pay for their lives!" Wei Yichen said, and then pause: "of course, there is still a gap between her and me, after all, my beauty can be second to second air..."

"OK, OK, I know you are good!" Lin Feng quickly interrupts Wei Yichen.

"By the way, boss, what are you looking for her for? I tell you, you are not allowed to associate with other girls behind my back Wei Yichen said.

"I have nothing to do, just ask! By the way, you can go to the drag racing party to see if they will do anything after the collapse of the wolf club? Will it replace the wolf club in Jincheng community? " Lin Feng skillfully diverted the topic.

"Good! I'll go now Wei Yichen finished and hung up the phone.

"The grinding goblin Lin Feng laughed and shook his head.

Wei Yi Chen doesn't know the girl. It seems that he has to go to the good material gold store in person.

He came out of Dongsheng Group and took a taxi to Liangcai Jindian.

Jincheng central street, Liangcai gold store.

Lin Feng, dressed in an anima T-shirt on his upper body, a pair of casual shoes with no brand on his feet, swaggered into the gold shop hall.

Take a look around the door. The gold shop is very tall. Once you enter the door, it's gorgeous. The walls around are colorful and colorful.

Lin Feng, dressed in cheap clothes, was out of place with the luxurious scene of the gold shop.

The security guards and the counter girls all look at Lin Feng one after another. If it's a normal day, the customers who enter the gold store will be welcomed by these saleswomen and invited to see the jewelry on the counter. However, when Lin Feng arrives, they seem not to see it and don't want to pay any attention to it.

Lin Feng to do not care about these, he grinned at a counter miss and said: "hey hey, little sister, Hello, I'm looking for a girl named Chu Yuqi."

"You see, he's looking for someone! I'll tell you! This man can't afford our stuff

"Yes, so this kind of people don't have to pay any attention when they come in!"


several girls around the counter are talking about it. The security guards are always staring at Lin Feng for fear that Lin Feng will steal things when others are not prepared.

The inquired counter lady took a look at Lin Feng. Seeing that Lin Feng was wearing a miscellaneous brand with no valuable ornaments on her arm and neck, she immediately showed a trace of disdain in her eyes and called out to the business window:

"Chu Yuqi, there is a man looking for you

I don't know whether it was intentional or how. When she called "man", she was very loud, as if she had caught someone stealing a man.

About a minute later, a girl came out with a red face.

The girl is about 1.7 meters tall. She has a good figure, especially the pair of chest apparatus in front of her.

Her face is beautiful and lovely, and with a touch of blush on her face, she looks very charming. Lin Feng is one of the shakers. Her beauty and temperament are comparable to Wei Yichen, but she is pure and lovely, and Wei Yichen is a little sister of ruffian!

"Chu Yuqi, right? My name is Lin Feng!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Although he was smiling on his mouth, he was muttering in his heart. This girl is soft and weak. It seems that she is a girl of ordinary status. Is it really related to his family's treasure?

At this time, Chu Yuqi was a little confused: "Lin Feng? Do we... Know each other? "

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I didn't know before. Now you call out my name. Do you know me?"

"Ah Chu Yuqi pursed her lips and blushed: "what do you want from me?"

"I want to invite you to dinner!" "Have a big meal!" said Lin Feng

After all, the first thing to do with girls is to give generously.

"Have a big meal?" Chu Yuqi is obviously still a little confused.

But at this time, the counter miss who called Chu Yuqi before was a "puff" and burst into laughter."Ha ha ha ha ha!" She couldn't hold back her smile for a long time. She wiped her tears and said, "no, no, no, you are so funny. You dress like this and have a big meal? Are you going to eat Ramen or chaos? Ha ha ha

Finish saying, she still can't stop to look at Lin Feng, the look in the eyes is full of disgust and sarcasm.

"Sister Zhao!" Chu Yuqi head pressure low, a face more red.

The person who laughs at her is Zhao Qianqian, who is the day shift leader of Jindian. Zhao Qianqian is very good at coming to work and is very popular with the shop owner. She is also said to have a good time in the society and often goes to high-end parties of some upper class people.

At this time, Lin Feng said, "it's a good idea to eat noodles with beauty! I used to eat too much delicacies. It's time for a change! "

"Ha ha ha, are you stupid? Don't you look in the mirror when you brag Zhao Qianqian smile more fierce.

Lin Feng waved his hand: "don't believe it. There's no need to explain it to you!"

He didn't understand why the woman took the initiative to make fun of him? Just because you don't dress well? Just because this society judges people by their appearance?

Zhao Qianqian laughed for a while, and finally had enough of it. Suddenly, she said to Chu Yuqi with a sinister face: "you don't collude with men. You're really cheap enough to hook up with such rotten goods in the street! How can long Shao like you

As soon as this word came out, Lin Feng immediately understood that the feeling of this woman was competing with Chu Yuqi. The city gate fire affected the fish pond and implicated himself.

He doesn't like Zhao Qianqian's aggressive posture. The one called long Shao likes Chu Yuqi, which is Chu Yuqi's skill. Moreover, if you look at Chu Yuqi, she is a kind of good girl. It's estimated that she has been bullied by Zhao Qianqian on weekdays!

Seeing Chu Yuqi's pitiful appearance, Lin Feng's heart suddenly rises a strong desire for protection.

"Miss, I feel a strong sour smell in your breath. It is estimated that you have eaten too much vinegar and haven't brushed your teeth. Please pay attention to personal hygiene!" Lin Feng said to Zhao Qianqian.

Then he turned to Chu Yuqi and said, "Yuqi, don't pay attention to him. Let's go there and talk!"

"Stinky loser, dare you tease me?" Zhao Qianqian was so angry that she scolded: "you still hide away and say that you have something shady about it? A slut and a sling are a perfect match

Lin Feng listened, but he shook his head with a smile. ***

But the woman seemed to be crazy and said, "you poor loser, you can't afford to buy anything, and you dare to visit the gold shop? Who lent you courage? Guard, get this man out of here , the fastest update of the webnovel!