The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 664

"Lin Feng, don't confuse right and wrong here!" Mu Qinglong said: "it was you who kidnapped the people of the worship of the moon that attracted the worship of the moon to cast poison on us. You are the culprit!"

With that, he waved back. Several thugs walked around Lin Feng's side and directly broke into the house of the grandmother's house. Soon after, he came out with a man who was bound in all kinds of clothes.

That man is elder Qiu.

"Look, this is the man who worships the moon who was held by Lin Feng!" Said Mu Qinglong.

Then he said to the thugs around him: "untie them quickly!"

"Hold on!" Lin Feng cheered.

"What? Are you still going to kidnap people? " Mu Qinglong said: "up to now, you still ignore the safety of our debtors, your heart is too dark!"

Every sentence of Mu Qinglong tried to discredit Lin Feng. In addition, the witness was also there. The people in the village believed Mu Qinglong again.

"This man is tied up by me. It's true, but it has nothing to do with the stockade. When I do things, I will never hurt others. Therefore, other people should not interfere with my work. Therefore, please give him to me!" Lin Feng said.

"Hum! Are you telling a joke? How could I give you people? " With a cold smile, Mu Qinglong pulled off the tape from elder Qiu's mouth and said respectfully to elder Qiu, "I'm sorry, this boy has offended you! Excuse me, are you a lunar worshiper? "

"Of course, I am a member of the moon worship sect, and I am one of the three elders of the moon worship sect, Qiu Mingchang!" Elder Qiu saw that he was finally able to speak. He quickly reported his name!


When they heard it, they took a breath of cold air.

Lin Feng even tied up the elder of the worship of the moon? No wonder the moon worship sect sent people to take revenge. This is not a suicide!

All of a sudden, everyone was flustered. The elders of the moon worship religion, second only to the leader and the bishop, have a high status in the worship of the moon. Moreover, we have all heard that there is such an elder surnamed Qiu in the worship of the moon. Today, Lin Feng kidnapped him to his stockade. How can these people not be surprised!

Hearing that Qiu Mingchang said so, Mu Qinglong was very happy. He didn't expect to meet a big man!

He quickly and respectfully said: "ah, it's elder Qiu. Lin Feng is too disrespectful and dare to help you! Hurry up, untie elder Qiu! "

His men rushed forward and untied Qiu Mingchang.

Qiu Mingchang's poison has been cured, but it was bound for many days, which made his blood circulation inconvenient, resulting in numbness of arms and legs, and weakness of the whole body.

Mu Qinglong is very good at something. His opponent's servant roared: "don't hurry to find a chair for elder Qiu!"

"Yes, yes!" A thug once again broke into the grandmother's house, jingling pulled out a wooden chair from the inside, and respectfully helped Qiu Mingchang sit on the chair.

The worship of the moon is very famous in this area. The elders of the worship of the moon naturally have a high status. Moreover, it is said that the elders of the worship of the moon cult are not only masters of the magic arts, but also masters of martial arts. Otherwise, there is no chance to be an elder.

So when they get the chance, they want to flatter.

"Elder Qiu, the boy who tied you up is not from our village, but he lives in our village now. It's my dereliction of duty. I apologize to you. On behalf of all the people in the village, I apologize to the moon worship sect. Please hold your hand high and mercifully release the people in our stockade!" Mu Qinglong is not the way to compensate Qiu Mingchang.

Mu Qinglong's play can be described as a wonderful performance. He can't help flattering elder Qiu and acting as a good man in front of the public. By the way, he said that Lin Feng was an unforgettable villain.

"Hum! If I had not been poisoned by the treacherous man, he would have tied me up? " Qiu Mingchang first explained that he was bound. After all, it was a disgrace to be bound. Then he said, "it was a mistake for your village to keep him. I will not give up when I worship the moon cult!"

Then, he kneaded his legs. He didn't feel relieved. Now he couldn't clean up Lin Feng, so he sat there and rubbed hard.

Mu Qinglong quickly sent someone to knead Qiu Mingchang's shoulder and back, and then said to the villagers around him, "as you can see, Lin Feng kidnapped elder Qiu, which made the worship of the moon cult angry and brought disaster to our whole village. Now we should deal with Lin Feng and let him calm down. What should we do with Lin Feng? Give us some advice

"Kill him!" Cried muazar.

As soon as he called, the crowd at the scene was aroused, and they all cried out: "kill him, kill him!"

The crowd was excited.

"Good!" Mu Qinglong said, then, but suddenly pointed to the crowd: "Fu Guoqing, Liufeng, osmanthus, doctor Miao, you stand up for me!"

All of them were silent. They didn't know which one was Mu Qinglong.

Mu Qinglong said: "you guys, privately support Lin Feng and Huoling, and fight against the whole village people. You have to be dealt with together with Lin Feng."

At this time, people have completely believed Mu Qinglong's words, and they have coldly looked at Fu Guoqing and others. Many of their good friends and relatives are far away from them!There are more usual enemies.

"Liu Feng is a coquettish fox, seducing my man! Pooh! I should have killed her

"Sweet scented osmanthus playing mahjong does not recognize the loss, owes me 300 yuan, shameless!"

"The price of medicine prescribed by doctor Miao is very high, doctor black heart!"


when the wall fell down and the crowd pushed, a group of people on Lin Feng's side were regarded as the objects of vent, and what was hard to hear and what to say was said.

"Oh, big guy, listen to me. My husband has been poisoned by poisonous insects, and I am also a victim." Osmanthus aunt sitting on the ground cried.

The man of her family has been stepping on bamboo shoots on the mountain these days. It's not right to come back tonight. She has nausea, diarrhea and chills all over. It's almost the same as when grandma was just sick.

So she's worried too!

As a result, she became the target of everyone's attack. Later, she couldn't live in the stockade. In a moment, she was desperate.

However, doctor Miao and Fu Guoqing still support Lin Feng very much. Doctor Miao remembers that Lin Feng saved his life. Naturally, he can't be a white eyed wolf. Fu Guoqing and his wife respect and trust Lin Feng very much. Fu Guoqing, in particular, has a man's spirit and drinks to the people:

"don't listen to other people's nonsense. Lin Feng is a good man, and Lin Feng is Miracle doctor, who has been poisoned by poisonous insects, he can save his life. He is seeing a doctor for her grandmother, so we should be calm. Lin Feng is not a bad man! "

"Fu Guoqing, you are a creep in and out of food!" Mu aza saw that Fu Guoqing was against them, so he threw a stick at Fu Guoqing.

Mu aza had practiced martial arts. Fu Guoqing, an honest man in the mountains, was not his opponent. Seeing Mu aza rush up, he didn't know what to do!

But at this time, Fu Guoqing felt a figure flash in front of him. A man stood in front of him and kicked Mu aza's stomach. Mu aza even kicked people with sticks.

"Are you tired after all these performances? I'm too lazy to talk to you, don't you know? You're still here like flies, don't you

Lin Feng is the one who kicks Mu aza to fly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!