The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 663

"What are you yelling at in the room? Don't you know there are patients in the room? " Lin Feng taught Mu Qinglong: "are you blind? I've been standing behind you for a long time. Can't you see it? "

"Lin Feng, you he..." wood green dragon gnashing teeth just want to reply.

But Lin Feng interrupted him and said, "you drink, why do you have so many bandages on your head? Yes? Kicked by a donkey? "

Then, seeing Mu Qinglong, Mu aza was also covered with bandages and could not help laughing: "ha ha, who is the bandage man? It looks familiar! Oh, it's your son. What are you two doing? Cosplay? Play the mummy? "

"Lin Feng, shut up

Mu Qinglong's teeth are almost broken. He and his son almost died in the wolf's belly last night. All of them were given by this Lin Feng. At this time, he hated Lin Feng deeply and wanted to tear Lin Feng to pieces and frustrate his bones and ashes!

After listening to Lin Feng's ridicule, Mu aza was also very angry. He said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, you dare to appear in front of us. You are not afraid to die!"

"Oh, you'll die if you keep your mouth shut. Who do you think you are?" Lin Feng said, "are you the executioner? Or Lord Yan? "

Lin Feng's frivolous language and smile almost made the villagers around him laugh.

However, everyone is very serious to suppress the smile, because at this time they hate Lin Feng very much!

In the eyes of the villagers, Lin Feng seems to be a hero.

Before that, many young girls were looking forward to seeing Lin Feng.

Seeing Lin Feng today, he was as handsome and sunny as the rumor said. Moreover, he always had a ruffian smile on his face. The smile seemed frivolous and joking, but there was a kind of calm and self-control who despised everything and controlled everything.

This kind of temperament really makes these girls infatuated, even many half old Xu Niang can't help but praise Lin Feng.

This boy is really charming!

However, just this morning, what the stockade leader Mu Qinglong said made them turn their worship of Lin Feng into hatred.

Because more and more people in the village have been suffering from diseases recently, and the symptoms are very similar to Huoling's grandmother.

Last night, another group of people were seriously ill and bedridden.

Early in the morning, people in the stockade ran for help in panic. It turned out that many people got sick because they had eaten daliangguo from Houshan.

They all went to doctor Miao, but his door was closed.

They went to the village leader Mu Qinglong.

Hearing this, Mu Qinglong immediately patted his thigh and said deliberately: "it's broken. It's the people who worship the moon to revenge!"

On hearing this, they suddenly remembered that the stronghold leader said a few days ago that Huo Ling had brought back a man who had a grudge against the moon worship cult, and that the moon worship cult had angered the people of Qinglong stronghold, so they might retaliate against the whole village.

In this way, the people who worship the moon should have come, and it is very likely that they were poisoned after eating the fruit.

Mu Qinglong also made a great deal of exaggeration and denounced: "the fire spirit is killing all the people in our village, so she brought back such a disaster star. I knew that Lin Feng was a disaster star a few days ago, but before I started, he came first and injured me and my son! If he is allowed to go on like this, he will do harm to all the people in our village. As the leader of the stronghold, I must seek justice from him again for you! "

After hearing this, the people immediately showed great respect for mu Qinglong.

This is the first time that they respect Mu Qinglong.

They didn't expect that at the critical moment, when people outside were in danger, they could only rely on the stronghold leader to stand up.

In an instant, Mu Qinglong became a leader of positive energy and a good leader of doing good deeds for the people.

At the same time, everyone began to hate Huoling and Lin Feng.

Therefore, he did not eat a big breakfast, so he all gathered around the fire spirit's house to denounce.

The village leader Mu Qinglong, with his son and a group of thugs, presided over justice for the villagers.

At this time, Mu Qinglong was even more arrogant. He yelled at Lin Feng: "you, an outsider, came to our village, but you didn't do a good thing, but all the people in the village were in danger. Now many people in our village have been bewitched. Can you tell me how to do this?"

"Disaster star, let this boy and fire spirit get out of our stockade!"

There was a shout of rage in the crowd.

Then everyone followed the wind and yelled: "get out of the stockade, out of the Qinglong village!"

"Please be calm and don't be impatient." Suddenly, the leader of the village stopped.

Qingmulong said: "if you hurt all the people in our village, can you let him go so easily? Where is such a good thing? Neither the boy nor the fire spirit can leave! "

"Yes, we must not let them go. We must let them explain to our village!" Muazar also followed his voice and said, "put this boy to death, so that the people who worship the moon can see our sincerity. Maybe the church will let us go! As for fire spirit, hum, this woman has promised to marry me before, so she should leave it to me to deal with it! "The father and his son are full of high spirits, and they are totally in a state of questioning their teachers.

And almost all of them are on their side, which is the strongest support in history. It's so cool to be able to plant the enemy and let everyone stand on their side. It's so cool!

However, Lin Feng was not angry and did not refute. He asked faintly, "Mu Qinglong, do you want to kill me in such a big battle today?"

"You want to die yourself. How can you say I killed you?" Mu Qinglong said with a smile: "don't slander me. You are the enemy of the whole stockade now. I will eradicate you for my stronghold."

The fire spirit saw that Mu Qinglong was moved to kill her heart, and everyone didn't believe Lin Feng. She was very anxious in her heart, so she quickly cut in and said:

"folks, listen to me, Lin Feng is not a disaster star, Lin Feng is here to save us, he is a doctor, he can save people, don't listen to their rumors ... "

" Huoling, you are such a cheap woman. Now, are you still defending your little white face? You are a real dog man and woman Mu aza's teeth were itching. He wanted to let his master destroy Lin Feng quickly, so that he could get the fire spirit to come to his death and ravage him. Only in this way can he get rid of his hatred.

"Speak as you speak, but please don't insult people!" Lin Feng listened to Mu aza scolding the fire spirit. He fiercely looked at Mu aza. His eyes sent out two sharp cold awns. He said faintly, "I'm afraid that this is why the villagers in the village are being poisoned. Your father and son know better than anyone else."

As soon as this saying is said, Mu Qinglong and Mu aza suddenly shudder, and the heart says, does this boy know anything?

Lin Feng said with a cold smile: "two mummies! Oh, no, it's two bandages. You really know how to catch a thief

As soon as this word came out, everyone was a little confused. Listen to the meaning of Lin Feng's words, is there something fishy?

People in the stockaded village don't have much trust in the wooden family. However, they are all puzzled.

All around, there was a lot of discussion, and the scene was in a mess. , the fastest update of the webnovel!