The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 665

"Bold Lin Feng, dare to hit people, too rampant, give me, hit him!" Mu Qinglong waves to the thug behind him.

However, those thugs were knocked down by Lin Feng last time, and now they are still in fear. They dare not go forward one by one.

"What are you doing? Give it to me Mu Qinglong's curse.

At this time, a man in a martial arts suit came out from behind Mu Qinglong. He had a flat head and a small white beard. He was Mu aza's master, Long Wu.

"Muzhai leader, Lin Feng and other crazy people are cruel. I'll take care of him." Long Wu said and went to the crowd.

Long Wu seldom makes a move in the stockade. This time, he wants to take Lin Feng to stand up in the stronghold.

He is now a five fold practitioner of the blood state, and he is also a top and powerful figure in this area. When he has the opportunity to show off, he naturally wants to show his face, and by the way, he can let Mu Qinglong owe him a favor.

But his appearance made elder Qiu dumbfounded.

Elder Qiu thought that he was also a practitioner in the later stage of the five levels of the blood state. It was natural for him to deal with Lin Feng, who had four levels of the blood state. However, his Qi and blood were not smooth at the moment. He was recuperating. Unexpectedly, a practitioner came forward in advance.

Elder Qiu can sense the Qi and blood in the Dragon five. However, he doesn't know what level the Dragon five has reached, but he doesn't expect to be higher than his own level, because high-level insight into low-level people has advantages, and low-level insight into high-level people is very difficult. He can sense that dragon five is a cultivator, indicating that dragon five is not as high as him.

In the same way, at this time, Longwu has realized that Lin Feng is also a cultivator, but he is lower than himself. To be on the safe side, he asked, "I didn't expect that you are also a cultivator. Dare you ask what level you are now?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "the four levels of blood state!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The Dragon five suddenly looked up at the sky and laughed. His worries disappeared. He said, "just a man who practices the four levels of the blood state, dare to be a bully in Qinglong village? Although the common people do not know martial arts, you don't have a look. What kind of thing are you with my dragon five garrison here? "

"Oh, no wonder you are so confident. It turns out that he is a practitioner of five levels of blood state! It's heavier than me Lin Feng said with a smile.

"A heavy practice and a heavy day, although it is only heavier than you, but you should be aware that the strength gap between us is quite huge!" Long Wu sneered.

The dialogue between them spread among the crowd. Some people who knew martial arts were like experts explaining to the people beside them what was the cultivator and what was the blood melting state. How much was the difference between the four levels and the five levels, and the difference between the early, middle and late stages of each level.

After they understood, they had a new understanding of the two people in front of them.

"The Dragon five is the five levels of the blood state, and Lin Feng is the four levels of the blood state. The Dragon five properly crush him!"

"Long Wu is mu aza's master. It's said that he is an expert. Lin Feng is so young that he can't be his opponent."

"That's right. Lin Feng is going to eat turtles this time. Who let him make our stockade chicken and dog restless? Such a person should have let Long Wu clean up and clean him up."


people began to count Lin Feng, and no one was optimistic about him.

Looking at the performance of the people around him, Long Wu was very proud and said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, you can only transform the four levels of blood state. Don't struggle any more. If you are wise, please kneel down and beg for mercy. If you break your meridians in public, I can spare your life. If you insist on your own way, I will not be merciful."

"Wow, I'm so scared!" Lin Feng's painting style suddenly changed. He pretended to be alarmed and said, "you are five fold ah, higher than me. How can you bully people?"

"What if I bully you? Since ancient times, the survival of the fittest is the survival of the fittest. You garbage, you can kneel down to beg for mercy, or I will kill you! " Long Wu roared.

"Now it's a legal society. If you kill people, you kill them? Hum, I want to call the police! I want uncle police to help me! " Lin Feng took out his mobile phone.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" On one side, Mu Qinglong laughed: "call the police? Are you kidding? In my territory, I want you to fight out, you can fight out, I don't want you to fight out, you are the king of heaven, you can't fight out! "

People naturally understand what Mu Qinglong said, because in the mountains, every village has a unique signal tower, and the signal tower is under the control of the stronghold leader. So long as Mu Qinglong turns off the signal on the tower, no one can call here.

But Lin Feng didn't think so. He took out a long time and took out his cell phone.

At first glance, the mobile phone looks like a small brick. The shell of the mobile phone is polished black and shiny, which is many times older than the mobile phone used by the people in the stockade!

Looking at Lin Feng's mobile phone, people suddenly burst into a sigh.

"What is this? Bricks? "

"Is this boy old? We all use Aifeng's cell phone. What's he doing? What's more, the signal tower is controlled by the stronghold leader. We can't call such a good mobile phone. Why is his cell phone taken out? Is it disgraceful? ""He's from a big city. How can he be more earthy than us?"

"Oh, how naive this boy is


everyone's words make Lin Feng even inferior to the buns.

Fire spirit and Liu Feng and other supporters of Lin Feng are all covered with black lines. The signal tower is under the control of others. Why do you take out a brick?

However, Lin Feng ignored what other people said. He always had a smile on his mouth. He pressed three numbers: "911"

after the broadcast, he suddenly felt something was wrong and said, "Oh, sorry, I stayed abroad for a long time. Some people are used to calling the police in foreign countries. It's not good. I dialed the wrong number! Our domestic security is good. I really don't call the police. By the way, how many domestic police calls are there? "

"I wipe it!"

Everyone's covered with black lines!

Don't even know about the domestic police call, but you still have a big brick to eliminate? What kind of international do you want to be?

Why does this man look so unreliable? It's bullshit!

At the moment, everyone has decided that Lin Feng may have some mental problems. How can this kind of phone call be dialled?

But wood Qinglong is a face of disdain and ridicule to Lin Feng said: "the police do not know, right? I tell you, it's 110! "

Lin Feng smile: "Oh, yes, it's 110, thank you!"

Finish saying, dial the past, and then put the mobile phone in the ear, waiting for the phone to dial.

The crowd shook their heads and laughed. Mu Qinglong's thugs wanted to see Lin Feng like a fool, waiting to see Lin Feng lose his face when he couldn't get through the phone.

Fu Guoqing, Liu Feng and doctor Miao all felt shameless. They all felt that Lin Feng's behavior was humiliating!

However, at this time, Lin Feng and Lin Feng suddenly turned on the hands-free and heard a voice from the other end of the phone: "Hello, this is 110 police call. I'm Xupu County People's police. What's the matter?"

After hearing this, they suddenly felt as if they had been choked by something. The scene was so quiet that the needle could be heard! , the fastest update of the webnovel!