The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 662

The pointed hat said that he was the tenurion of the worship of the moon, and he was in charge of ten disciples.

They have recently received a reward task, which is to drop poison near Qinglong village in order to poison the villagers of Qinglong village.

According to his understanding, the employer should be the leader of Qinglong village, Mu Qinglong.

The reason why Mu Qinglong did this was because he wanted to dominate Houshan.

There are not only a lot of precious medicinal materials and wild fruits on this land, but also abundant in fresh bamboo shoots in winter and spring. People in the stockaded village will step on the bamboo shoots and burn them at home every three to five times, which has become a delicacy of the local villagers.

Mu Qinglong has been the stronghold leader for so many years. He always thinks about squeezing the villagers. This is his habit.

At the beginning, he tried every means to contract the land, and then sold the herbs, fruits, and fresh bamboo shoots to the villagers at the highest price. In this way, he would sit and wait for the money to come.

But he thought it was beautiful. In fact, it was not so easy to contract the land.

Because this place belongs to the common property of the village, he wants to contract it, only with the consent of all the villagers in the village.

So the county leaders sent people to investigate in private, and the results of the investigation, of course, all disagreed.

Mu Qinglong is very angry, but he knows that this is the will of the people who are in debt. No matter how overbearing he is, he can't fight against the people in the whole village, so this matter is put aside on the surface.

But behind his back, he didn't give up. After discussing with his son Mu aza, he thought of a way to put poison on the bamboo shoots and fruits in the back mountain.

When the contractor gets sick, he will have to eat more poisonous vegetation, so he will have to eat more poisonous vegetation.

In this way, people will not oppose it any more. Instead, they will think that the stronghold leader is for their own sake.

Therefore, Mu Qinglong asked people who worship the moon to pay them to cast poison.

After hearing this, Lin Feng understood the whole story, but he still had doubts in his heart. He said, "even if Mu Qinglong got this place, it's full of poisonous insects. What's the use of going there? The fruit and bamboo shoots are not edible yet! Is it replanting? "

"No, no, no!" The pointed hat said, "the cold poisonous poisonous insects we cast are medicinal ones with a time limit. After the baptism of wind and rain and the baking of the sun, they will generally be invalid in a week."

"Oh, so it is!" Lin Feng nodded: "so the poison bug is due today, and it doesn't work. Then the four of you came here for tonic, but I met you!"

"Yes Said the pointed cap.

"You worship the moon is really an evil cult. Do you even take the task of harming people? What's more, it's enough to poison them. Why kill people? " Lin Feng cheered.

"You don't know something, elder brother. The villagers are very unruly. If it's a simple poison, they pull their stomachs and catch a cold several times. They don't care at all! That's why Mu Qinglong will let us use this kind of poisonous insect that is hard to root out! " Said the pointed cap.

"Asshole, you're committing a crime!" Lin Feng cheered.

"We are also entrusted by others, brother, spare your life, brother!" Said the pointed cap!

Lin Feng said coldly, "if you want me to spare you, I'll give you a chance to do meritorious deeds. Tell me quickly, where is your headquarters? I want to talk to your boss. If you don't say so, I'll take you to the county police station now! This is a deliberate murder, and someone has been poisoned in the stockade. People will be killed soon. You will be shot in time

"Big brother, please hold your hand high. I don't know where our headquarters are." The pointed hat with a cry said: "our hierarchy is very strict, I'm just a tenurion, usually I take ten brothers have their own stronghold, the top has a task, will send someone to meet us, I don't know where they are at all!"

"How cunning Lin Feng clenched his teeth and nodded. He looked like he was lying!

What's more, Lin Feng knows that this kind of cult is organized by the people spontaneously and belongs to immoral and illegal activities. Once it is found out, it will be absolutely banned and the law will be enforced.

So they are cunning, hiding in the mountains, will not be easy to find. What's more, looking at the posture of these people, they walk and jump with white flour on their faces. It's just a trick to scare people. Even if someone sees them, they dare not do anything about them!

So the worship of the moon should be very secret.

"What level of people do you know about the location of the headquarters?" Lin Feng asked.

"At least it's centurion and elder level at least!" Said the pointed cap.

"Well!" Lin Feng nodded, and the heart said he had to rely on elder Qiu to lead the way!

"Big brother, big brother, what I should say, can you let me go?" Asked the pointed cap.

"Yes! Turn your head! Count three Lin Feng said.

The pointed cap turned round and began to count.




"Putong!"The pointed cap, with his white eyes, fainted on the ground.

How can Lin Feng release these hurtful odds and ends? So, even he was knocked out.

He went back to find some ropes and tied the four men to the tree directly.

After all this, it's already light.

Lin Feng walked back to the village, but he found that all the people in the village had got up early. As soon as he passed by, those villagers looked at him with bitter eyes, as if he had made some big mistake.

Lin Feng ignored them and went straight back to her grandmother's house. However, when she arrived at the door of her grandmother's house, she found that her door was open. A group of people surrounded her, and there were people shouting.

"Huo Ling, hand over that boy quickly. Do you want to do it with the whole stockade?"

Lin Feng crowded into the crowd and walked into the courtyard. He saw Mu Qinglong with bandages on his face. He was yelling at his grandmother's house.

"Huoling, you stinky girl, you ruin the reputation of our village and bring outsiders into the village. You are a shameless woman!" Mu Qinglong scolds.

Then, he pretended to be a good man and said, "but we are good-natured and don't have a common understanding with you. After all, you are also from our stockade!"

"But Mu Qinglong changed his way again: "you bring a disaster star back to harm our whole village. You're going too far. Do you have any moral bottom line?"

Huo Ling couldn't bear Mu Qinglong's slander. He pushed them away and called out to him:

"why do you say that I have disgraced the stockade? Why do you say that the man I brought back is a disaster

"Fire spirit, you are willing to come out at last, aren't you?" Mu Qinglong sneered and said, "if you don't say anything else, just say that Lin Feng you brought here. He kidnapped the people of the moon worship cult and conspicuously opposed it. This is clearly leading the worship of the moon to our stockade. The worship of the moon is not easy to provoke. Are you trying to kill all the people in the village?"

Huo Ling also knows that Qiu Chang, who is tied up by Lin Feng, is always a worshiper of the moon cult. The worship of the moon cult is very secretive in the mountains. The people of the worship of the moon are ruthless and ruthless, so once they get married, it is difficult to deal with it.

However, she believed that Lin Feng could cope with it.

However, qingmulong did not give Huoling any chance, pointing to the house and scolding: "Lin Feng, you give me out, today I replace the whole village, I will punish you severely as a disaster star!"

At this time, he felt a slap on his shoulder. When he looked back, he saw a face with a joking smile.

That face is no other than Lin Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!