The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 661

After Lin Feng took a bath, he still wanted to continue his practice. He found that it was the last midnight.

But he doesn't feel sleepy. The last half of the night is quiet. It's usually the time when Lin Feng consolidates his body's essence.

The reason why Lin Feng transformed the four levels of blood state is that he has the ability to beautify the six levels of blood environment. One is due to the blood of his ancient martial arts, and the second is to the essence of his body.

In general people's practice, they rely on their strength to push blood in their bodies. When fighting, they also rely on their strength to promote blood circulation and transmit nourishment and energy to all parts of the body.

However, although Lin Feng also depends on the strength of Qi to practice, but in his elixir field, there is more energy than other practitioners, called essence.

This essence is similar to, but different from, Qi. It was created by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth in the early morning.

Of course, this is just the saying in Wuji cultivation Dharma formula, which is quite mysterious to ordinary people.

Generally speaking, Jingqi is composed of cross legged meditation, absorbing the baptism of moonlight and sunlight, and absorbing pure air to wash the impurities and dirty energy in the body.

When the strong Qi is washed and purified, a part of the essence gas will be extracted and stored in the elixir field.

Therefore, Jingqi is also an upgraded version of Jinqi.

Lin Feng is out of the mountains, the air is fresh, the sun and the moon are not covered. Therefore, he should seize the time to cultivate his essence. His essence is vigorous, and he can display extraordinary combat effectiveness in combat.

Lin Feng cross legged, open the window, feel the mountain rich aura and the breath of nature, the heart incomparably quiet and comfortable.

Unconsciously, the refinement of essence is faster and faster than ever before!

Lin Feng's body is like a hungry beast, greedily sucking the gift given by nature, and his body and mind reach a state of incomparable pleasure.


however, after practicing for about an hour, he was suddenly attracted by a strange sound in the distance.

On the back mountain not far away, it seems that someone is playing.

Since he was baptized by the blood of xuanbingzhu and guwu last night, Lin Feng's ears and eyes are more intelligent than before. No one else in the stockade can hear the noise, but Lin Feng can hear it.

It's late midnight. How can anyone be on the back hill?

Is it the people of the wooden family who are playing tricks? Do you want to kill doctor Miao in the back mountain again?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng got dressed, jumped out of the window and went straight to the back mountain.

The closer he was to the back of the mountain, the more obvious the noise Lin Feng heard. When he passed through the big trees that covered the sky and reached the vicinity of a Daliang fruit tree, he heard the noise more vividly.

He hid behind a bush and looked at the source of the sound.

But I saw a group of people in strange clothes.

They were all dressed in black robes and pointed hats. They were very strange, just like the black and white impermanence from hell. They also jumped and looked more like imps.

Is there really something unclean in this mountain?

Lin Feng frowned and thought about it for a while, but he approached it gently and looked at it carefully.

However, those faces were painted with white powder, which was very terrifying. As soon as they ran, the wide sleeves and robes were like kites flying in the sky. Hunting sounds, both elegant and weird.

But close, Lin Feng is able to hear these people's dialogue.

"Have you cast all the Gu?" Asked one of the peaked hats.

"Almost, the Daliang fruit trees in this area are basically covered with our cold poisonous insects!" Another pointed cap replied.

"Good! It's done, we'll retreat! " Said the former.

"Good!" The latter should say.

Lin Feng counted, a total of four pointed caps, listen to the sound, is a normal person.

But they dress like this and make a mystery. At first sight, they are some cult in the mountains.

But listen to them say that they put cold poisonous insects on Daliang fruit trees. Isn't it just eating the Daliang fruit in the back mountain that the poison gas attacks the heart!

It turns out that these people are the original perpetrators. I didn't want to find them, but I happened to meet them. Fate!

Lin Feng intends to catch up with them, but he hears a topic that interests him.

A pointed hat chatted with the people behind him as he walked along: "well, it's so good to think about elder Qiu. He can go out of the mountain to the county and city without any problem. His life is colorful. We stay in the mountains all day and play tricks. It's so boring!"

"Who says no, I heard that the women at the foot of the mountain are white and tender. If you pinch them, you can squeeze the water out of them!" Said the other.

"Crouch, why are you drooling? Look at your success

"I salivate why, you are hard, you are still funny me?"


these people began to play again.

But listen to them say so, Lin Feng heart is actually happy.

It turns out that these guys are moon worshipers!Now it's OK. Catch them, ask the headquarters of the worship of the moon, kill them, go straight to Huanglong and take the clues of bleeding jade, and you're done.

Lin Feng saw that group of people turn a corner and plan to walk towards the deep mountain. He quickly followed him with a few arrows and cut down a pointed cap behind him with one hand.

Then, in the same way, he knocked out the other two, leaving only the pointed cap that seemed to be in charge.

"Well, brothers, how many people in the stockade must be killed in this Daliang fruit tree? I feel like I'm doing something immoral The pointed Cap said to himself, as if to the man behind.

But Lin Feng followed him and said, "it's not some immorality. You are really immoral."

"Oh, I can't help it. The order given by the above must be followed." Said the pointed cap.

"It's up to you to die. Are you going too?" Lin Feng said.

"What are you talking about?" The peaked cap was a little angry.

But at the same time, he suddenly responded. The voice behind this special man is not very good, right!

He quickly turned back, but he felt a flash of black shadow in front of him, and the sound of "bang" made his face suffer a heavy blow. On the spot, he ran blood from his nose, and his pointed cap was beaten away, and he fell down on the mountain road.

"Ouch, ouch, it's killing me!" The pointed cap groaned.

Lin Feng walked up to the pointed hat and said coldly, "my friend, it's not a good habit to play tricks. Are you a disciple of the moon cult? What are you doing near Qinglong stronghold? Why poison Daliang fruit trees

"Who are you?" Asked the pointed cap, covering his nose.

"You don't care who I am. If you don't answer me truthfully today, I will beat you up and drag you to the black wind ditch to feed the wolf!" Lin Feng said fiercely.

A strong aura came to his face in an instant. The pointed hat was scared and shivered. When he saw that the other three people had fallen to the ground unconscious, he suddenly became weak and shivered and said:

"good man, I'm a moon worshiper. What do you want to know? I'll tell you everything! Please don't kill me

"Just answer my question!" Lin Feng gazed at the pointed cap like hell's death.

"Good! I said The pointed cap nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!