The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 660

But soon he reacted, and then he was happy.

It turned out that the black ice beads played a role!

He took out the black ice bead from his pocket, opened his mouth subconsciously and put it into his mouth.

It's all instinctive, like a person who's hot and dry and wants to eat ice cream.

The black ice bead was held in his mouth by Lin Feng, and immediately sent out a bone chilling feeling. The cold feeling was like a bucket of ice water. Lin Feng's brain consciousness changed from chaos to clearness.

Then, a strong cold feeling swept over his body in an instant. He could feel the continuous cold breath from the black ice beads.

This breath is very strong and violent, interwoven with the heat and dryness in one's body, just like two strong energy colliding together, burst out instantly.

Suddenly, a strong pain spread all over the body, this kind of pain, like the pain of tearing muscles and blood vessels, pain to the bone marrow, all limbs in a moment of pain numbness.

If this moment is seen by an outsider, he will be frightened by Lin Feng's present appearance.

Because the skin on the surface of Lin Feng was red and white, and the blood vessels were suddenly raised and swam back and forth, just like the swimming insects of the size of nails swimming in the blood vessels.

And Lin Feng is also suffering from extremely severe pain, gritting teeth to persist.

To be honest, he didn't know what he was insisting on at this time. He could spit out the ice bead and end the pain.

However, it seems that someone is reminding him that if he gives up now, he will fall short of success, and even his body will be burned by the hot and dry blood.

Moreover, if you give up now, it will prove that the road of self-cultivation in the future seems to be coming to an end, because there is no way to stop the dry heat of the blood of ancient martial arts.

So, this is an opportunity, Lin Feng kept telling himself, we must use and control these two energy!

However, these two energies are like two angry beasts, one ice and one fire, fighting fiercely in Lin Feng's body, regardless of whether the owner of this pair of body can bear to live in this riot.

Moreover, if the body of ordinary people, at this time may have been torn.

However, Lin Feng's physical tenacity is not one in ten thousand. Xuanlingzi also said that his bones, blood and muscle tissue are the best in the world.

Therefore, he can endure the pain that ordinary people can't bear.

Originally, Lin Feng's blood of ancient martial arts contains infinite energy. However, the black ice bead is not inferior to that of the ancient martial arts.

No wonder that snake is so powerful. It turns out that there is infinite energy in the black ice bead.

If these two energy can be combined together, it can not only dissolve the dry heat of the blood of ancient martial arts and the cold of the black ice beads, but also integrate the two energies to achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two, then it will be perfect.

Lin Feng endure the sharp pain, the mind keeps thinking.

At this time, the naked eye can see that the skin all over his body bursts of cold, but the quilt sitting under his buttocks is boiling hot, and even has signs of burning.

The impact of the ice and fire is like a man in purgatory, which is the most painful suffering.

Can't you two be more peaceful?

Lin Feng in the bottom of his heart, toward these two violent and powerful energy shout!

But suddenly, the word "peace" brightened her eyes!



"Peace means relaxation, calmness and balance." Lin Feng began to calculate in his heart: "the universe is a kind of existence of balance, and the vast earth can achieve balance, why not two streams of energy in his body?"

"Heaven is dry, earth is Kun, heaven and earth are heaven and earth, heaven and earth are nature, heaven is Yang, earth is Yin, yin and yang are harmonious, and they are peaceful and free! This is the secret of the balance between heaven and earth

"However, this is not a kind of martial arts, the purpose of Tai Chi."

Lin Feng knows Tai Chi very well, and his research on Tai Chi is a master level.

The pattern of yin and Yang in Taiji proves the theory of Taiji better. The balance of yin and Yang, the integration and mutual help, the hard press the soft, the soft overcome the hard.

Therefore, since I can practice Tai Chi well, why can't I use the theory of Tai Chi to fuse these two energies together?

Lin Feng suddenly seems to have found a breakthrough, a happy heart, quickly calm down, strive to let his consciousness first calm down.

No matter how hard the two forces in your body fight, you should keep calm, natural and calm.

Then, take back the strength and stop practicing.

Gu Wu's blood flow slowed down, and the body temperature dropped slightly.

At this time, the cold of xuanbingzhu hit, and the heat and dryness of the blood of ancient martial arts were pressed.

This can't be done. The balance is that both sides are equally matched.

With the tip of his tongue, Lin Feng pushed the black ice bead out to his mouth. When he pushed it to his mouth, the cold was less than before.At this time, Lin Feng's heart returned to calm again. The ice and fire energy slowly felt the peace. When they met again, they were all mild, and the conflict was not as fierce as before.

Lin Feng heart ecstasy, it seems that his idea worked.

Once again, he urged the energy to speed up the blood flow of ancient martial arts in his body. The dry heat of blood was for Yang.

Masculinity suddenly dominates the body and suppresses the Yin cold Qi.

As a result, the cold in the body is becoming more and more rare, and it is very soft.

At this time, Lin Feng stopped pushing again, the blood flow rate slowed down, and the feeling of dryness and heat gradually decreased.

He pulled the ice Pearl back into his mouth, and a strong cold air entered his body again. However, because the previous cold air had become very soft, it affected the cold air all of a sudden.

The cold air became soft, but its strength did not weaken. It soon gained the upper hand. The dry heat of the blood of ancient martial arts suddenly lost its temper and gradually showed signs of being submerged.

At this time, Lin Feng once again mobilized his strength and boosted his blood.

The hot and dry Qi rose again, but it was not as hot and dry as before.

That black ice bead silk cold, also appears gentle many.

When the two meet again, it seems that there is a sense of not fighting and not knowing each other. The hero cherishes the hero, slowly and harmoniously converges together.

The blood in the body flows slowly, with a trace of warmth, but also with a trace of cool.

This is a strange and pleasant feeling, Lin Feng closed his eyes, incomparable enjoyment.

It's been a long time since I had this cool and comfortable feeling. It's just wonderful!

What's more, he was surprised that the power of the blood of ancient martial arts, combined with the power of the black ice beads, well blended together to counteract each other's weaknesses and let the other side play its strongest energy. It really achieved the effect of one plus one greater than two.

Originally, Lin Feng only wanted to use the ice cold breath of the ice beads to cool down, but he didn't expect that the dark ice beads also contained so much energy, which was really an unexpected harvest.

And it's a huge gain.

With the integration of the energy of the black ice bead, Lin Feng felt his blood was full of vitality and strength. Even, he felt that the two pulse gates were vulnerable to a single blow.

However, what surprised him even more was that his whole body was full of a foul smell. On closer inspection, the surface of his skin was actually full of dirt emanating from his pores.

This is the dirt deposited in the body for many years, which was forced out by the two huge energies just now.

It's like a clean-up. It's a blessing in disguise.

Lin Feng rushed to take a shower and found that his skin was as smooth as jade, more delicate and shiny than before, and the whole person was radiant.

And just now the pain of blood vessels and muscle tears has disappeared. He feels that his body is filled with infinite strength, which is more than one step higher than the previous strength.

Is he promoted to the five levels of the blood state?

However, the body's two great pulse gates of heaven and earth did not open.

Rao is so, Lin Feng heart is more happy, did not advance, out of thin air strength has become stronger, if this promotion, is not more explosive?

He looked at himself in the mirror with satisfaction, feeling a burst of unprecedented comfort! , the fastest update of the webnovel!