The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 659

Grandma's house.

At this time, doctor Miao has woken up. Knowing that Lin Feng saved him, he kneels down to Lin Feng and thanks again and again.

Lin Feng helped doctor Miao to have a rest.

Doctor Miao felt that it was urgent to treat grandma. Although he was weak, he went back to his drugstore and took the medicine according to Lin Feng's prescription.

Soon doctor Miao brought the medicine back to Lin Feng.

In fact, doctor Miao was thinking about Lin Feng's words all the way. He couldn't understand why he couldn't use this medicine for her grandmother, why did Lin Feng use it easily?

Is it true that their appearance is not enough?

However, he did not see any flower head of Lin Feng, Lin Feng is a normal decocting medicine!

However, while everyone was not paying attention, Lin Feng bit his finger and dropped a drop of his own blood into the medicine soup.

In fact, it's bullshit to say that this pair of medicinal materials depends on their appearance. The main reason is that Lin Feng doesn't want them to know their secrets.

His blood of ancient martial arts is even afraid of cold insects and poisonous insects. It's natural to deal with the cold, not to mention the cooperation and assistance of medicinal materials.

So the core of this pair of medicine is actually the blood of Lin Feng's ancient martial arts, so no other medicine can be used, only Lin Feng can.

A pair of medicine quickly fried, to the grandmother to take, suddenly grandma's whole body out of a silk of white gas, like transpiration of water vapor, and the complexion suddenly ruddy a lot, the body can also slightly do up.

"Hello, grandma." The fire spirit cheered.

"It's amazing."

Dr. Miao, Fu Guoqing, Liu Feng and others were all watching in the room. After my grandmother drank the medicine, she was in a good state. She felt very surprised.

Those famous doctors came to prescribe all kinds of high-end drugs, but they didn't see any reaction after taking them. Lin Feng, a combination of several traditional Chinese medicines, had an immediate effect. Lin Feng is really an expert outdoors and a great miracle doctor!

Doctor Miao shook his head and sighed with shame and said, "Doctor Lin, I've really taken it. I've been practicing medicine for nearly 20 years. I didn't expect to be defeated by your beauty today."

"Oh, I can't help it. I'm so handsome!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "if you want to have good medical skills, you can go back to Bangzi country and have a face lift once. It's OK."

"Ah Doctor Miao is covered with black lines.

"Doctor, what do you think of my illness?" Liu Feng wriggled forward and asked Lin Feng a little embarrassed.

"Oh, you are easy to do, Poria cocos, angelica, motherwort three money, boiled eggs to eat, every day at noon to eat such an egg, to ensure that you see a month after the magic effect!" Lin Feng said.

"Oh, thank you so much, doctor. You are really a living Hua Tuo!" Liu Feng began to use her sharp teeth and sharp mouth again.

"Don't try to boast. I haven't finished yet." Lin Feng said: "the medicine I gave you is a very basic medicine for the treatment of your irregular menstruation and increased leucorrhea. However, it can only enhance your immunity and relieve your symptoms. The most important thing is that your mood is unstable and your mind is too small. In the future, you must be magnanimous, be lenient when you are in trouble, don't be fussy, and keep a happy and relaxed mood every day, Your illness will be cured naturally! "

"So it is. Thank you, doctor. Thank you really!" Liu Feng felt a few words from Lin Feng, lighting up her life, and instantly surprised Lin Feng.

Looking at her, Huo Ling was also very happy. She said gratefully to Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, thanks to you this time. You see, grandma has more strength than before, and also wants to eat East!"

"Well, let Grandma have a good rest and make some light porridge dishes for her. She will get better soon." Lin Feng said.

When he said this, Huoling grandma and Tigress were even more happy. Tigress kept praising: "brother in law, you are wonderful, brother-in-law, you are so powerful!"

"Brother in law?"

People you look at me, I see you, heart has a good, bad smile, face hanging you know the expression.

"Well, it's getting late, and you've been tired all day. Go to bed early! It's time for you and me to go back to bed! " Liu Feng is very reasonable said.

"Good sister-in-law, thank you and National Day brother!" Said the fire spirit.

"Oh, silly girl, I should thank you. If you don't bring your doctor, I don't know if I can get well in the year of monkey. I can't say I'll get cancer." Liu Feng said, "OK. It's too late today. I'll thank you again tomorrow

"You're welcome!" Lin Feng smiles.

After hearing this, doctor Miao also announced his departure.

But doctor Miao was afraid of what happened tonight, so he left Lin Feng's phone. If there is anything wrong, he should call Lin Feng for help at the first time.

After everyone left, Lin Feng plans to go to the side room to sleep.

However, he found that elder Qiu, who had been knocked unconscious by himself, was still awake by pinching people. He gave elder Qiu something to eat, and once again tied it to the bed of the wood room with a stronger rope.After that, Lin Feng returned to the side room.

After he closed the door, he couldn't wait to pull out the black ice bead.

He washed the black ice beads with water several times, which made them look more bright and bright. The whole body was shining with cold white light. If you look carefully, you can see that the surface is chilly.

If ordinary people hold it in their hands, they will feel cold and piercing. If they don't hold it much, they will throw them away.

But when Lin Feng grasped it in his hand, he felt the cold moment of the black ice bead spread all over his body from his hand, a very comfortable feeling.

"What a treasure Lin Feng played with it and couldn't put it down.

"By the way, I should practice and try to see if this bead can help me a lot?"

When Lin Feng practiced before, he did not dare to practice again because of his fast blood flow and hot body.

And now there are black ice beads, which even red scorpions think are extremely cold things. They will certainly have an effect on their own blood dryness and heat.

Because Lin Feng found a way to solve his own cultivation, that is to use extremely cold things to fight against his own hot and dry blood.

So this method should be easy to use.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng put the bead in his pocket, cross legged and began to meditate.

The consciousness starts to flow with blood and Qi.

Lin Feng's skin began to turn red, and then the faster the blood flow rate, the violent impact on the two major pulse gates of Jingtian and Kaidi.

If these two pulse gates are opened, Lin Feng will be able to advance to the five levels of huaxuejing.

In that case, it's only one step away from the peak of huaxue.

Lin Feng has always been looking forward to the future, because he saw the description in the "infinite cultivation Dharma formula" that high-level practitioners can not only have infinite power, but also be more powerful masters. They can catch wind into knives, turn Qi into swords, and kill people hundreds of meters away.

It's like a God.

However, returning to reality, Lin Feng found that Jingtian and Kaidi were stubborn. He had impacted several times and still remained motionless.

In front of these two veins, Lin Feng felt that his blood power was very small. It seemed that the thickness of these two veins was stronger than that of all the previous ones.

No wonder Master said that the more you practice, the more difficult it will be. Moreover, the difficulty is doubled.

Today, I feel it. If I follow the normal practice, I still don't know when I can open these two channels to advance to the five levels of huaxue state. In addition, with the hot and dry blood, I don't dare to practice hard. I feel that it's hard to enter the heaven.

Several times after the impact, his blood again incomparable dry heat, Lin Feng upset, the brain began to enter a chaotic state.

However, at this time, he suddenly felt a chill coming out of his pocket, which spread to every inch of his skin, which made his body surface temperature drop suddenly, and his whole body was suddenly incomparably comfortable.

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