The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 65

Back in the company, Lin Feng returned to his familiar environment. He walked around and looked around. He molested little girls and ate snacks and fruits. He lived a very comfortable life.

Although Lin Feng is not sure whether the behind the scenes gangster is the wolf club, it is not appropriate to take the initiative to attack. In Lin Feng's opinion, at this time, we need to wait for the hare. If the backstage gangster is not the wolf club, they will attack Dongsheng Group soon.

So now he just needs to be prepared for all the defense and wait for the behind the scenes to find out.

Lin Feng went to the public relations department to search around and flirt with the little beauties. Just as he wanted to go to Su Jing's office to have another flirtation, his phone rang. It seemed that Lao Hu was calling.

"Hello? What's the matter? " Lin Feng Road.

"Lin Feng, do you remember the baby I told you about?" Nonsense.

"Of course I remember. It was the treasure of the Lin family. Most of the reason why I went back to Jincheng was to take back the things that belonged to the Lin family. The glory of the Lin family should not be taken by others." As soon as Lin Feng talks about this baby, his look is incomparably solemn.

"Well, it's lucky for the Lin family to have you." Lao Hu said.

"All right, all right. Stop the ink. Tell me quickly. Do you have a cable?" Lin Feng asked.

"It's not a clue, but there's something about it!" Lao Hu said: "in those days, your parents were killed because of that treasure, so if you can find that thing, you can find the person who persecutes your parents!"

"I know that, too. Get to the point Lin Feng Road.

"Well, well!" Laohu coughed and said: "there is a girl in Jincheng, named Chu Yuqi, who is about your age. You should have a good relationship with her and let her trust you incomparably before you can find the clue of that baby!"

"Girl? An ordinary young girl? How could it be related to my family's treasure? " Lin Feng Road.

"Don't ask me about it. My information is absolutely accurate! You just need to do everything you can to get her approval! That's it Lao Hu said.

"Recognized?" Lin Feng a face muddled: "let her fall in love with me calculate?"

"Don't do this. You and Su Jing are still engaged!" "Of course, if she can really fall in love with you, it will be very easy for you to get clues. Anyway, you should know that this mission is not for me, but for yourself and for your Lin family, so...

" so I'm going to betray my color, right? "

"Maybe, in short, you have to refuel!"

"Bullshit, I don't refuel, I give you gas?" Lin Feng also received this kind of task for the first time, so that a girl can fully trust himself. He feels both incredible and funny. He can't tell. He has to seduce a girl first!

What if you were a dinosaur?

I vomit before I wait for action. This task is not fun!

"Xiaofeng, remember, all the honor of the Lin family depends on you to maintain. Moreover, only by getting that treasure, can you find the person who persecutes your parents! I think, after all these years of hard training, you just want to wash away the shame that your parents were killed and the family treasure was taken away? " Lao Hu said.

Lin Feng clenched his fist. For so many years, he thought about it all the time. It was like a stone in his heart, always pressing himself.

When he was still very young, Jincheng was just a small city. Their family had a happy life and lived the most ordinary and happy life.

But that day, the bad news came, he was unprepared and became an orphan.

Although he was lucky enough to avoid the persecution of those people, his inner pain and missing for his parents were indelible. At that moment, he swore that one day, he would pay the blood debts of those people.

Therefore, he must take the road provided by Lao Hu.

"Lao Hu, thank you!" Lin Feng said, "come to Jincheng some other day, I'll take you to Piao prostitute!"

"Go away, stinky boy, you're making fun of me Lao Hu said with a smile.

Next, the two chatted about Dongsheng Group again, and Lao Hu hung up.

Lin Feng thought that now that there are mice sitting here, he can also be free for a while. It's better to find the girl named Chu Yuqi.

Isn't it easy for girls to fall in love with themselves? Isn't it OK to look handsome?

Lin Feng found a mirror in the corridor, facing the mirror to sort out his anima clothes, and then frowned at the mirror to do a few expressions.

At this time, Su Jing happened to pass by. Seeing Lin Feng's strange behavior, she asked, "what are you doing?"

"Oh, seduce girls!" Lin Feng said.

Su Jing frowned. How could Lin Feng always be so frivolous and seduce girls?

In front of her, she was deeply moved because Lin Feng saved her own life. As a result, in the past few days, his affection for Lin Feng disappeared. Lin Feng chatted with him everywhere. Moreover, she let the whole company know about his cohabitation. Su Jing was so angry that she almost broke the contract.Today, I had asked a lot, but I didn't expect that this pervert would directly talk about seducing women.

She has had enough.

"Lin Feng, this is in the company, please pay attention to your words and deeds!" Su Jing said.

"Is there anything wrong with me Lin Feng asked, "are you jealous? If you are jealous, tell me that I will seduce you to save your anger

"Oh, you think too much. I wish you success in seduction." Su Jing walked forward with a cold face, but she didn't know why she was so angry that she took a few steps and didn't see the document behind.

"Mr. Su, you lost something." Lin Feng picked it up and looked at it: "Yo, do you also read men's magazines? Tut, tut, and Guo Nan

"You give it to me!" Su Jing's face turned red. The magazine was confiscated from the front desk just now. She didn't read it at all.

"I'll give it to you, but it's hard to imagine you're watching this thing when you're so cold! Hee hee Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I didn't look!" Seeing Lin Feng's cheap appearance, Su Jing really wants to slap him in the face. How can it make people angry.

"Who knows if you have a condom at the head of your bed? I didn't know it before!" Lin Feng said.

"You..." Su Jing said angrily, "you can sleep in the corridor tonight! Don't think about going into the room and sleeping! "

"General manager Su, if you do this, I will sue you for domestic violence!" Lin Feng said.

"Please make it clear to me that you and I are not a family. In addition, please look serious in the future. If you do this again, I will...

" what can you do? "

"I'll castrate you!" Su Jing finally said something she wanted to say. After that, she quickly looked around to see if anyone found out, and then she blushed like a tomato.

"Ah Lin Feng a Leng: "this woman is ruthless, dare to die under the hand as expected!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!