The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 658

The five wolves were also red eyed and rushed to Longwu.

Dragon five with the left leg as the center, the right leg swung up and drew a circle directly. The five wolves rushed up and were swept away by him.

"Master, how wonderful

Mu aza flattered, his face very happy.

It's all right now. Master came.

The wolves were swept by the Dragon five times, the light ones suffered some minor injuries, and the heavy ones fell to the ground.

Wolf king looked at the momentum is not good, limping with the disabled will turn around to run.

"Fifth master, thank you so much. If it wasn't for you, our father and son would be buried in the wolf's belly today." Said the village leader.

"Well, you're welcome. The stronghold leader is very affectionate to me at ordinary times. I don't have the reason to save the Dragon five!" Long Wu Ao ran road.

Although the Dragon five seems to have a high profile, but it is a hypocrite.

He has been living in Mu Qinglong's house for years. He has two hobbies, wine and women.

Mu Qinglong entertained him with good wine every day. Moreover, he often presented him with some young girls, many of whom were paid for on their first night.

And hateful is, many girls do not agree, he is forced to buy and sell, if the girl does not, he will think of the law of the people's family, extremely insidious.

And this dragon five is also some abnormal, likes those who do not obey his chaste heroine, he feels more flavor.

Therefore, Longwu and the stockade leader and his son are of the same interest and close relationship.

Long Wu was born into a martial arts family. He got the true story from his ancestors when he was young. He began to practice as a practitioner. He was talented and intelligent. He spent 50 years cultivating to the four levels of blood melting state.

In the past six months, he has repeatedly felt that he is expected to break through the four levels of the blood state and enter the five levels of the blood state.

So, three months ago, when he retreated to the mountains for cultivation, Mu aza was responsible for sending people to give him meals.

It has to be said that this primitive mountain is really a good place for cultivation. It has rich aura, and the cultivation speed is much faster than usual.

Just last night, he broke through the four levels of the blood state and became a practitioner in the early stage of the five levels.

It turned out that he was the overlord of this side when he was in the fourth level of blood state. Now he has been promoted to the five level state, and his hand covers the sky.

In this part of the earth and water, his dragon five is the God.

Long Wu looks up at the sky with a proud face.

"Master, look at your skill. You are much more fierce than before. Have you succeeded?" Asked muazar.

"Of course, how could I have gone down the mountain today?" Long Wu said.

"Master, how did you know that my father and I were here?" Muazar asked suspiciously.

"I went down the mountain today and came to your house. I found that your father and son were not there. I asked people to know that I had come to the Heifeng ditch." Long Wu said, "I have been waiting for you for a long time. I think something must have happened and I can't get away from it. So I came here and I guessed it."

"Oh, master, you are a great benefactor to me and my father!" Mu aza saw Longwu, more pro than his father, a snot and tears of crying.

Mu Qinglong was also very grateful for the rest of his life and said, "it's a good time for you to come. This time I have to thank you a lot."

"How can I thank you so much?" Longwu's eyes laughed.

That smile with jealousy of obscenity and lewdness, completely different from the appearance of the master just now.

"What do you say? I know a lot about Wu Ye's hobby. I don't talk much. I'll get two fresh chicks for him today." Green wood Dragon said.

"Ha ha ha, you know me!" Long Wu looked up at the sky and laughed. He couldn't hold back these days because he was not close to women in the mountains.

"But how did your father and son get so upset?" Long Wu asked.

"Oh, five masters, you don't know something. It's hard to say anything about it." Mu Qinglong said: "I met a thorn this time, but I was pitiful!"

"What, there are people who dare to touch you in this place?" Dragon five surprised way.

"Well, he was a young man in his twenties. He came from other places and had good skills. None of my thugs were his opponents. As a result, our father and son were also taught a lesson by him." Said Mu Qinglong.

"Yes, master, I also mentioned you. I said to the boy that my master is a practitioner. If you dare to move me, my master will not forgive you! And guess what he said Muazar instigated the road.

"What did he say?" Long Wu asked.

"He said your master is here, I'll fight together!" Muazar said.

"Asshole, how could that be true?" The dragon's five teeth clenched and gurgled.

"Mr. Wu, you don't know. The boy has a beautiful woman who came out of our village. The woman looks like a big girl in a cartoon. Her figure, tut Tut, is so enchanting! If the fifth master can take care of the boy, we will get the girl, and the fifth master will be the first to open the bud for her Said Mu Qinglong.

Mu aza felt very uncomfortable, but the words came to his mouth, but he held back. After all, this time, it's up to the master.After hearing this, Long Wu showed a greedy look on his face and said, "is there such a woman in the world? Well, it's just killing people and robbing women. It's very simple in this remote country. You can make sure that the police can do it! "

Long Wu is more meticulous in his work. Even if he is an expert, he has to use his ID card. He has to pay for his meals and kill people.

So he was very thoughtful and explained clearly.

Mu Qinglong laughed: "five masters, don't you know me about this? I am God in this stockade. Even if he wants to call the police, I can't even call him when I get there! And everywhere in the stockade is my eyeliner. Whoever dares to tell the news outside, he will not want to live in peace.

"I still believe in your means. That's good. I'll help you kill the boy who doesn't know the sky and earth, and then rob his woman. Let's have a good time!" Long Wu said.

"Great! Master, that boy must surrender obediently and save his life. I will let him watch us play with his woman Muazar said, gnashing his teeth.

"Son, you are more cruel than me!" Mu Qinglong raised his thumb and said, "but I like it! No poison, no husband! Ha ha ha

It is said that father and son have no overnight feud. Although qingmulong has the heart to kill Mu aza in front of him, but the matter has passed, there is no such hatred.

"That's it. It doesn't depend on whose son I am!" Muazar said.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Mu aza helped Mu Qinglong. Long Wu walked in front of him, and the three of them went down the mountain, talking and laughing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!