The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 657

In the dark valley.

A bright moon is hanging high, but it can't light the bottom of the dark ditch. Although the ditch is still that ditch, everyone feels the change.

Because, this ditch, seems not so cold, moreover, also has no wind.

But no one cares about this, because after getting used to the light, the scene in front of them scares their scalp.

At this time, a flower necked boa constrictor collapsed on the ground, its abdomen was cut open, and blood flowed into a river.

The three hitchmen who had come down to explore the wind had fainted under the tree. Mu aza, Huzi and Erma did not know what had happened. They were all trembling.

"Huzi, you go and have a look. Are the three of them still alive?" Muazar said.

"Why me again?" Huzi is very depressed. Every good thing of him can't come to me. When there is a dangerous thing, he is the first to think of me. So he was reluctant.

"You and his wings are hard, aren't you? I don't speak well, do I? " Muazar threatens tiger.

"Alas Huzi sighed. He was raised by Mu Qinglong since he was a child. Therefore, the Mu family is very grateful to them. He is very obedient. If it was not for his life and death today, he would not even say a word of "no", let alone complain.

However, seeing Mu aza angry at the moment, Huzi was still a little afraid and said, "well, don't be angry. I'll go right now."

The tiger crept towards the three men lying on the ground.

However, at this time, a shadow suddenly flashed down on the hillside nearby.

"Trough, what?"

Huzi almost jumped up in fear, but the black shadow quickly came to his eyes. It was Mu Qinglong who was kicked down by Lin Feng.

Mu Qinglong rolled down all the way. Fortunately, the slope was not steep, and there were no trees. It was all soft grass.

Mu Qinglong rolled down and was not fatally injured, but his brain was dazed and his whole body was scratched with blood marks. He looked like a blood gourd, and his whole body was sore and could not stand up.

Coincidentally, he was just rolling at the foot of the tiger. He was afraid that he would continue to roll. He grabbed the tiger's leg and barely stopped to stabilize his body. Finally, he let out a sigh of relief.

But that groan is relatively low and hoarse. It doesn't sound like a normal person's voice. Of course, rolling down the hillside can make a sound, so we don't want the sound to be normal.

But this sound scared tiger. At this time, he was very fragile. He looked down and saw a bloody man holding his ankle, which made him cry.

"Ghost, ghost!"

When he yelled, in order to get rid of Mu Qinglong, his legs kicked him hard. He didn't dare to look at Mu Qinglong, so his feet were light and weightless, and they all kicked Mu Qinglong's face.

"Bang Bang --"

"ah --"

Mu Qinglong was originally full of wounds, but he was kicked by the tiger, which was even more painful.

He had lived half his life without such humiliation as he is today. It was the most miserable night of his life.

But at this time, Mu aza on one side heard the clue and said: "tiger, don't kick, it seems to be... Like my father-in-law!"


Huzi was so said, also feel the voice more familiar, relying on the courage to look back, saw wood Qinglong lying on the ground cursing: "you two than, you don't have long eyes?"

"Ah! It's really the stronghold leader! " Huzi said with shame, "stronghold leader, how can I see you like this? You, how did you make it look like this

"Thanks to Lin Feng!" Mu Qinglong gnawed his teeth and said fiercely.

"Dad, Dad!"

Mu aza saw that Mu Qinglong was still alive. He cried excitedly and ran to Mu Qinglong.

"You unfilial son of a bitch, it's good to call me dad, get out of my way!"

Mu Qinglong doesn't have the strength now. If he has the strength, he really wants to smoke a piece of Vitex and beat Mu aza first.

"Dad, Dad, I also think about our old wooden family! I want to stay for the Mu family

Mu aza said he was going to help Mu Qinglong!

Mu Qinglong thinks that the black sheep is right. If he makes his own choice, he may escape in order to keep his blood.

But it's another thing to make his own choice. The black boy left himself and ran away, which really made him feel a little sad.

"Dad, don't be angry. We are reunited now. How nice it is Mu aza said and reached out to pull Mu Qinglong.

Mu Qinglong saw that Mu aza's tone was very sincere, so he put down his pressure in his heart and stretched out his hand.

However, just half of Mu Qinglong was pulled up, Mu aza suddenly looked stiff, and then he cried out: "Dad, my son is unfilial. Let's go first!"

Muazar seems to see something terrible, scared of piss, turn around to run.Mu Qinglong finally got up half of his body. Mu aza suddenly let go of his hand. He fell on the ground again, feeling that his bone frame was almost broken.

"You and he, again, you little rabbit, I will not kill you when I go home!" Wood Green Dragon roared.

But as soon as he finished, he felt something was wrong.

He looked back and found that behind him, several green eyes were staring at him.

However, several wolves came to him coldly.

"Lying trough!"

Mu Qinglong took a cold breath in his heart. No wonder the little turtle calf threw me down again. It turned out that it was the wolf.

However, at this time, muazar did not run out. He just ran a few steps and found that there were several wolves in front of him.

Wolf is a very intelligent and cunning thing, especially good at team combat. This time, the wolf king observed the situation in advance and found that there were only a few people in the ditch, so he planned to catch all of them.

Just as these people were talking, the wolf king sent several wolves around behind them. There were seven or eight wolves in total. The encirclement gradually narrowed, and Mu aza and Mu Qinglong were surrounded together.

"Dad, what do you do now, dad?" Muazar was flustered. He had beaten a wolf on the mountain before, but it was only a few people who fought one. Moreover, it was organized and disciplined. More importantly, there were weapons.

When I went up the mountain today, I didn't think I would do anything, so I didn't bring any guys.

How do you deal with the seven or eight hungry wolves?

Mu Qinglong was in pain and could hardly stand up, but in comparison, his heart was more desperate.

"It seems that heaven is going to kill my wooden family!" He looked at Mu aza and said, "you are a black sheep. You deserve more than your death. As for your unfilial descendants, living is also a scum!"

"Dad, how can you say that to me? You have not taught me what I am like Muazar retorted.

"Shut up, brute, and you're still on me?" Mu Qinglong scolds.

"Well, now, it's time. Can you two bite the dog?" Huzi knew that he was doomed today, so he sent out all his dissatisfaction in his heart, "are you two really him? It's useless. We usually rely on us to flaunt our power and criticize each other at critical moments. Mu Qinglong, are you still the stronghold leader? I think you are a rascal leader


Mu Qinglong didn't expect that Huzi would change his mind at the critical moment.

"What are you? Today, I'm dying all my life. I'm going to tell you what I want to say. Are you father and son just two scum, not even dogs. I'm blind to mix with you!" The tiger scolded.

Mu Qinglong and Mu aza are both iron green. The words of tiger are more powerful than knives.

They are usually aloof, others are flattering faces, live very natural and arrogant, but today was tiger son's words, pulled to the bottom, coupled with the surrounding wolves covetously, immediately Mu father and son deeply felt a sense of humiliation and despair.

"Erma, even if our brother is dead today, he will not serve these two bastards. We will fight to kill out in a moment. Whether we can survive depends on fate!" Huzi said to Erma.

"Well, I don't want to listen to them for a long time. Brother tiger, I'll listen to you!" Two Ma said.

"You two white eyed wolves, I killed you Mu aza was so angry that he rushed to the tiger.

However, he suddenly moved, but angered the wolves around him. They jumped up one after another and rushed to muazar.

Huzi looked at the empty time and said to Erma, "run quickly!"


After listening, Erma ran out first.

However, these wolves are very organized. As soon as Erma rushes out, a wolf pours on them.

But the second Ma is also a thug origin, full of strength, he immediately put the wolf aside.

In addition, several wolves also rushed up and bit two hemp.

The rest of the wolves are recruiting muazar.

Obviously, this group of wolves underestimated muazar and others. They found that these people were very strong, so they planned to attack one by one and break them down one by one!

"Brother tiger, help me, help me!" Erma yelled at the tiger.

The tiger son immediately incomparably entangled, now completely can take the opportunity to escape, if goes back to rescue two Ma, is likely to be annihilated.

But when he hesitated, he heard a roar in the forest: "don't be afraid of the father and son of the wooden family. Dragon five is here!"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure flashed in the dark and quickly came to the people.

This is a man who looks nearly 60 years old. He is wearing a black and loose Wudao suit with white stubble and sharp eyes.

Seeing the man coming, Mu Qinglong and mu azadun felt happy. Mu Qinglong said, "five masters, come and save me!"

"Master, I'm here, come and save me!" Mu aza said while circling with the wolvesThe man named Longwu was very fast. He ran to Mu Qinglong in front of him. He swept his legs and kicked all the two wolves who rushed up to tear up Mu Qinglong.

The rest of the wolves looked at the Dragon five one after another, making a gesture to attack. Even the wolf who bit two hemp loosened his mouth and ran toward the Dragon five under the command of the wolf king.


Huzi went up to help Erma, and they ran out of the black wind ditch.

In the black wind ditch, five wolves stare at the Dragon five, but the Dragon five is not afraid of anything. He yells: "the beast is looking for death!"

Finish saying, unexpectedly take the lead to launch, run toward the five wolves. , the fastest update of the webnovel!