The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 656

Lin Feng holds Tigress in one hand and Huo Ling in the other. He hides behind the big tree and looks at the two points ahead.

The party was creeping towards them.

It was Mu Qinglong and Mu aza who came here.

They had been lying in ambush by the road for a long time, and no one was seen. They thought that Lin Feng and others might have died at the bottom of the ditch.

But mu aza couldn't bear the fire spirit to die. He said to Mu Qinglong: "Dad, go and have a look! Even if the fire spirit is dead, as long as the body is complete, I also want to rape the corpse again. This cheap woman is too attractive

"Look at your success!" Mu Qinglong glared at Mu aza, but he was also worried. He said, "let's go and have a look to see if people die there."

So a group of people under the leadership of Mu Qinglong quietly came to the Heifeng ditch.

They looked down on the ditch, but they didn't dare to go down.

"Dad, do you think that Lin Feng and his brothers have been killed by the fierce ghost now?" Mu aza looked down at the black wind ditch from a distant place and asked Mu Qinglong.

"I don't know. Let's take a look first. If there's no movement, I'll send someone down to see it!" Said Mu Qinglong.

A group of people lie down in the grass beside the ditch and look at the bottom of the ditch carefully.

But despite being used to the light at night, it's still hard to see what's going on at the bottom of the ditch.

"This damned Lin Feng, should have died long ago? You can't hear me Muazar said.

Mu Qinglong nodded: "if they didn't die, they would have come up. They might have died to the bottom. Huzi, Erma, you two go down and have a look

"Stronghold... Stronghold leader, i... I'm afraid!" Huzi confessed first.

The black paint is black, and it's haunted. Who dares to go down?

When they were tied up just now, the sun had just set, and it was not so dark, but they were all in a cold sweat at that time.

In this situation, they really dare not want to go.

"Waste!" Mu Qinglong said: "you eat mine and drink mine. You can't do it well if you want to do something at the critical moment."

Tiger said: "no, stronghold leader, we tied people down just now. If you go down, you can change two people!"

After that, Huzi looked at the other thugs. The stronghold leader came out with five thugs. Why did they turn every time? So he was not reconciled.

After hearing this, Mu Qinglong also felt that what Huzi said was reasonable. He turned to the other three people and said, "you three, go down and have a look."

"Stronghold leader, we..."

"go down, it's your turn!" There is no doubt about Mu Qinglong's tone.

Three people you look at me, I look at you, trembling to stand up, strong courage, go down together.

Mu Qinglong and Mu aza are watching on the slope.

Soon, the three were out of the darkness at the bottom of the ditch.

Mu Qinglong and others wait anxiously, but after more than ten minutes, there is still no sound.

"What's going on?" Muazar could not hold his breath and whispered to the bottom of the ditch, "are you three still alive?"

But there was no response at the bottom of the ditch. Mu aza's face changed greatly and he said to Mu Qinglong, "Dad, it's broken. The three of them are afraid to die below!"

Mu Qinglong's face was dignified and said: "forget it, this place is too evil. Let's get rid of them as soon as possible."

While speaking, he turned around and started to walk away, but when he turned around, he saw a pale face facing him.

"Ah! Lying trough

Wood Green Dragon scared legs a soft, fell on the grass.

Standing behind him was doctor Miao.

as like as two peas, he stood behind them, just like the dead.

Mu aza and Huzi were frightened. Huzi was timid, and he had tied doctor Miao to the tree just now. Therefore, he thought that doctor Miao was dead and turned into a fierce ghost to avenge him. He was scared to cool his pants and incontinent to urinate.

"Doctor Miao, I'm wrong. I'm sorry. It's all my fault. Please don't kill me. I'm old and I'm young..." Huzi knelt down and begged for mercy.

Two Ma also muddled, quickly kneel down to kowtow to doctor Miao.

Mu Qinglong and mu azaze are all sweating on their foreheads. They fall on the ground and stare at doctor Miao nervously.

"How miserable I am to die!" Doctor Miao suddenly made a voice, the voice was very grim, and all four people were excited.

"Doctor Miao, don't kill me, please don't kill me!" Huzi's face was gray, and Erma also broke his head, leaving blood on the stone.

"You all go to the black wind ditch and worship me under the big tree!" Doctor Miao growled coldly.


"roll..."Doctor Miao suddenly roared, and Huzi and Erma almost fainted. They did not dare to neglect him at this time. They got up quickly and ran to the ditch.

But mu aza and Mu Qinglong saw that there was no protection around them, and their lips were dead and their teeth were cold. They felt that the danger had come to their heads.

"Dad, let's go, let's go!" Mu aza was pale and yelled at Mu Qinglong.

Mu Qinglong said anxiously, "I also want to go, but my leg, my leg is cramped...

Mu aza gritted his teeth and said," Dad, my son is unfilial, go first! I'm also trying to save the lifeblood of our wooden family. Dad, you can understand that, right

"Son, you..." Mu Qinglong wants Mu aza to help him.

Mu aza turned and ran directly to the ditch, chasing the shadow of beard and Erma.

Wood Green Dragon suddenly burst of despair, angry to kill this unfilial son.

However, at this time, he found that doctor Miao's body was soft and fell to one side. Behind him was Lin Feng.

Just now, Lin Feng just used their fear to play a play and deliberately teased them.

"Lin Feng, it's you again, you dare to play us..."

"what I'm playing is your low IQ!" He did not finish his words, but Lin Feng interrupted his words, one step forward, toward the face of wood Qinglong is a foot.

With the sound of "bang", Mu Qinglong's face got a solid foot. The face that was kicked during the day is now mended. The blood permeates the bandage, and the whole face is covered with blood.

This powerful force made him stagger backward and fall directly on the hillside and roll down to the bottom of the ditch.

"Ha ha ha ha, all down the ditch, done!" Lin Feng clapped his hands.

Huoling and Tigress came out of the grass, and they were all happy to blossom. Especially Tigress, when she saw Mu aza and Mu Qinglong in such a mess for the first time, she laughed and praised Lin Feng: "brother Lin Feng, how can you be so fierce? They are scared to cry by you

Lin Feng said with a smile: "to treat the bad guys is to abuse them in the dead, so as to avenge Tigress!"

"Yes, let them dare to bully Tigress again, hum! My brother Lin Feng will kill them! " Tigress's face is very cute.

"Tigress, I'm not your brother Lin Feng. You called me wrong!" Lin Feng said.

"What do I call you?" Tigress asked.

"Brother in law!" Lin Feng laughs.

"Oh, so you are my sister's lover!" Tigress pretended to be mature, but the expression on her childish face is more childish and lovely.

The fire spirit listens, immediately blushes, but has not refuted.

At this time, at the bottom of the black wind ditch.

Before that, the three people were knocked unconscious by Lin Feng, and they were thrown under two big trees. Huzi Erma and others also arrived under the trees. Mu aza also came after them. A group of people were reunited, and they all strengthened a lot of courage in an instant.

However, they did not expect that there was a wave of danger approaching them.

Before that group of wolves was not scared away by the snake, hungry for many days, finally saw the prey, how willing to go?

They just stepped back about a hundred meters and watched. After the snake died, they came back again to clean up the mess.

However, to their delight, they came back to see more prey.

Suddenly, grinning, ready to surround this group of people, and then, as a feast for the belly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!