The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 652

Doctor Miao and Tigress were covered with cloth and couldn't make a sound at all. They could only make a cry for help.

But Lin Feng's listening was professionally trained. At that time, he was the first in the team.

Moreover, through the practice of practitioners, their bodies have been different from ordinary people, and their hearing and body sensing abilities have been greatly improved.

He gave full play to his ability of hearing and heard the voice faintly coming from the bottom of the ditch.

"Where is it?" The fire spirit only heard the wind, but nothing else.

"Come with me!" Lin Feng said.

He took the lead and went down the gentle slope on one side. The fire spirit followed him and entered the black wind ditch.

At the bottom of the ditch, the climate is suddenly very abnormal.

The bottom of the ditch was very cold, and the wind was even bigger than the top. Huoling felt that the dark bottom of the ditch was blowing from all directions. She shivered and felt goose bumps all over her body.

An instinctive fear swept through her body again, and she could not help shivering.

"Fire spirit, what's the matter with you?" Lin Feng saw that Huoling's face was white, and his lips trembled. He could not help asking.

"I... I'm a little cold!" Said the fire spirit.

"Come on, put on my clothes!" Lin Feng took off his coat and put it on the fire spirit.

A warm moment covered the body of the fire spirit. The fire spirit glared at the beautiful big eyes and asked, "what about you? You have only one shirt left on you now

"I'm fine. I'm on fire." Lin Feng smiles.

He did have a lot of firepower, because his ancient martial blood was very hot and dry, so Lin Feng was never afraid of cold.

Especially recently, heat has been a problem that bothers Lin Feng.

Because he found that sometimes he would be inexplicably hot and upset.

Especially when practicing, once the blood vessels are operated and the pulse gates are impacted several times, the whole body will be hot and dry, and sometimes I can't stand it.

He also asked master Xuan Lingzi, what is going on?

Xuanlingzi said that the blood of ancient martial arts is dry and hot, and the purer and hotter the practice is, it shows that the purity of blood in Linfeng's body is getting higher and higher, and with the cultivation, the purity of blood will gradually increase, the energy will gradually increase, and the blood in the body will become more and more dry and hot.

This is the reason why in ancient times, many people would be possessed by the devil in practice.

When the speed of practice is too fast, and there is no way to stabilize the hot and dry blood in the body, you will fall into a manic state. Over time, it will affect your mind. If you continue to practice regardless of it, you will be possessed by demons and even self Immolation.

So Lin Feng hasn't practiced much recently, staying at the level of four levels of the blood melting state, because he doesn't know how to carry out the next practice. This kind of hot and dry makes him a little unbearable.

Xuanlingzi told him that this kind of heat and dryness is very difficult to solve. Only by slowly calming down the state of mind and practicing slowly can we maintain stability. Moreover, this kind of slowing down should slow down to be slower than others' training speed!

After hearing this, Lin Feng felt very distressed. If he went on like this, wouldn't it take years or even decades to cultivate a level?

How can we bear this? There are so many strong enemies waiting for us. If we don't become strong as soon as possible, the future road is hard!

But now this hot and dry problem can not be solved, it seems that their own path of cultivation will encounter unprecedented obstacles!

But it's not the time to think about it. It's important to save people.

Lin Feng said to the fire spirit, "come with me!"

The fire spirit shivered and said, "how can I not hear their cry for help? Why can you hear them? Do you have auditory hallucinations? Or... Is it really haunted? "

Finish saying, the body is a shiver again, feel the cool wind on the back.

"Are you questioning my listening?" Lin Feng asked.

"A little suspicious!" Fire Spirit tells the truth.

"Ha ha!" Lin Feng grinned, put his hand behind his ear and listened to it carefully in front of him. He said, "two people must be within 500 meters ahead. Moreover, their mouths must be sealed with tape or blocked by something, because I can only hear whimpering!"

"You can hear that!" Fire spirit can't believe looking at Lin Feng.

In fact, how much she hoped that what Lin Feng said was true, but she always felt that she was comforting her when she saw Lin Feng laughing.

"Why are you still shivering? Is it still cold? " Asked Lin Feng.

"Yes, I don't know why. It seems that the wind is blowing into me!" Said the fire spirit.

"Come on! I'll give you some warmth Lin Feng reached out his hand and held the fire spirit's hand. Then, he hugged the fire spirit.

The two bodies were close together, and suddenly a burst of warmth came. The fire spirit felt Lin Feng's broad chest, and suddenly felt a burst of peace of mind.

What's more, Lin Feng's palm seems to have a steady stream of heat, and her cold has eased a lot."Europa, it's nice to have you." Fire Spirit said a sincere.

It was the first time that she held a man's hand and was held by a man for the first time. She had thought about this scene before, but it was not as warm and comfortable as it is today.

She suddenly felt a burst of intoxication, like falling into a warm fortress, surrounded by solid walls to protect her, she felt incomparably safe and comfortable, and did not want to leave the fort, even, she seemed to find a long lost dependence in a trance. This feeling made him moved, just like a hug given by his mother and father that he had never seen before Heart, let her intoxicated, let her infatuated...

mom and Dad, is it you?

The fire spirit was in a trance and stretched out his hand to catch something, but he still couldn't grasp it.

However, after a few seconds, he heard a joking voice coming from his ear: "fire spirit, you can keep warm when you are warm. Can you be honest with your hands? You're grabbing my chest muscles, and you're grabbing me under me. Do you want to have a cannon with me here?"

"Ah When huolingdun was excited, he returned to the reality and found that his hand touched Lin Feng randomly. Only when he was in a trance, he almost touched Lin Feng all over.

"Sorry, sorry!" The fire spirit quickly released his hand and was ashamed to find a crack to drill in.

But she is also very curious, what kind of magic does Lin Feng have? A hug even let her lost, and, just a hug, but let her have unlimited dependence, she really want to embrace Lin Feng again, looking for the warmth of being sheltered.

But Lin Feng said with a smile: "your little hand is quite able to find a place, a touch is accurate, and you almost hold it right!"

"Oh, you are good or bad!" Fire spirit bashfully says: "I just was unintentional!"

"Understand! I am so charming "Is it better now?" said Lin Feng

"Much better!" Fire Spirit said, her body really warm a lot.

"Let's go and save people. If we delay one more minute, they will be in danger for another minute." Lin Feng said.

"But where? Do you want us to look for it separately so that it will be faster! " Said the fire spirit.

"Well! Don't you believe what I just said to you? " Lin Feng said, "within 500 meters, we can definitely find it."

"Well, I'll listen to you!" Said the fire spirit.

"Keep up with me!"

Lin Feng took Huohuo Ling forward for about two or three hundred meters. Suddenly, he felt a cold wind coming from his right side. Even Lin Feng felt cool.

He quickly looked to the side and saw that there was still a hole under the black wind ditch. It was dark and the wind was blowing out from it.

If you listen carefully, the wind is actually with the ghost howling, getting closer and closer to them, as if something is going to rush out of the hole.

"Don't look into the hole, come with me!" Lin Feng grabs Huoling's arm and rushes forward. , the fastest update of the webnovel!