The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 653

Fire spirit didn't know what happened, but Lin Feng couldn't help but dragged him forward.

After running for several hundred meters, I saw two big trees in front of me.

Lin Feng ran over with Huo Ling and found doctor Miao and Tigress tied to the two big trees.

By moonlight, see Lin Feng come, doctor Miao is happy to whine straight.

The fire spirit saw that they were tied to the tree, and immediately cried with joy.


She yelled and threatened to run towards tigress.

However, at this time, Lin Feng held her up and said, "don't go there, be careful!"

At this time, in the darkness around Tigress, a few green eyes suddenly appeared, flashing green faint light, which was very terrible.

Those green eyes emerged from the darkness, and they were the wolves.

The mountain is very primitive, and wolves, tigers and leopards are also very common. The wolf's eyes reflect the moonlight, which makes people look like their eyes are flashing green.

Fire spirit scared swallow mouth spit, fortunately Lin Feng stopped himself. Otherwise, their own rush up, extreme action is likely to lead to the attack of the wolves.

"Boo Hoo Hoo Hoo!" Seeing the wolves getting closer and closer, Tigress started to cry. However, because of the cloth blocking her mouth, her crying sound was very depressing, which made Huoling feel heartache.

"I'm going to save Tigress!" The fire spirit draws out the wood knife behind him.

"How can a woman do something like this? Let me do it Lin Feng took the lead and directly stood out in front of tigress.

Those several wolves see Lin Feng suddenly block in front of the prey, first a Leng, and then ferociously stare at Lin Feng.

They seem to have wisdom in general, know that Lin Feng is a dangerous person, so around Lin Feng to see a few eyes, did not come up.

"Ha ha ha, coward!" Lin Feng grinned.

But this smile, instantly angered the wolves.

In the animal world, showing teeth means a provocative demonstration. Although Lin Feng is laughing, in the eyes of the wolf, he is demonstrating and finding fault!

So the first wolf murmured and retreated a few steps. The rest of the wolves moved forward and rushed towards Lin Feng one after another.

The wolf has to make a last-minute strike, so he won't easily take the lead.

However, the wolves have not rushed to Lin Feng, but Lin Feng seems to be impatient. He takes the initiative to rush up and kick on the wolf head.

The wolf was kicked by Lin Feng, fell to the ground, convulsed a few times and then stopped.

Then another one also flew to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng with a foot to the sky a pick, the wolf's abdomen was kicked by Lin Feng, immediately also fell to the ground.

The rest of the six or seven wolves looked at the appearance, suddenly stopped the attack, and looked at Lin Feng with vigilance.

Wolf is a very cunning animal. They feel the strong murderous spirit of Lin Feng. They know that it is impossible to act rashly. They plan to cooperate with each other to take down Lin Feng.

However, at this time, Lin Feng felt a wind coming from behind.

The wolves were scared to retreat for a few steps, as if facing a big enemy. However, the wolf king howled, and the rest of the wolves followed the wolf king, turned and ran away and hid in the dark ditch bottom.

"How did they run?" The fire spirit shivered and said.

"There's only one reason!" Lin Feng said, take a step, block in front of the fire spirit body, said: "that is, there is something more terrible than the wolf!"

"Something more terrible than a wolf?"

After hearing this, the fire spirit suddenly felt flustered in her heart. Fortunately, Lin Feng blocked her in front of her, and she felt at ease a lot.

It's been so many years since I've been sheltered like this. It's just wonderful.

However, while enjoying the fire spirit, he listened to the "hissing" sound, and saw two green eyes with the size of light bulbs hanging in the air, staring at themselves coldly, close at hand.

A sense of forest cold instantly spread all over the body, the fire spirit almost fell to the ground.

However, Lin Feng was resolute and looked at the two big green eyes carefully.

In the moonlight, Lin Feng saw a big boa constrictor with a flower neck. It was the tree tied with doctor Miao.

Doctor Miao also felt something strange. He looked up and suddenly turned his white eyes and fainted.

The boa constrictor did not worry about doctor Miao, but slowly came down from the tree.

After doctor Miao was frightened to faint, he soon recovered. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the snake actually circled down from the tree, and the cold skin scratched his cheek. The chilling cold and fear made him count down in a moment, rolled his eyes, and then fainted again.

Doctor Miao was very sad. He was stabbed by a big snake. This time, he felt dizzy and didn't wake up.

Lin Feng has been observing every move of the python.

I haven't seen such a huge Python peak for a long time. The last time I saw it, I saw it when I was carrying out a bandit suppression mission in the tropical rainforest.

And this snake seems to be bigger than I've ever seen. Its head is as big as the bottom of a basin, and its body is as thick as a human leg. Judging from its length, it is at least ten meters long.Lin Feng can't help but sigh that this primitive mountain forest is the most suitable for animals to survive. Even boa constrictors can grow so big.

Of course, if it's just big, Lin Feng doesn't think about it. After all, he's seen something similar, but the strange thing about the python is that he has bright patterns all over his body, reflecting the cold light under the moon, and there is gas transpiration all over his body, which seems to be cold air!

No wonder the cold at the bottom of the ditch is so heavy. Maybe it's the snake who made it.

However, at this time, the snake came down from the tree, but it glided directly to the two wolves, rolled up the dying wolf, strangled it directly, and then opened its mouth. The tip of its teeth accurately poked into the wolf's eyes. With a strong gouge, the wolf's eyes slipped down the boa constrictor's mouth.

The boa constrictor looked up and swallowed. He felt a cold war all over his body. He seemed to enjoy it very much.

Next, the boa constrictor did the same thing, hollowed out the eyes of the two wolves and ate them. Then the snake vomited a few times and turned to look at doctor Miao and Tigress!

Lin Feng clenched the wood knife and pointed to the boa constrictor and said, "beast, if you can understand me, get out of here quickly. You can't move these two people!"

The fire spirit pulled Lin Feng and whispered, "Lin Feng, this is probably the mountain god. You should respect it, or we will suffer!"

Huo Ling lived here since childhood. I always heard the elders say that the mountain is a place where gods are bred. Many animals have lived for hundreds of years and have become fine. If you encounter such animals, you must not offend them. You should respect them as mountain gods and please them, and promise that they will get incense to offer them!

Hearing this, Lin Feng also understood the meaning of fire spirit. He knew that some places had some opinions about this strange beast, which could not be offended.

However, the snake didn't mean to go. Instead, it vomited a snake letter at them with a bit of threat. Tigress screamed and even Huoling felt numb in her scalp.

Lin Feng took a cold look at the big snake and said to the fire spirit:

"fire spirit, you should remember that man is the primate of all things. If it hurts me, I should respect it. If it hurts me, I will kill him all over the house and frustrate the bones and raise ashes!"

Then he stepped forward and stood in front of the fire spirit, intending to fight with the snake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!