The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 651

The sun was setting and it was completely dark.

Lin Feng and Huo Ling are walking on the mountain road.

The path in the mountains is very quiet. Occasionally, there is a breeze blowing, the branches are clattering, and occasionally there are birds and animals running, composing the nocturne in the mountains.

However, if a timid person enters the mountain in such an environment, he will surely be scared to death.

Around the dark trees, it seems that there are many pairs of eyes hiding in the same, and the mandrill sounds from time to time, with strong penetrating power, echoing back and forth in the mountains, listening to it is very penetrating.

Huoling was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Tigress was a piece of his heart. Her only two relatives in the world were Tigress and grandma.

They rush to heifenggou.

In the vicinity of Heifeng Valley, the village leader Mu Qinglong and others are standing on a small hillside a few miles away from Heifeng gully.

Doctor Miao and Tigress were tied up with ropes. A piece of cloth was stuck on their mouths to prevent them from shouting.

Doctor Miao begged for mercy and knelt down to kowtow to Mu Qinglong.

Poor Tigress was crying, but her mouth was blocked, but she couldn't cry.

He saw doctor Miao kneeling down to kowtow to Mu Qinglong and others. She also knew that the disaster was coming. She knelt down obediently and kowtowed to Mu Qinglong and others. She was very poor and helpless.

"Now you know, please? He's late Mu Qinglong, half of his face wrapped in bandages, drank at doctor Miao.

"Woo Hoo Hoo!" Doctor Miao continued to beg for mercy, but mu Qinglong stopped looking at him. He waved to the five or six men he had brought with him and said, "take them away from two and drag them into the black wind ditch and tie them to the trees at the bottom of the ditch!"

This trip Mu aza also followed, his face is like Mu Qinglong, tied with a white bandage.

He watched the men drag doctor Miao and Tigress away and said to Mu Qinglong, "Dad, do you think they will die here for two nights?"

"Of course, or why should I bring them here? Now it's just dark, throw them into the ditch, and when it's late at night, the fierce ghost will dig out their eyes! "

"That's great. Let this doctor Miao eat inside and out and kill him! Moreover, Huoling likes Tigress very much. Let her disobey her orders and like that little white face. We will kill Tigress and make her miserable. If she doesn't obey her orders, she will kill her grandmother. When my master comes back, she will kill the boy with him. Finally, we can get her here and play casually. I'll kill her in all kinds of postures! "

Mu aza gnawed his teeth with lust, and his mouth was full of killing this one and that one, enough to see the degree of his ruthlessness.

Mu Qinglong said: "son, that girl is really strong enough, you have good eyesight!"

"Of course, judging from my countless experience in reading women, that girl must be very good at bed. In addition to her chaste and heroic character, she can play with great passion. Such a special creature can't be cheaper than that boy!" Muazar said.

"At that time, of course, in this area, our wooden family said one is one, and two is two. It has always been the case. No one wants to resist!" Mu Qinglong said with pride.

At this time, the thugs ran back from the black wind ditch.

"All done?" Mu Qinglong asked.

"It's done!" One of the leading thugs said, "we tied them to a big tree under the black wind ditch. They are so tied that they can't escape!"

"Stronghold leader, don't mention it. The black wind gully is really penetrating. It's big and deep, and the cold wind is blowing. Our brothers think that their Yang is very heavy, but we can't stand it after staying for a while. If we stay all night, we won't be eaten by fierce ghosts, and we will be frozen to death or scared to death!" Said the other.

"How do you usually mix with us Wood Green Dragon cold face way.

But at this time, Mu aza was on the hillside, but he saw two figures coming from the mountains in the distance.

"Dad, look, there's someone on the road over there!" Muazar pointed to the mountain road and said.

Looking at the past, there are two people on the road.

"Are they Lin Feng here?" Mu Qinglong said, "let's hide and see what they're doing here."

A group of people hide in the trees on the hillside and look out carefully.

The figure was getting closer and closer. It was indeed Lin Feng and Huoling.

Huoling carries a wooden knife on his back, and Lin Feng is unarmed. They are very fast, and soon they arrive at the Heifeng ditch.

"Daddy, are they here to save people?" Asked muazar.

"Well, it must be. Damn it, someone told us about doctor Miao and tigress. If I knew who disclosed it, I would kill him!" Said Mu Qinglong.

"Dad, what should we do? Shall we attack them?" Mu aza said: "although Lin Feng is good at boxing, but it is so dark that he will not find out if we attack him secretly. We must not let him save people!""If you attack, don't worry about it!" Mu Qinglong looked up at the sky and said, "it's getting darker and darker. When they enter the Heifeng ditch, they may encounter something. Then we will save our hands! Wait for them to enter the black wind ditch, and then see what happens

"Good!" Muazar said.

Mu Qinglong and Mu aza, the two bandages father and son, watched the figure of Lin Feng and Huoling gradually fade away, and then did not enter the black wind ditch.

"Shall we go now?" Asked muazar.

"Don't worry. Wait for half an hour. If they come out, we will ambush on the road to attack him. If we are prepared like this, we will be most successful. If they don't come out for half an hour, they may die in it!" Mu Qinglong said, "it's not too late to go back and have a look at it at that time."

"Abba is brilliant!" Muazar said.

According to Mu Qinglong, all the people ambush in the trees along the mountain road, and then slowly wait to see what the situation is at the other end of the Heifeng ditch.

At this time, in the black wind ditch.

Lin Feng and Huoling have reached the edge of the Heifeng ditch after crossing the mound.

This is a gully, about ten kilometers long. The hillsides on both sides are very steep. The angle is about 50-60 degrees. The bottom of the ditch is about ten meters deep.

The hillsides on both sides of Heifeng gully are overgrown with weeds and trees, and the bottom of the ditch is dark. It is hard to see what it looks like.

"Lin Feng, it's my fault today!" Looking at the dark gully, the fire spirit felt a deep fear and apology.

Fear is human instinct. Huoling is brave among women. However, the scene in front of her still makes her feel a burst of fear. Fortunately, Lin Feng is there, otherwise she will tremble with fear.

At the same time, she felt that she owed Lin Feng a lot. If it wasn't for her family, she wouldn't have come to such a place with her. In case Lin Feng had a good or bad thing at that time, she really didn't know how to repay others.

Of course, maybe at that time, I guess I can't live, and I won't have a chance to repay others.

But Lin Feng is a face light, said: "you implicate me what? I'm coming myself

"If it's not me..." Fire Spirit said.

"Shh!" Lin Feng interrupted Huoling's words and said, "I seem to hear the cry of doctor Miao and tigress." , the fastest update of the webnovel!