The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 650

Sweet scented osmanthus aunt this words pour to let everybody startle, how to return a responsibility, how to still be captured?

"Don't worry, Auntie osmanthus. Don't talk until you drink water!"

Lin Feng said, walked out of the door, picked up a stone from the ground, and suddenly threw it out to the opposite house.

"bang" -

"ah --"

's eye liner secretly monitoring the situation of the grandmother, was hit by a stone by Raymond Lam.

Lin Feng's many years of special forces career, anti reconnaissance ability is absolutely first-class, so he has long been aware of him, but has been lazy to deal with him.

But this osmanthus aunt seems to want to say something. Lin Feng doesn't want others to hear, so he picks up a stone and clears up the informant.

looked at the eyeliner's blood splashed by his own stone. Raymond Lam didn't pay attention to it. He turned back to the house. When he passed the door, he broke the eavesdropper under the threshold.

"Auntie osmanthus, tell me now, what happened?" Lin Feng asked.

Osmanthus aunt said: "my husband came back from the mountain by stepping on bamboo shoots. He saw that the stockade leader took a group of people and bound doctor Miao to the mountains."

As soon as he said this, Lin Feng understood immediately that the village leader still hated doctor Miao and didn't want to cure his grandmother's illness, so he wanted to kill doctor Miao first.

"To the mountains? What is that about? Do you dare to kill people? Is there any royal law? " Lin Feng asked intentionally.

Liu Feng said in one side: "miracle doctor, you don't know. We don't have a village in front of us, but we don't have a shop behind us. It's so far away from the county. Even if the stronghold leader kills people, he will be directly settled by the relationship in the County. Nothing will happen at all!"

"What if Dr. Miao's family called the police?" Lin Feng asked.

"Family call the police?" Liu Feng said, "who dares? Doctor Miao's dummy must have been controlled by the stronghold leader. There is no signal in the mountain, so we can't report the alarm. Our only signal tower is still in the charge of the village master's house. He blocks the signal a little bit, so we can't make a phone call! "

"In this way, doctor Miao is less dangerous?" The fire spirit asks anxiously in one side.

"I'm afraid so!" Liu Feng Road.

But at this time, osmanthus aunt son but a face worried to the grandmother said: "grandma, I said you should hold on! It's not only doctor Miao who has been taken to the mountain, but also tigress of your family


As soon as the grandmother listened, the whole person was frozen.

Huo Ling felt the scalp numb and looked around. Tigress was not in the room.

Tigress was still a child. She couldn't bear it. After staying at home for a while, she went out to play. Unexpectedly, she was arrested along with Dr. Miao?

No one expected that the stronghold leader would even attack a child. This is really shameful and vicious!

Although Huniu was an orphan picked up by her grandmother when she was a child, when she was raised so much, she was raised as her own granddaughter, and Huo Ling also regarded her as her own sister. The child's life was miserable. As a result, Huo Ling was filled with grief and indignation. Her eyes turned red, and she asked aunt osmanthus:

"do you know where the stronghold leader has taken them? I'm going into the mountains now

"Fire spirit, I'm afraid it's useless for you to enter the mountain. The stronghold leader has taken them to Heifeng gully!" Osmanthus aunt son face with a trace of panic said.

"Ah? Black wind ditch

On hearing these three words, all the people in the room except Lin Feng are scalp numb.

Heifenggou is the most terrifying place for them!

Heifenggou is about ten miles away from the stockade. In front of the Heifeng Valley, there is a small hillside. The hillside is a mass burial mound. People in shiliba village will be buried there. There is a lot of resentment. One year, the rain was heavy. Some graves were washed away by the rain, and the dense bones and skeletons in them leaked out. They looked like evil spirits. They were very frightening.

Of course, if it's just like this, it's not terrible. The most terrifying thing is that people in the ten mile eight stronghold all know that the area around Heifeng Valley is a place of evil sects and haunted at night.

At night, the black wind ditch behind the mound is foggy, and the bottom of the ditch is dark.

What's more, it's windy all the year round. The wind blows out from the ditch with the sound of crying and howling. No matter who hears it, they will pee their pants.

Before that, there was a bachelor named Cha bold in the stockade. He didn't believe in evil. One day he drank half a kilogram of white wine and made a bet with others. If he went to live in heifenggou for a night, he would sleep with his wife the next day.

Check bold, bold and bold, actually went to live in the black wind ditch.

However, they did not see him return to the stockade at noon the next day.

Everyone went to see it. As a result, Zha bold died on a mound of graves. He was still holding a big tree in his hands. He was only half of his body. What's more, his eyes were gone and he became two dark holes. It was very terrible.So since then, no one dares to go to heifenggou, where it seems to be a forbidden area where people talk about color change.

I heard that there was a fugitive in Baima village. He killed people in the county and fled to Baima village. Then the police arrested him. He fled into the mountain in fear of being caught by the police searching the mountain, so he hid in the black wind ditch.

However, the next day, he was also dead, his eyes were hollowed out.

Later, some witches in other stockaded villages said that these people had violated the forbidden area of the fierce ghost and had been gouged by the fierce ghost.

Only by eating a certain number of eyes can the ghost see clearly the road of huangquan and go to reincarnation on the road.

So this haunted thing, even if it is sit down.

Now the sun has set. If doctor Miao and Tigress were thrown into the black wind ditch, they would not survive tonight. Maybe they would be in danger now!

"Tigress, my granddaughter, what can I do?"

The old woman burst into tears and burst into tears, which made the fire spirit cry. Huoling knew the evil sect of that place since she was a child. No one dares to go there. What can I do now?

She was so anxious that she jumped to her feet. Because she was weak, she cried and fainted. Lin Feng came up to help him pinch people and then recovered.

"The stronghold leader is really vicious Liu Feng said: "if he throws doctor Miao and Tigress into the Heifeng ditch like this, not only can he kill people, but also he doesn't commit homicide in law. After the east window incident happens, he only needs to spend some money to settle it."

"Are not doctor Miao and Tigress dead in vain?" Osmanthus aunt said.

"What do you think? Now it's dark, that place is so evil, who can't die there Liu Feng's rational analysis.

"What can I do?" When she heard this, she couldn't stop crying again.

"If I didn't go back to the stockade, it would not have happened. I'll go. I'll save Tigress and doctor Miao!" Fire Spirit said: "even if I die, I will save them!"

"Fire spirit, can't do it, don't be impulsive!" Liu Feng said, "my grandmother is a relative of yours. If you have another one, how can you let her live?"

"But Tigress and Dr. Miao are innocent. Tigress is still so young..." at this point, Huoling choked again.

In front of her, it seemed that Tigress's round face and helpless eyes appeared. Is Tigress crying for help from her sister and grandmother?

Fire spirit thought of this, heart like a knife, she bit teeth, ready to die, eyes red, said: "I now go to the black wind ditch!"

But at this time, but listen to Lin Feng said: "fire spirit, how can this kind of thing let you go? I like ghosts and snakes most in my life. Since I'm lucky to see you today, I can't give you the chance! I'll go, I'll go! "

Lin Feng said that the cloud is light and the breeze is light, but listen to in people's ears, it is very admirable, such a terrible thing, he is not afraid at all?

Fire Spirit said: "this is too dangerous, I will go!"

Lin Feng waved his finger and said, "nonono, don't argue with me. I haven't seen a ghost yet. I want to see it. That's it. No refutation is allowed."

"Then either, let's go together! I can show you the way Fire spirit is also very afraid, with Lin Feng courage, she will feel much better.

"Excellent!" Lin Feng said, looked at elder Qiu, and then made a detour to elder Qiu. He knocked elder Qiu unconscious and said to the fire spirit, "don't delay. Go on the road!"

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