The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 649

The setting sun is setting and the sunset is red. It seems that tomorrow will be a sunny day.

At this time in the grandmother's house. Lin Feng helped grandma diagnose the disease, and then began to prescribe a prescription for her.

"My grandmother's cold is very cold. It's water cold. So you need three kinds of herbs, such as dried ginger, Astragalus membranaceus and Cimicifuga, which can be crushed into powder, mixed with grass, and washed with hot water to get rid of the cold air!" Lin Feng said.

"What's the principle?" Asked doctor Miao.

He has been practicing medicine for many years, and the effects of various Chinese herbal medicines are also clear. Among them, dried ginger is used to warm the body, which is helpful to remove dampness and cold. He knows this, but the others don't say what effect it can play on the cold attack!

Lin Feng replied, "doctor Miao, haven't you heard that Chinese medicine has five elements? The five elements, gold, wood, water, fire and earth also have five elements attribute. Grandma is the heart attack of water and cold Qi. Among the five elements, soil conquers water. Therefore, the herbs with soil attribute can conquer cold poison, but the curative effect is too slow. Therefore, the medicinal materials I choose contain not only soil attribute, but also fire property. Under the attack of soil, the water cold Qi is covered up, and then the fire will be roasted more quickly The eradication of cold water gas! Better effect! As for Tongcao, it's nothing more than dredging the meridians and removing cold toxin and depression! "

"Oh, so it is!"

Doctor Miao's eyes suddenly brightened, and suddenly he felt a kind of sudden opening.

He has heard that medicinal materials have properties, but he has not studied them deeply. But today, Lin Feng taught him a vivid lesson, which made him feel ashamed.

However, he seemed to think of some problems, and his face suddenly became serious again and said, "Oh, I think about it for a moment. You just said that my grandmother is suffering from cold. In terms of this disease, once it is deeply rooted in my heart, it is basically equivalent to taking root. In other words, the poison has been thoroughly rooted in grandma's body, and there is no way to eliminate it. Can these herbs bring cold Is the poison uprooted? "

Lin Feng said with a smile: "well, you can't say that you can't, you can also say you can!"

"I'd like to hear more about it!" Doctor Miao has a solemn face.

Lin Feng said with a bad smile: "the main thing is, it depends on who uses this medicine to treat the patient. If you use these herbs, I'm afraid you can't cure grandma well. But if you put them in my hands, you can definitely cure the disease!"

"And such things?" Doctor Miao heard for the first time that treatment was divided into different groups. He asked in surprise, "these two people are using the same medicine to treat the same patient. Is the effect different?"

"Of course Lin Feng said: "chefs use the same ingredients and seasonings to stir fry dishes. Why do they taste different?"

"It's true!" Doctor Miao scratched his head and asked, "then why can't I treat grandma with this pair of medicine? How can you do it?"

"Because I am handsome," said Lin Feng.


Everyone in the house is covered with black lines. This theory is a bit mysterious.

Lin Feng did not agree, continued to say: "in this age of beauty, medicinal materials are also divided, medicinal materials will feel my incomparable personality charm and handsome facial features, so in my hands medicine will be stronger!"

Then, he asked fire spirit, "do you say, am I handsome?"

Fire spirit thumbs up: "Europa, you are the most handsome!"

Lin Feng said to doctor Miao: "see, this is the role of appearance, add attribute of Oh!"


The whole house is full of black lines again!

"What's the matter? Don't believe it? I'll see if you don't believe it Lin Feng smiles with confidence.

Of course, doctor Miao didn't believe it, but he said, "the doctor is brilliant. I believe it. I believe it! When will you treat grandma

Of course, he wants to see if Lin Feng's so-called beauty therapy is bullshit!

"Of course, the sooner the better. I've made a prescription. Doctor Miao, please go back and bring the medicine. Now I'll give my grandmother a massage to dredge the meridians." Lin Feng said.

"Good, good!" Doctor Miao quickly went out to get the medicine.

Seeing that it was late, aunt osmanthus said to her grandmother, "grandma, you can have a good rest. You will be well soon. I have to go back and cook for the dead ghost of my family. Otherwise, when I come back from the mountain and step on bamboo shoots, I will be scolded for only playing mahjong!"

"Well, you go back quickly." Grandma's voice dropped.

At this time, in addition to Lin Feng and his party, there are still Fu Guoqing and Liu Feng in the room.

Liu Feng didn't dare to say a word during this period, because she was eager to get rid of her relationship with Lin Feng and scolded him as a piece of excrement. However, Lin Feng beat up the stockade leader and the people he had brought. As a result, she came back to take care of her grandmother's illness. Now it's really embarrassing. She doesn't know what to do!

Moreover, doctor Miao claimed that Lin Feng was a miracle doctor. At this time, she was really embarrassed. Unexpectedly, this young man was really a master!

However, her illness is really hard. Since there are experts here today, she should seize this opportunity. When she saw Lin Feng dredging the channels and collaterals for her grandmother, she blushed and said, "what, Dr. Lin, can you also give me a prescription for this disease?"Lin Feng said before, she still remember clearly, she will get cervical cancer for a long time, even if it is not face, life must be ah!

Lin Feng did not seem to hear her, and continued to rub her shoulders and beat her back.

"Dr. Lin... You don't remember villains... You are magnanimous..." Liu Feng was trembling and didn't know how to tell Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is suddenly said: "you are wrong, I am not magnanimous, I am very mean, I am very vengeful!"

"Ah Liu Feng suddenly blushed, embarrassed to say: "miracle doctor, I have long hair and short knowledge. I didn't see that you are a miracle doctor before. Now I know, what you said is true. I really don't know Taishan with eyes..."

"OK, don't flatter me. As you said, I'm a lump of excrement. You slap on the excrement, how disgusting, don't dirty your noble hands!" Lin Feng said.

"Miracle doctor, I really know that I was wrong. How could you be shit?"

Liu Feng's face is even redder. Just now, she was really impulsive and scolded by others. Now she regrets looking for a place to sew in!

"I'm not shit. Are you shit?" Lin Feng said.

"Mm-hmm, I'm excrement, I'm excrement, it's my dirty. Don't be angry!" Said Liu Feng.

"Well, how can I have a common understanding with shite? I'm not angry!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Great!" Liu Feng almost cheered, and then said, "look at the miracle doctor. How can I treat this disease?"

"Wait? Why is there a bad smell around here Lin Feng smelled and said, "ah, there is a lump of excrement beside me. Go away, don't dirty my grandmother's house!"

"Ah, miracle doctor, you..." Liu Feng didn't expect Lin Feng to come out so suddenly.

"You admit you're a piece of shit, don't you? Get out of here before I get angry Lin Feng said coldly.

Liu Feng is sharp and mean. Now that she is sick, she has no choice but to flatter herself. This kind of woman has to eat in and out of the house. Lin Feng doesn't like it very much and doesn't want to see a doctor for her.

"Wuwuwuwu..." Liu Feng cried out with a scolding sentence from Lin Feng. She also felt that she was very aggrieved. Originally, the stronghold leader was so fierce that she was afraid of him. It's human nature. But now she knows that she is wrong and doesn't give her a chance. She is too stingy!

Liu Feng fell into tears.

"Wife!" Seeing that Liu Feng was so sad, Fu Guoqing rushed forward to persuade him.

"Go up there. Look at your cowardly appearance. I've been married with you for so many years. I haven't had a good life. In the end, I still have this gynecological disease. I'm really miserable!" Liu Feng cried more and more sad!

Fu Guoqing rubbed his hands and didn't know what to do. Just like a child who had done something wrong, suddenly, he turned his head to Lin Feng, fell to his knees and said, "doctor, please help my wife!"

Make a gesture and kowtow on the ground!

"Oh, no, no!" Lin Feng quickly put her grandmother down, went up to help pay for national day, said: "National Day brother, men have gold under the knee, you this is why to suffer!"

"My wife has suffered a lot with me for so many years. It's because I'm incompetent. I haven't given her a good day. Doctor, I'll ask you to help my wife look at this disease. As long as you help my wife see a doctor, you can let me do whatever you want me to do!" Fu Guoqing said.

"Oh, National Day brother, what are you talking about? How can I embarrass you?" Lin Feng said.

Fu Guoqing is honest and honest at first sight. In addition, Huoling is not at home. He is taking care of her grandmother, so Lin Feng has a good impression on national day.

He said to Liu Feng, "Liu Feng, you have such a good man. You don't even know how to cherish it. What's your so-called good day? I will tell you, there is such a man to love you, take care of you, that is a good day! Do you understand? Today, I think in the face of the National Day brother, I can help you cure the disease, but I want to tell you, the National Day brother is not a loser, he just loves you, he appears to be cowardly in front of you, change a man with a big temper, just like you, beat you hundreds of times a day, you woman, want to know how good or bad, understand? "

It is the first time that Liu Feng has heard such accusations against her. She is also very moved by Fu's actions just now. She looks at Fu's national day, but she sees Fu's simple and honest smile at her, showing her white teeth.

Liu Feng burst into tears again, crying to deal with the National Day curse: "fool, you are a big fool!"

"If your wife doesn't cry, the doctor has promised to see you. Don't cry, good boy!" Fu Guoqing held out a rough hand to wipe Liu Feng's tears.

"Oh, come on, you two don't show love, I've got goose bumps!" Lin Feng said, "what, Liu Feng, when Dr. Miao comes, I'll write a prescription to Dr. Miao. You can go back to Dr. Miao and get the medicine there."

Thank you, doctor Liu Feng and Fu Guoqing expressed their thanks to Lin Feng in Qi Dynasty.

However, at this time, she heard the door clang and was pushed open. Aunt osmanthus appeared at the door. She gasped and panicked and said, "it's not good. Doctor Miao... Doctor Miao has been arrested!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!