The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 64


The wolf society collapsed, and the business of the wolf society was also fragmented.

This incident caused a sensation in Jincheng.

Although the wild wolf club is only famous in the Eastern District of Jincheng, the sudden disintegration of such an arrogant and domineering society has inevitably made the whole city people sigh and sigh. Of course, we all have a kind of happiness when the bad guys are knocked down.

However, few people know about Lin Feng, because the matter has been suppressed by the police. The outside world only knows that Lei Hong killed Wu Bo and killed himself.

What we want to pay more attention to is whether there will be big changes in the community structure of Jincheng after the collapse of the wolf society?

Although Jincheng is small, it has five internal organs. According to a popular saying of Jincheng people, there are more than eight kings with shallow water and big brothers everywhere.

Because there are no less than three or four powerful societies, such as the wolf society alone, and they are also described with relish.

Jincheng people's mantra is: west dragon mouth, East wolf, South Phoenix, North Mountain gang.

This time, the East wolf was killed, it is estimated that the drag racing party will be on the top. The future pattern must be xilongkou, dongche party, nanfenghuang and beishanbang.

Of course, this is only the distribution of the power of some associations. In Jincheng, the power of financial groups can not be underestimated.

Jincheng commercial level, has been a tripartite situation, in which the real estate industry, financial industry to Dongsheng Group as the leader, manufacturing industry, medical education industry to Changsheng Group as the leader, and Shen group is better at mining industry, chemical industry.

Each of the three big groups has its own core advantages, but they also begin to compete in each other's fields. For example, Dongsheng Group started to set foot in the mineral industry, because Jincheng's mineral industry is the leader, which drives the vigorous development of other industries. Only by grasping the lifeline of mineral resources can they remain invincible.

Shen's group also began to set foot in the real estate industry and medical industry, because in recent years, the rapid rise in housing prices, this piece of economic development space can not be ignored.

Therefore, the combination of three large groups and four community forces, as well as some small and medium-sized enterprises, interweave into the current economic pattern of Jincheng.

Although the collapse of the wolf society is not a shock to the present situation, there are still some changes.

There are several good mines in the hands of the wild wolf society, most of which were purchased by Tang Dongsheng at a high price. The rest were bought by Shen's group.

In the black market, the shops of the wolf club were closed down, and the shops of other associations had more room for development.

The order of the Phoenix in the Southern District benefited the most.

The order of the Phoenix is one of the largest clubs in Jincheng. This time, the black market is even more powerful.

Jin Fenghuang, the boss of the order of the Phoenix, used to do smuggling business. But in the black market, the shop of the order of Phoenix has always been suppressed by the wolf club. It is just the focus of Golden Phoenix, not the smuggling black market. Her core business is star producer, model agent and other businesses.

Because before she founded the club, Jin Fenghuang still had an identity. She was the most famous beautiful model in Jincheng.

However, Jin Fenghuang has a strong temperament, courage and courage. She doesn't like to be influenced by others. Therefore, she has set up a community, and she sits in the Southern District and calls on the wind and rain.

At this time, the headquarters of the Phoenix society, Golden Phoenix, standing in front of the huge French window with the sun shining in, her slender figure covered with a layer of light gold, the beauty is heart shaking.

Behind her stood a woman respectfully. The woman was dressed in a black suit with short hair and ears. Her face was delicate and cold.

"Yu'er, I heard that the collapse of the wolf society had a great relationship with a man named Lin Feng. Could this be the case?" Golden Phoenix voice lazy, with a strong charm.

"Yes! Big sister! It is said that he easily defeated the seven wolves of the wild wolf society and broke Lei Hong's foil, which made Lei Hong collapse and commit suicide Yu'er said without expression.

She didn't expect that there were such young talents in Jincheng.

"What's the origin of Lin Feng?" Asked the Golden Phoenix.

"Back elder sister, this Lin Feng is only a small security guard of Dongsheng Group, there is no big head!" Said yu'er.

"Little security guard, ha ha, it's interesting!" Jin Fengjiao smiles and turns around lazily.

She has bright eyes and bright teeth. Her skin is better than snow. Under the willow leaves and eyebrows, a pair of Danfeng eyes are narrow and flexible, and her mouth is filled with a faint smile. She is charming. No matter which man sees her, she will be in a daze and be enchanted.

Tang Dongsheng and others, who used to be beside Jincheng, stood respectfully and nodded: "well, it must be!"

"First, you must believe me unconditionally!" Lin Feng said with his melon seeds.

"Absolutely and unconditionally Tang Dongsheng said.

His life is saved by Lin Feng, which has no reason to believe!

Lin Feng took a look at Tang Dongsheng and said: "second, I want to go to work, and I am not subject to any restrictions. By the way, the salary has to be paid as usual!""It's all right. You have absolute freedom!" Tang Dongsheng said.

"Third!" Lin Feng looked at Su Jing and said, "third, I want to continue to live in the same room with general manager Su!"

"Why?" Su Jing asked.

"I'm used to living in a room with you. I can't sleep in another room!" Lin Feng rogue said.

"No, I don't agree!" Su Jing said coldly.

"Ah, Tang Dong, look at her. Is that your sincerity? Oh, yeah? Dongsheng Group, I don't want to go back any more! " Lin Feng pretended to be aggrieved.

"Xiaojing, do me a favor for Dad!" Tang Dongsheng advised that after all, they were engaged in marriage, but Su Jing didn't know it.

Su Jing looks embarrassed at Tang Dongsheng, and she hesitates.

"Xiaojing acquiesced, this is OK!" Tang Dongsheng said quickly.

"Dad -" Su Jingjiao said angrily.

"Xiao Jing, be obedient. Lin Feng is not a bad man!" Tang Dongsheng comforted the way.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "it's almost the same. OK, I'll go to work now. Mouse, give me my luggage!"

The mouse handed the bag to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng pushed the door and went out. He was more anxious than anyone else.

Now Tang Dongsheng and Su Jing are dumbfounded. They have already meant to go back. They have already packed their luggage.

Nima, the feelings are set by this boy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!