The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 646

"Hold on!"

Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "are you still reasonable? I hit your son is right, but your son should beat ah, he did wrong should not hit? Are you unreasonable? "

Lin Feng has a sharp tongue. The stronghold leader is stunned. Although he is a bully, he has to be reasonable when there are so many people. Otherwise, it will damage his image as a stronghold leader.

"Stop!" The stronghold leader stopped the thugs behind him and said to Lin Feng, "tell me, what's wrong with my son?"

"First of all, Huoling's grandmother is ill. Tigress goes to doctor Miao to buy medicine. Your son doesn't let doctor Miao sell medicine to Tigress, but he beats her. Is this what people do?" Lin Feng said.

"And that?" The stronghold leader pretended not to know, and turned to doctor Miao and asked, "is there such a thing?"

Doctor Miao is trembling with fear. How dare he speak? If he says yes, he will not be able to live in the future? He has already offended the stronghold leader today. If he talks about it, he will be totally offended. He has both the old and the young. He will not be able to live in the future.

If we follow the leader's words now, we may be able to save a little bit of the situation.

But, that is very unconscionable!

He has been bullied by the village leader's family for so many years. Every month, he has to pay a large part of the income of the drugstore to the village leader's family, and he is really enough to say what he can't help saying in front of the village leader.

At this time, his heart is very tangled, very struggling, one side is his conscience, the other is his family.

"Doctor Miao, why don't you speak? Tell me quickly. Is there anything about it?" The stronghold leader asked aloud again.

Lin Feng can see doctor Miao's helplessness. Doctor Miao is an honest man. He thinks about his own safety, but in the end, he implicates the family. This is not right.

"Dr. Miao, what do you say? There is no such thing?" Lin Feng deliberately guided doctor Miao, and then said, "OK, I'll make up this story! However, it is also his fault that your son bullies women

"Bullying women?"

"Yes, bullying fire spirit!"

"How did he bully Huoling?" The village leader asked in a cold voice.

"Isn't your son used to bullying men and women? Don't you know that?" Lin Feng said: "he wants the fire spirit to be his woman. If the fire spirit doesn't follow, he grabs the fire spirit and wants to fight the fire spirit. Do you think this is a human thing?"

After hearing this, the stronghold leader looked at the fire spirit on one side. He had not seen the fire spirit for some days. He became a beautiful woman with proud figure, red lips and white teeth, just like the fairy in the painting. Even he looked at it with a throb. He said that it was no wonder his son liked the girl, and even he wanted to toss her in bed!

He swallowed his saliva and said grimly, "my son likes fire spirit. It's man's love and women's love. It's normal. What's the matter with you?"

Then, he looked like a fire spirit, his eyes were full of greed, and said: "fire spirit, my son saw you are lucky, you really don't know good or bad, now it's time to change your mind!"

After hearing this, the Fire Spirit said with a sneer: "forget it, I can't stand it. I don't want this blessing!"

"Asshole! Do you know who you're talking to? What's your attitude? " The stronghold leader is used to being kowtowed to by others. No matter what happens to the outside world, at least the people in the stronghold must obey him. He defines the fire spirit as the people in the stockade, so he is very angry with the indifferent attitude of the fire spirit.

"What's my attitude? I'd like to. If you don't like to talk to me, you can't say it!" Huolingdao.

"You're not his? Today, if you marry my son, you will get married, and if you don't, you will get married. " The stronghold leader is very angry. What's more, the fire spirit is really a special creature. It's so attractive. If you can't hold him down, he thinks he's been a leader for so many years.

You must let your son marry him, and then you can take the opportunity to enjoy it. It's really impossible for father and son to fight together. It's not unheard of. In the past, I used to find the number one card to play with my son in the county!

"Give me the fire spirit and tie it away!" Said the village leader.

"The stronghold leader, spare your life!" At this time, grandma cried and begged.

She trembled and supported herself with all her strength.

"Grandma The fire spirit quickly stepped forward to help.

At this time, she got out of bed and knelt on the ground for the stronghold leader: "please forgive ling'er, the creditor!"

Fire spirit holding her grandmother, she felt that her body was very light, she was already thin and skinny, but she still had to bear these people's unreasonable provocation. She was sad from her heart, and her tears flowed down.

"Old man, get out of here. I want your granddaughter, not you!" The leader of the village yelled.

But the grandmother still knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. "Please, stronghold leader, let me have a way to live!"

"Go away, old man!" The stronghold leader said and kicked her in the face.

"Who is used to your arrogance?"

At this time, I heard a cold sound coming from the side, and a figure rushed to the village leader. At the moment when the stronghold leader's foot kicked out, he kicked it towards the stronghold leader with lightning speed.The stronghold leader's foot has not yet touched the grandmother, but he feels that his abdomen is suddenly hit hard, and his body is kicked away involuntarily.

The stronghold leader was kicked away by Lin Feng. His fat body flew obliquely for three or four meters. Then he fell on the ground and rolled for several times. Then he hit the wall again. With a bang, he felt the house tremble.

It's hard to look at the posture.

The head of the stronghold leader was hit open, and his face was covered with blood. His head was dizzy. He tried to shake his head to clear his consciousness, but he still seemed to be dizzy for a while.

"Stronghold leader!"

"Stronghold leader!"

Several thugs came into the house and went to help the village leader.

But Lin Feng didn't pay attention to him. He helped her up and said, "grandma, you are so old. Don't mix up with this matter. You have a good rest. I'll help you with your treatment later! I'm going to cure this animal now

Lin Feng is naturally talking about the village leader.

Bullying men and women, even the old woman are not let go, such a person is simply a bully in the garbage, do not clean up him, Lin Feng heart are angry.

At this time, the stronghold leader also eased over. Hearing Lin Feng scold him as a beast, coupled with the pain in his head, his anger immediately climbed to the top, and he yelled at Lin Feng: "give me up, break him up!"

Those thugs heard the leader's order and rushed to Lin Feng with sticks.

Lin Feng is a clever flash, push the door to flee out. He was not afraid of these people, but felt that fighting in the house and destroying things was his own loss or the brightness of the yard.

"Want to run? Go after him and kill him The village leader sees Lin Feng running out and yells at the back.

Originally, there were several thugs who didn't enter the house. When Lin Feng rushed out, he was stunned. After listening to the village leader's roar, he took up a stick and attacked him. The thugs in the room chased him out one after another.

People in the house also looked out through the window, and saw that the dozen thugs were holding sticks, and Lin Feng, who had no iron in his hands, was surrounded inside.

At this time, elder Qiu, who had been silent all the time, took advantage of this vacancy and started to run away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!