The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 647

After such a long time, elder Qiu's legs have slowed down a lot. Although it's hard to compete with Lin Feng, he should be able to run.

So seeing Lin Feng stopped by the dozen thugs, he chose to run away at the first time!

"Stop for me The fire spirit drinks to elder Qiu.

Elder Qiu can't listen to her. He opens the door and runs outside.

At this time, outside the door, those dozen thugs also all toward Lin Feng.

In the room, the village leader covered his stomach with one hand and his head with the other. Looking out of the window, Lin Feng was besieged by a group of his own thugs. He was very relieved. He cried out through the window: "don't be merciful. Fight me to death!"

However, as soon as his voice dropped, he saw that his dozen thugs fell to the ground one after another, covering their stomachs and howling in agony, and the sticks were all thrown aside.

Lin Feng is to take back the right leg, a smile: "a group of bags, a leg to solve you, really boring!"

"Lin Feng, elder Qiu has run away!" Cried the fire spirit.

"I see it!" "Look at me!" said Lin Feng

With that, he ran after elder Qiu.

After a long time, he saw elder Qiu walking in front of him dejectedly, and Lin Feng followed him. They came back from afar, just like a child trying to run and an adult chasing him back. It was very funny.

But at this time, the stronghold leader saw that things were not good, so he got up and ran out.

Seeing the leader of the stronghold running out in a hurry, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing coldly: "if I want to kill you, you can't escape. Why be so in a hurry and lose the face of your stronghold leader!"

As soon as the stronghold leader listened, his fists clenched and his teeth clenched.

When he was insulted like this is a great shame.

He was humiliated by a suckling boy. He had no dignity to humiliate him. He must revenge him.

However, knowing that he was not Lin Feng's opponent, he pretended not to hear Lin Feng's words and continued to run forward.

Lin Feng said to the group of thugs lying in the yard: "your master has all run away. Why don't you get rid of him? Stay for dinner

The group of thugs were so scared that the stronghold leader ran away. Naturally, they did not dare to stay.

One by one they got up in great pain and ran out of the yard.

What happened in the courtyard was also seen by many people in the stockade. The stockade is not big. As long as something happens, almost all the people in the village know it at the first time.

The news spread quickly. Everyone knew that Huoling, the granddaughter of my grandmother, had come back with a handsome young man. He was very powerful. He not only beat the stronghold master's son, but also beat the stronghold leader and a dozen thugs away.

Lin Feng became a famous person in Qinglong village for a while, and they all wanted to know where the young man was.

In particular, those big girls who are in the flower season are in the stage of spring, and have no resistance to handsome heroes. They have flocked and deliberately passed by in front of grandma's house for the appearance of a forest peak.

Some people have good eyes. They can see Lin Feng's face through the window. Although they pass by in a flash, they are excited.

"So handsome, just like the stars on TV!" The girl who saw Lin Feng was excited.

"Tell me, which star do you like?" Other little beauties asked curiously.

"I can't tell you. It looks so pretty, and then there's a feeling of ruffian. Especially when I happened to see him smile, it's just... Ouch... So handsome!"




the little beauties in Huaichun are masturbating outside, but in the house, Lin Feng is seriously treating her grandmother.

Lin Feng is very serious, a serious face.

The grandmother felt that she could not see her illness well for such a long time, so she said:

"well, I am old, and I will not be able to do it one day. I am ready, young man. Thank you for your help!"

With a trace of gratitude in his eyes, he also looked at the fire spirit, indicating that the fire spirit should not be sad.

Listen to the grandmother said so, fire spirit tears Susu on the flow down.

I have been busy these years, and the days together with my grandmother are rare. When I think of my childhood, I saw that other people had parents, but she did not. She cried home and asked her why she had no parents. She coaxed her to say that she was an angel and was flying from the sky. Then she made delicious sweet scented osmanthus cake for her, then told her stories and coaxed her to sleep.

In her childhood, she never felt inferior because she had no parents. Instead, she lived a happy and sunny life under the care of her grandmother.

But I don't know when, grandma's back is hunched, her hair is white, and she doesn't speak as strong as before. She can no longer carry the fire spirit on her shoulder and gently say to the fire spirit, "ling'er, if anyone dares to bully you and grandma, she will fight for them to look good!"

But I grew up and my grandmother was old too!Ling'er's nose is sour and her tears are more fierce.

"Linger, don't be sad. Grandma will be very happy to see you alive." Said the grandmother, her lips trembling.

"Grandma --"

the fire spirit plunges into the grandmother's arms, like a confused child, wantonly crying.

When Tigress saw Huoling crying, she began to cry with a grin.

See this scene, pay National Day is also very sad, don't go too far, can't bear to look directly.

The most sad thing is to die and die!

In this way, after crying for a few minutes, Huoling wiped her tears and came out of her grandmother's arms.

"Have you cried enough?" asked Lin Feng

Fire spirit looked at Lin Feng and didn't understand what Lin Feng meant? Grandma got such a serious illness, it is very likely that this is the last time we met. Can't we cry?

But listen to Lin Feng said: "I mean, you cry over, I should give my grandmother treatment, I preliminary estimate, should have effect in three days, and then take medicine later, about a few months can recover!"


Fire spirit thought that she had heard wrong, she murmured: "what did you say just now? Recovered? "

"Yes, my grandmother's disease is not incurable. What are you yelling at and scaring grandma again! This is a kind of complex disease, but ordinary doctors can't see it! " Lin Feng said.

As soon as he said this, doctor Miao felt depressed.

The general doctors can't see this. Is it just about themselves?

"This little brother, you say this disease is a syndrome, I want to hear your opinion!" Said doctor Miao.

Lin Feng said: "through my observation, my grandmother's limbs are stiff and chilly, and her joints have some shackles, so she is very inconvenient to move. It seems that she is bedridden and terminally ill. In fact, she is not. I found her pulse is weak, but her breathing is not noisy. She is very symmetrical. At the same time, her eyes are black and white, and her pupils contract freely It is concluded that my grandmother's illness is not fatal at all. In fact, she has excellent physical functions, and she will live for several decades without any problem! "

"Oh? If you say so, why is Grandma so weak now that she still falls on the bed and can't get up! " Asked doctor Miao.

"It's very simple! Although the disease is not enough to kill people, but it will bring down people, ah, grandmother anorexia, can't eat, which will make her immunity lower and lower, lower immunity, virus will be more rampant, the situation will be worse, and worse, grandma will be more anorexic, which will form a vicious circle, until grandma can't eat a little food, and finally collapse to death! " Lin Feng said.

"You say that, grandma, is she hungry?" Asked doctor Miao.

"You can say that too!" Lin Feng said: "the reason why my grandmother is hungry like this is because of illness."

"Do you see what the disease is?" Dr. Miao is most concerned about this problem. He thinks that I can't see it in my doctor for 20 years. You talk nonsense. Although it's reasonable, I don't believe you can really see what the disease is!

Lin Feng said with a smile: "this disease is rheumatoid!"

"Ah All of us are rolling their eyes. Doctor Miao said that it was rheumatoid before, but it was still not cured. Would you say, is it interesting?

At this time, Lin Feng added: "of course, this kind of symptom looks like rheumatism, but it's just the appearance. In fact, my grandmother's immunity is destroyed, the cold enters the body, and the cold poison attacks the heart!"

"Cold poison attack heart?" Doctor Miao's face questioned and said: "the cold poison attack heart should not be the complexion blackened, will die within three days?"

"You are wrong!" Lin Feng said: "cold poison can be fast or slow. Grandma, this is a chronic cold poison, which is not fatal and is not easy to detect. But those who can get it will usually be slowly tortured to death."

"There is another way to say that?" Asked doctor Miao.

"Well, this kind of cold poison can kill people invisibly. A good doctor can't find out the cause of the cold poison, and the coroner can't find out any trace of the cold poison. This is the strong point of the chronic cold poison. Generally, this cold poison is artificially prescribed. It wants to harm people but doesn't want to be found out!" Instead of paying attention to doctor Miao, Lin Feng turned to her grandmother and asked, "grandma, do you remember, have you eaten any food given to you recently?"

Grandma recalled for a while, shook her head and said, "no, I always cook by myself."

"Or someone sneaked into the house and poisoned my grandmother's food?" The fire spirit guessed.

"No way, cold poison can't coexist with fire. Food contains heat, and cold poison can't be preserved!" Lin Feng said, suddenly eyes a narrow, said: "if no one to send you something to eat, then there is only one case!"

"What's the situation?"

Fire spirit and doctor Miao asked eagerly with one voice. Fu Guoqing also waited for Lin Feng's conclusion nervously.

Lin Feng said, "that is, my grandmother took the initiative to eat what should not be eaten, such as the wild fruit in the mountains. Moreover, the wild fruit must be under the shade of the trees blocking the sky and never see the sun all day long."The old woman thought about it for a while, and suddenly seemed to think of something. She looked a little excited and said, "Oh, I went to the mountain to step on bamboo shoots a few days ago, and I passed by the wild trees and forests behind the stockade. I ate a lot of Daliang fruits. The Daliang fruits are very good. They are under the branches, one by one. But as the young man said, the trees cover the sky and cover the sun. It's hard to have strong light shining in at ordinary times."

"That's right, grandma. The cause of the disease is found. You will be cold if you eat the good fruit which has been drugged." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, you said that, I remember, that is to eat the fruit the next day, I began to feel sick!" Said the grandmother.

As soon as this word came out, everyone was in a burst of joy. It seems that the cause of the disease has been found!

"How wonderful! It's amazing Doctor Miao raised his thumb and couldn't stop admiring.

Lin Feng's inference is reasonable and reasonable. He can infer from his illness. Finally, he can guess the cause of the disease. He even knows that grandma ate the fruit of the mountain and causes cold. It's amazing!

However, Lin Feng was indifferent and said with a smile: "it's a small meaning. My mother's ancestors used to be a family of medicine. I've been influenced by it since I was a child. I know a little bit about it, and I know a little bit about it!"

Doctor Miao felt ashamed for a moment and said, "don't be modest, little brother. You are a miracle doctor. If you say that you know a little bit, then I just know a fart!"

"Well! Ha ha ha All of them were amused by doctor Miao.

But at this time, I heard someone knocking on the door in a hurry and said, "no, grandma, the big thing is not good!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!