The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 645

"Are you a doctor, too?" Doctor Miao saw Lin Feng seeing her grandmother and asked in surprise.

Lin Feng is in his early twenties. At this age, he is usually an apprentice or intern. He actually sits next to the patient to see a doctor directly?

"I'm not talented. I'm a doctor!" Lin Feng said.

"Oh! Even if you are a doctor, it's not easy to treat grandma! " Dr. Miao said, "I can only prescribe some rheumatoid drugs regularly, barely maintain it. Even the big hospitals can't see what the disease is, so we can't do anything about it!"

Listening to doctor Miao's words, Liu Feng was also enthusiastic.

"Well, doctor Miao, I don't think so. I'm an expert. My apprentices are top pharmacists in the world." Liu Feng teasingly said.

"Alas Doctor Miao sighed and said that this boy can really blow!

He almost didn't say that Grandma had a terminal illness.

It's not good at all. It's a waste of effort. As a result, I'm delayed in running away because of seeing a doctor. When I turn back, I'm caught by the stronghold leader. The end is miserable.

In fact, most of the people in the stockade in the mountain are simple and honest. Doctor Miao is also a simple person. He is bullied by Mu aza all day long, and sometimes he says something out of his heart. Even on that day, he prescribed medicine to Tigress on purpose. Otherwise, Tigress would not get the medicine.

So when he saw such a young man, he was able to do justice for him. In fact, he was very satisfied. He didn't want to see such a person being bullied by the village owner.

However, he did not expect that the young man was not only very proud, but also liked to brag, which made his score on Lin Feng much lower.

He lived in his forties and practiced medicine for nearly 20 years. Although he was a barefoot doctor, he saw too many difficult and miscellaneous diseases and helped many people to cure serious diseases. However, this time, his grandmother's illness made him helpless.

Even the doctors from the big hospitals in the city come with instruments, but they can't see what the disease is. Can this young man in his twenties be diagnosed by listening to and auscultating the pulse?

It's fantastic!

Doctor Miao said, "anyway, I have brought it to you, and I have told you about the situation. As for what to do in the future, you can decide for yourself, and I can't control it!"

Fire spirit is also a face worried looking at Lin Feng, she is not afraid of their own how, she is afraid of implicating Lin Feng.

Lin Feng himself came here in order to find the worship of the moon and get back his treasure.

As a result, I got into such a trouble because of myself and my grandmother.

She asked doctor Miao, "doctor Miao, what kind of people will the village leader send to deal with us, do you know?"

Doctor Miao shook his head and said, "the stronghold leader has great powers. He has a lot of thugs in his daily life. He can take one out of the village with one dozen ten. I don't know who he will send?"

When the fire spirit heard this, he was calm. Lin Feng and ouba were practitioners. It was not easy to deal with those thugs.

At this time, however, doctor Miao said, "Oh, yes, I heard that the stronghold leader has raised a master. It seems that he is mu aza's master. However, he seems to be practicing in the mountains recently, but he hasn't come out. Do you know about this? I've heard that practitioners are more than just fighters. The master of muazar can kill a cow with his bare hands. Many people have seen it. It's terrible! "

Doctor Miao said that he was breathtaking, but seeing Lin Feng, he still felt calm. He could not help shaking his head and sighing: "Oh, forget it, just think I didn't say it!"

With that, he would turn his head and go outside.

At this time, Lin Feng released her grandmother's hand and said to doctor Miao, "thank you, doctor Miao."

Doctor Miao's body trembled. When he was at the head of the village, he saw Lin Feng as fierce as a devil. He was very afraid. Now he said thank you, but he was not used to it.

"You're welcome!" Said doctor Miao.

"Thank you, of course. If you take such a big risk to inform me, if I don't appreciate it, it will not be a wolf in my stomach." Lin Feng said: "I was really seriously diagnosing the disease just now, so I haven't taken the time to thank you! Sit down and have a cup of tea

After hearing Lin Feng's diagnosis, Dr. Miao shook his head again. He said that the boy was really arrogant. He also made a serious diagnosis. Do you really think you can cure the disease? If you can diagnose it, your doctor in the past 20 years will not be in vain?

But he didn't say anything. He just shook his head and said, "forget it, I won't drink tea. I have to go back to my drugstore to serve the guests."

However, at this time, I heard a cold drink outside the door: "Yo, I thought doctor Miao had gone home? Doctor Miao is here

Then, with a bang, the door was kicked open, and a big man with a lot of brains rushed in. Behind him, a dozen ferocious men stood outside the door and didn't come in.

"Ah, stronghold leader!"

Doctor Miao was stunned. He didn't expect to report to him, but he was blocked by the stronghold leader. What can I do?For a moment, doctor Miao's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his legs were shaking fast and could not stand steadily.

"I said doctor Miao, you are very hospitable. After dressing my son in my place, you are not idle. You are really busy to report information here." Said the village leader.

"Stronghold leader, don't be angry. I was wrong, I was wrong!" As soon as his legs softened, doctor Miao knelt on the ground.

"Get the hell out of here!" The village leader kicked doctor Miao aside, pointed to Lin Feng and said, "is it you who beat my son?"

Lin Feng said with a calm smile: "are you talking about the animal with big arms and round waist? Yes, I did

"Hiss --"

as soon as this word was said, the people nearby were scared and took a breath of cold air.

Doctor Miao covered his face and felt a deep despair. This Lin Feng not only admitted directly, but also called Mu aza a beast. This is not looking for death!

At this time, Liu Feng said quickly, "well, the stronghold leader, I and I just came to have a look. We don't know these things at all. We'll go first."

She doesn't want to be in this mess!

"Stop!" The stronghold leader's face was livid, and he yelled: "nobody in the house today wants to leave!"

"Oh, stronghold leader, I'm wronged. The boy didn't provoke you at all, but I didn't provoke you, and I didn't dare to offend you. Besides, the corrupt doctor Miao, you've got his head pierced. You dare to report the information and betray the stronghold leader. You're a bastard." Liu Feng does everything in her power now. As long as she can flatter the stronghold leader, she doesn't care who you are.

"Stronghold leader, you can see clearly that I have nothing to do with them, but I dare not do it right with you! It's too late for me to worship you Liu Feng said with a tone of supplication.

She was eager to get rid of the relationship with Lin Feng Huoling and others, mainly because she saw the stronghold leader bringing more than a dozen vicious thugs.

When the discerning eye looks at it, isn't it to make the rhythm of the dead? How can the stronghold leader spare the murderer when his son is beaten like that.

Therefore, he must not have anything to do with the murderer. Even if she can, she will stand by the stronghold leader and condemn Lin Feng and others. After all, at this time, we should see the situation clearly!

However, at this time, Lin Feng gave a bad smile and said to Liu Feng, "sister-in-law Liu Feng, don't be afraid. Just now you said that I would see a doctor for you. How can you pretend that you don't know me? You are my sister-in-law!"

"What?" The stronghold leader looked at Liu Feng and said, "it doesn't matter if you are all brothers and sisters-in-law."

"I don't have it. I'm wronged." Liu Feng yelled, then pointed to Lin Feng and yelled: "you don't buckle the shit pot on my head. You are a lump of shit. Whoever touches you is unlucky. Don't try to forget yourself. I'm innocent. I have no relationship with you!"

Seeing Liu Feng scolding Lin Feng madly, the stronghold leader did not pursue Liu Feng any more. He turned to Lin Feng and said, "you boy, you dare to beat my son. Today, I will have a good account with you! Brothers, give it to me, give him to me , the fastest update of the webnovel!