The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 644

Hearing this, Huoling quickly poked Lin Feng with his elbow, and whispered in his ear, "ouba, don't make trouble. This is in my house. Don't talk nonsense!"

Huo Ling knew that Lin Feng had a fierce fight, but she didn't hear Lin Feng say that he knew medical skills. This medicine is broad and profound, and it can't be fooled through by three or two sentences. So she quickly stopped Lin Feng, or it would be a shame to make a big fight.

But at this time, Liu Feng was very surprised.

Liu Feng was shocked by Lin Feng's words. She really thought she had some serious illness. As a result, she said it was irregular menstruation.

However, she also made a murmur in her heart. This guy was really accurate. She had irregular menstruation for a long time. She secretly went to doctor Miao to catch some medicines, which relieved her, but she made it again recently.

Repeated, very torturous, and leucorrhea also increased, this gynecological disease, she is difficult to speak to outsiders, this has become a piece of her heart disease.

I didn't expect that Lin Feng had a face-to-face look, and he could see it.

Is he really a doctor?

Lin Feng said with a smile to the fire spirit: "to tell the truth, it is because of you that I will show my medical skills. Otherwise, I am not willing to say that I am a doctor. Even the apprentices I teach are the top pharmacists in the world!"

As soon as he said this, the crowd suddenly burst into surprise.

But soon they all looked at Lin Feng with questioning eyes, especially Liu Feng, who didn't believe it.

She said in a shrill voice: "you say you are a doctor, I can barely believe you, but you blow too big? My apprentice is one of the top pharmacists in the world. Is this cowhide going to blow the sky? You're just a kid in your twenties, dare you blow so big? Make it as if you are a world expert! Do you think the people in my village don't know anything? "

Lin Feng did not refute, but said with a faint smile: "in fact, your disease is a minor disease, but because of your acrimonious character and nitpicking about small things, it will greatly affect the mood and quality of life. As time goes by, you will get sick. At the same time, it will also affect your lover, leading to disharmony of husband and wife's sexual life, thus aggravating your disease!"

Said, Lin Feng hand a back, very pretend to force said: "so, if I am not wrong, your menstrual irregular, not only repeated attacks, but also accompanied by increased leucorrhea and other gynecological diseases, in the long run, may get cervical cancer ah!"


Liu Feng's face turned white.

Because Lin Feng's every word, like a sharp knife, accurately stabbed her pain point, let her have no resistance.

Even repeated attacks and leucorrhea are known, this is too accurate!

And that last sentence of cancer, is even more scared of her legs soft, feel whirling.

But Liu Feng is a very strong woman. She has slandered Lin Feng in front of her. She will not compromise easily at this time. Who knows if you will scare me again?

Even if you can see the symptoms, it is not necessarily true that every word is true. My menstruation has been irregular for such a long time, and there are no other complications.

So Liu Feng took a deep breath, stabilized her mind and said, "if you are a doctor, tell me, how can I treat this disease?"

However, her tone of voice obviously eased a lot, and, in addition, she admitted her illness.

The change of her attitude surprised Huoling.

Did not expect that Lin Feng three words, also said on the point, Lin Feng really understand medical skills?

At this time, Lin Feng was sitting on the chair and said with a ha ha: "Oh, what I said just now is too much. I'm very thirsty!"

The Fire Spirit said, "I'll pour you water!"

Lin Feng smile, "no!"

Liu Feng is very alert, tentative said: "or I come, warm water is OK?"

"Yes, thank you." Lin Feng smiles and cocks his legs. He is at ease.

Seeing that Liu Feng, a shrewd woman, was obedient by Lin Fengzhi, all the people present couldn't believe it. Fu Guoqing, Liu Feng's husband, was even more surprised. Was this still my tiger's wife?

Liu Feng took the water and gave it to Lin Feng. She felt that there was something wrong with her face. She said with a little hardness: "now tell me about it. How can I treat this disease?"

"Why are you in a hurry? I haven't seen my grandmother's illness yet. You should stay back! " Lin Feng said.

This sentence left Liu Fengxi speechless. Her grandmother was bedridden and didn't clamor to see a doctor. She went into the room in a hurry. She felt a burst of fire on her face, which was more embarrassing than directly scolding her.

"Wait!" At this time, the fire spirit stopped Lin Feng and said, "ouba, when did you become a doctor?"

"Right now, the moment I see the patient, I am the doctor!" With a smile, Lin Feng went to the bed, reached for her arm and said, "come on, grandma, I'll give you pulse!"

"Good, good!" My grandmother just saw Lin Feng's wise diagnosis of Liu Feng, and she believed in Lin Feng at this time.

"Oh, that's great. I said the fire spirit must be filial. I specially asked a miracle doctor to see my grandmother. This time, she is saved!" Fu Guoqing said with a simple smile."Silly boy, don't you know what disease grandma got? How can it be cured so easily? Just help me to find out some minor diseases. I really use myself as a miracle doctor! "

Liu Feng's words are full of ridicule and ridicule. Just now Lin Feng's words made her bear a grudge. She thought that she knew her illness anyway, but now she should pay attention to it. Go back to the county hospital for a thorough treatment. There is no need to ask him for treatment in a low voice.

So, her strength came up again and caught Lin Feng for a bad time.

Lin Feng turned a deaf ear to him. He did not listen to what she said. He paid attention to her pulse and then listened carefully to her grandmother's breath.

At this moment, however, someone knocked at the door.

"Is the fire spirit there? At home? "

"I'm here. Come in!" Said the fire spirit.

When the door opened, it was doctor Miao who had been denounced by Lin Feng at the head of the village.

As soon as doctor Miao entered the room, he quickly closed the door and said, "Huoling, take your friend with you. The stronghold leader was angry just now and threatened to have your friend killed! I'm taking the risk to tell you that your friend is so kind that we dare not do something. He did it, which made us all feel very happy. But you know, the stronghold leader, when he is angry, he will have big things to do! "

"Don't worry, doctor Miao." Fire Spirit said: "how do you know this?"

"Of course I know, because Mu aza was knocked out of four teeth by your friend, and half of his face was almost pierced. I went to the door to bandage it. I heard that the stronghold leader was angry and even his beloved mahogany tea set was smashed. I have never seen him in such a big fire!" Said doctor Miao.

Listening to Dr. Miao said that, Fu Guoqing and Liu Feng were scared.

Liu Feng, in particular, feels cool behind her.

What he is afraid of is not that the stronghold leader is angry. After all, she has nothing to do with her anger.

What she was afraid of was that this guy even beat Mu aza's face through? This is too terrible. I yelled at him just now. He didn't do it to himself. What a blessing!

But is this guy not afraid of tigers? Don't he know that he's been in trouble? Hum, he pretends to be bigger than he pretends to be. Someone will take care of him this time!

Liu Feng sneered in her heart and waited to see the joke.

"Europa, what now?" Fire spirit looks at Lin Feng: "or, we go out to hide first?"

"Hide?" Lin Feng smile: "my dictionary, can not hide this word!"

"Oh, young man, it's time, don't hold on to it!" Said doctor Miao.

"Yes, go out and take refuge." Fu Guoqing also advised.

"Hush! Shut up Lin Feng put a finger to his mouth, then said, "I'm going to see my grandmother. Please be calm and don't be impatient."

"But..." the fire spirit continued.

"Shh, patient first! Calm down, calm down! " Lin Feng said, but still is a calm and self-contained appearance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!