The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 643

Huoling led the way all the way to the last row of the stockade. He stopped in front of a family and said, "here we are. This is Grandma's house."

Lin Feng took a look, the house is all wooden walls, green brick roof, not very big, but very clean and tidy.

"Grandma, grandma!" Huo Ling opened the door and called as he walked inside.

"Is linger back?" An old voice came from the room.

"Grandma, I'm back!" The Fire Spirit said and ran to the bed.

"Ling'er, am I dreaming?"

On the broad bamboo bed, there was an old man with thin bones. When the old man saw the spirit of fire, his eyes were full of tears, and he was struggling to support himself.

"Grandma, lie down The fire spirit quickly helped the old man and put it flat.

"Cough, cough, cough!" The old man coughed a few times. His face was full of joy. He stretched out his hands and caressed Huoling's cheek tremblingly. He said, "I haven't seen you for a long time. I've become beautiful again. It's good!"

Hearing this, Huoling's nose was sour and tears almost fell down.

Yes, I haven't been home for two years. My grandmother lives alone here. I haven't seen her for two years. Usually, I can see her through mobile phone video call, but how can I see a real person so vividly.

"Grandma, you are sick. Why don't you tell me?" Fire spirit with a bit of complaint.

"Well, when you get older, you will always have problems like this and that, and you can't always trouble you. You also have work to be busy with." Said the grandmother.

Then, seeing Lin Feng and Qiu elder behind the fire spirit, she said, "is this your friend? Let them sit down. My old lady has no strength to greet you. I'm sorry! "

"No matter what grandma said, you should have a good rest and take good care of your illness. It's not too late to greet us when you are well fed." Lin Feng said.

"It's not that easy to get rid of." A middle-aged man pushed the door in.

The middle-aged man has a Chinese face with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He looks simple and honest, and there is a woman behind him.

In her thirties, the woman's figure is well maintained. She has the straight young girl's appearance and the mature young woman's charm. She is also pretty, with a melon shaped face and Danfeng eyes, but the woman's face is thin and her cheekbones are high, which gives people a very sharp and mean feeling.

"National Day brother, sister-in-law Liu Feng!" Cried the fire spirit.

"Oh, fire spirit, do you know how to come back?" That woman is white fire spirit one eye, have no good spirit to say: "I thought, you have to wait for grandma to die to come back!"

"Liu Feng!" The man nudged the woman with his elbow to show her not to talk nonsense!

When she heard this in bed, she took a deep breath and explained, "Liu Feng, don't blame ling'er. I didn't tell her!"

"Well, I think she's a wolf in the neck. She's living a good life outside. She's spending a lot of money. She's not willing to go back to our remote country to have a look." Liu Feng said bitterly.

But fire spirit does not care about her in general, to the national day asked: "National Day brother, my grandmother got what disease?"

"Alas After hearing this, brother Guoqing looked gloomy, sighed and said, "my grandmother has a strange disease. Her whole body is cold and stiff. At night, her joints are painful, and she has red spots on her body. She has no appetite and can't eat anything. Doctor Miao in the stockaded village said it was rheumatoid. But after a period of treatment with medicine, she found that it was more and more serious. Finally, she was bedridden!"

"Did you go to the county or a larger hospital?" Said the fire spirit.

The National Day elder brother said: "I went to the city and invited a doctor for my grandmother several times. But after the doctor came to see the doctor, he shook his head and said that the disease was incurable. When he asked him what the disease was, he couldn't tell why. He said that it should be some kind of incurable disease, because there is no such case in the hospital. If we want to cure it, we have to go abroad to look for the most cutting-edge technology."

Speaking of this, Liu Feng yelled, pointing to Huoling and said, "I said Huoling, your grandmother, you don't care about yourself. Your brother doesn't worry much about national day. He has been in the city for more than five times, and he has spent a lot of travelling expenses. We also pay for the doctor's visit every time. This is a big expense! You come back today, or I will calculate with you... "

" OK! " National day to Liu Feng drink: "can you say two words less?"

"Oh, you can stand it? You don't know your last name when you see a little fox, do you? " Liu Fenghuo, the National Day curse: "I married you, but you still think of that small Sao fox, you still in front of her roar me, pay national day do you want to face?"

The fox spirit that Liu Feng said is naturally the spirit of fire.

Fu Guoqing and Huoling's family have always been neighbors. Fu Guoqing watched Huoling grow up, and they had a good relationship. Later Huoling became a big girl and became more and more beautiful. Fu Guoqing always praised Huoling in front of Liu Feng, which made Liu Feng very jealous. He regarded Fu Guoqing's praise as a spiritual derailment, so he became more and more jealous and hated Huoling.

"Huoling, don't think I don't know what you do in the big city. Otherwise, you are a girl, how can you get along so well, still wear gold and silver, make a good-looking clothes, and make money, but you have to take care of handsome men?" Liu Feng said, but also deliberately look at Lin Feng."Sister Liu Feng, what are you talking about?" Fire spirit generates airway.

"Do you want to quibble? My grandmother is so sick that there is no tomorrow but today. You still go back to the stockade with a little white face. Have you ever had a long heart? " Liu Feng cursed the fire spirit!

"Sister Liu Feng, you..." the fire spirit feels aggrieved and wants to cry.

But at this time, but listen to Lin Feng said: "this woman, you are very eloquent, but you are only half right!"

"Don't call me a woman!" Liu Feng looked at Lin Feng angrily and then said, "what do you mean? Why am I half right? "

Lin Feng said with a smile: "you say I am a handsome boy, this sentence is right, I also admit, but you say I am a small white face, I do not agree!"

"Don't you agree? Hum Liu Feng sneered and said, "you came to the stockade with Huoling to play! My grandmother is seriously ill. Huoling is still in the mood to bring you this little white face to play in the stockade. It's shameless! Pooh

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "this woman, you are wrong again. I am not here to play!"

"Don't call me a woman!" Liu Feng roared, "what are you here for?"

"I'm a doctor brought by Huoling. I'm a doctor for grandma!" Lin Feng smiles.

"What? Doctor? " Liu Feng looked at Lin Feng again and said, "you look like you are in your twenties. The old doctors in the big hospitals can't see her illness well. What can you understand? Mao has not grown up, said that he is a doctor, do not urinate to take care of themselves? I seriously suspect that you are lying! "

"I'm not lying!" Lin Feng laughed instead of angry and said, "this woman, after my observation, your face is pigmented, gray and mixed with some brown spots, and you have a rash on your chin. You are a manifestation of a serious illness."

On hearing Lin Feng say so, Liu Feng was startled and said, "what's the serious illness?"

"This is irregular menstruation!" Lin Feng said , the fastest update of the webnovel!