The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 642

Just when muazar wanted to slap the fire spirit's face, a stone suddenly blocked the fire spirit. Mu aza's hand could not be taken back. He was staring at his slap and firmly slapped on the stone.

"Pa --"

"lying in the trough, it hurts!"

Mu aza's hands were instantly red and swollen, and his heart was trembling with pain in his five fingers, and his wrist was shaking uncontrollably.

This time, however, he vented all his hatred for the spirit of fire in the palm of his hand, but he did not expect a slap on the stone.

It turned out that Lin Feng held a stone the size of a brick and blocked it in front of the fire spirit.

"What are you doing Mu aza's eyes spurt fire, staring at Lin Feng.

"Well, the first time I came to the stockade, I was very curious. I just wanted to ask what kind of stone this stone is. Why is it so strange?" Lin Feng pretended to look left and right at the stone.

"When can't you ask him, but you must ask now?" Muazar was angry and defeated.

"I like to ask now, can't I?" Lin Feng said to Huoling: "Huoling, what kind of stone is this? How can it be black, ugly and annoying, just like someone in front of me!"

Mu aza recognized the voice of Lin Feng's words, which reflected him, saying that he was black, ugly and disgusting.

"Are you him? Who are you?" Mu aza released the fire spirit and looked at Lin Feng fiercely.

"I'm a fire spirit friend, Lin Feng!" Lin Feng smiles.

"Oh, no wonder Huoling doesn't like the men in the stockade. It turns out that he was cheated by you little white faces in big cities." Mu aza went to Lin Feng and said contemptuously, "my stockade, no outsiders are allowed to enter. Get out of here before I get angry with you!"

"What if I don't go away?" Lin Feng said.

"If you don't go away, I'll kill you!" Mu aza was already furious and could not help but hit Lin Feng.

Mu aza has been strong since he was young, and he has practiced martial arts since he was young. People in the eight villages in ten li know that he is a good fighter. Just now, the fire spirit was spared by the slap on the stone. If he hits this blow, he will lose half his life.

All the villagers around looked at Lin Feng with dignity.

However, he saw that Lin Feng stretched out his hand and gently blocked it, but he caught the fist steadily.

"How dare you pretend to be like this? I'll teach you what fists are

Lin Feng said, a punch to Mu aza's face in the past.

Mu aza quickly waved to block. However, he felt that Lin Feng's fist head was like a shell, which could not be stopped at all!

It's hard to hit the wood of a Shi's face.

Muazar only felt the twinkling of stars in his eyes and a sharp pain in his mouth. He vomited out a mouthful of blood with several broken teeth!

"Sleeping trough! He beat muazar! They're all vomiting blood! "

There was a burst of panic. You know, muazar is in the stockade, that is the local emperor. No one dares to provoke him, let alone beat him. He will be finished.

These people also hate Mu aza's arrogance and arrogance, but no one dares to provoke Mu aza. Today, Lin Feng hits Mu aza fiercely. These people are all in a dark mood after seeing it, but they are also worried about Lin Feng at the same time.

Lin Feng is a face of cloud light breeze light, said to the fire spirit: "are you ok?"

Fire spirit smile: "I'm ok!"

Then, she took a look at Tigress, who was crying and fell on the ground. She quickly went up to her and said, "Tigress doesn't cry. There's a sister here."

Tigress's chubby little hand wiped her tears and pointed to Lin Feng and said, "elder sister, this brother is so powerful that he can knock down Mu aza. Sister, your friend is so good!"

"Good for you!"

At this time, Mu aza stood up from behind Lin Feng and rushed towards him with blood on his face.

"Watch the back!" The fire spirit shouts at Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng didn't return to his head. He bent his knee directly and pushed his lower leg toward the back. The heel of his heel hit Mu aza's crotch.

"Ah --"

muazar stood at attention all the time, his body was stiff and fell to the ground.

A few seconds later, I recovered my strength. I cried out in agony. My body was like shrimp in an oil pan, and I was rolling over and over on the ground.

Lin Feng suddenly looked at the doctor Miao and asked coldly, "just now you said that Tigress stole your medicine. You're ready to prescribe it, and Tigress has paid for it. How can it be called stealing? Did Tigress steal your medicine

Looking at Lin Feng's aggressive momentum, doctor Miao was scared and said, "no stealing, no stealing!"

"Well, that's right." Lin Feng went to Tigress, gently stroked her head, and said with a smile, "Tigress didn't steal anything. Tigress didn't do anything wrong. Tigress is good. They all bully people!"

"Yes! It's them who bully peopleWhen Tigress saw that Lin Feng supported him, she felt aggrieved. She glanced at her mouth for a few times and almost cried again.

"Tigress doesn't cry, come on, brother hold you!" Lin Feng stretched out his hands and held Tigress from the fire spirit's hand. Then he went to Mu aza and said, "Mu aza, Tigress has patients at home, but you don't let the drugstore sell medicine to others, and you've become slandering tigress. How vicious and disgusting are you? You say, are you him? Is that disgusting? "

Said, raised a foot, toward Mu a Zha belly heavy kick in the past.

"Ah Mu aza cried out in pain, but he was replaced by Lin Feng for several times.

"Good!" Tigress patted her little fat hand and exclaimed, "kill him a villain, brother beat him!"

Lin Feng said to Mu aza, "I gave you this foot for Tigress just now, rubbish!"

Then, he stepped forward again, grabbed Mu aza's collar with one hand, and even lifted Mu aza up.

"Tigress, did he just mention you like that?" Lin Feng asked tigress.

"Yes, my brother. He just grabbed me, which made my neck ache to death!" Tigress complained.

"Well, my brother catches him like that, let him taste it too. Who makes him dare to bully us Tigress?" Lin Feng said, force a mu aza collar.

Mu aza's neck was full of blue veins, his face was red, and his hands and feet kept kicking, but he had no strength to fight back.

"Ha ha ha, he looks like a big mouse!" Tigress points to Mu aza and laughs.

Tigress remembers that when she grabbed the mouse tail and lifted it up, it was like this.

People around saw this scene, but they were all scared.

That's Mu aza, the son of the stronghold leader and a bully of Qinglong stronghold!

Just being caught by that foreign boy, humiliated like a monkey? This kid doesn't want to live, does he?

People are silent, no one dares to speak, but the heart for this scene, but are a dark cool.

Lin Feng played for a while. Seeing that Tigress had seen enough of it, he shook his hand and threw Mu aza on the ground. He said with a squint smile, "I didn't want to do this to you for the first time. You forced me. I can't help it!"

Then he said to Huoling: "go, go into the village and see my grandmother. Don't be affected by the garbage!"

"OK!" Fire spirit brilliant smile, drag Qiu elder and Lin Feng together into the village. , the fastest update of the webnovel!