The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 63

"In collusion, birds of a feather! It's not worth dying! " Lin Feng has no sympathy at all.

In recent days, he asked the mice to check a lot of information. Under the control of Lei Hong and Wu Bo, the wolf society did a lot of cruel things. Even Liu Zhen was killed by them. Although Wu Bo didn't admit it, Lin Feng knew it for a long time.

So these two people deserve it.

At this time, Tang Dongsheng came to Lin Feng. Although he was beaten black and blue, he had just dealt with it a little, and it was no big problem.

"Lin Feng, it's us who wrongly blame you. I'm really sorry!"

"Yes, Lin Feng, it's all my fault. I suspected you first and misled the chairman. If you want to blame, blame me! You can punish me as much as you want Yu Lan came up and said sincerely.

"I want you to kneel and lick me, what are you doing?" Lin Feng said to Yu Lan.

"This..." Yu Lan Meng forced, did not expect Lin Feng to put forward such fragrant requirements.

"Lin Feng, we have something to talk about. Kneeling and licking this kind of thing is not elegant after all." Tang Dongsheng said.

"No, I want her to kneel and lick! I'll forgive you if you feel comfortable licking! " Said, pointed to his place, and pointed to Yu Lan's mouth: "you will also be very cool!"

"This..." Yu Lan's face instantly red to the neck root.

Seeing their embarrassed appearance, Lin Feng didn't want to continue to embarrass them, so he said with no good breath: "you are very interesting! Bullies bully together, apologize together, you will always be a group, I am an outsider, right? "

"We really realized that we were wrong, Lin Feng. Thanks to you this time, if we didn't have you, the consequences would be unimaginable!" Tang Dongsheng said.

"You don't have to thank me. Just take my name as Lei. Besides, I just can't see that they bully people in the wolf society, and they have nothing to do with you! So, please don't be sentimental Lin Feng said.

"Lin Feng!" A pleasant voice came from Su Jing: "Lin Feng, we sincerely apologize to you, especially me. I have wronged you several times. The biggest mistake lies in me!"

Su Jing wanted to apologize to Lin Feng before. When she got the chance, she quickly seized the opportunity. After all, it was the most normal and polite way to apologize for something wrong.

Lin Feng laughed and said, "sorry! ha-ha! Do you feel comfortable if I humiliate you and then apologize? "

Su Jing pursed her lips and said, "it must be uncomfortable, but I just want to sincerely thank you! If you want to go back to Dongsheng Group, we welcome you with both hands, and you can mention the conditions at will

"I don't think so!" Lin Feng said, "I'm afraid you three will join hands to open me up again, but I won't give you another chance to be cool."

"Lin Feng, we are really wrong!"

"Stop!" Lin Feng waved his hand.

At this time, someone outside the door called out with a loudspeaker: "people inside, people inside, please keep the scene, do not move, we are going in!"

Lin Feng walked forward a few steps, picked up the loudspeaker he had brought, and called out to the outside: "the people inside did not move, come in quickly, don't ink!"

"Lin Feng, it's you again!" It's called out on the loudspeakers.

Lin Feng a listen, this voice is that early younger sister, Shen man.

He couldn't help laughing and shaking his head. Listening to the officer's tone, he seemed to have a lot of opinions on himself!

"Morning younger sister, oh no, it's police officer Shen. I haven't seen you for many days. I miss you very much. Please don't mention it. Come in." Lin Feng called out with a megaphone.

As soon as the voice fell, Shen man took the lead and killed him. At the first sight, he saw Lin Feng and said to Xiao Li behind him, "Xiao Li, cuff him to me!"

Xiao Li rolled his eyes, less than a month later, he handcuffed Lin Feng three times, he is enough!

He threw the handcuffs to Lin Feng: "solve it by yourself. You are familiar with the process."

"Xiao Li, how can you do this? The judicial procedure should not be sloppy! " Shen man glared at Xiao Li and went forward to handcuff Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had no choice but to shake his head. He even wanted to laugh. Why is his younger sister angry every time he sees himself? He is defending justice and doing good deeds every time!

You see, for the first time, it was to protect Tang Dongsheng from going to Xie Sanjia; the second was to help Wei Yicheng race cars to avoid being attacked by Chaigou; the third time, Wei Yicheng was kidnapped and he went to save people.

This is the fourth time, he is still to save people, and to save many people.

This is a great credit. Why do you always seem to have done something wrong in front of Shen man?

Does it have to be done step by step to punish the evil and promote the good?

Lin Feng doesn't care about the red tape. As long as I think I'm doing the right thing, it's enough. Even if the means are a little violent, it's also for the sake of justice.

But this is what Shen man dislikes him most. In Shen man's opinion, this is slovenness and lawlessness.

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "officer Shen, I didn't kill anyone and I didn't set fire to him. Everyone can testify. If you come up, handcuff me. Are you still reasonable? I told you that! Find someone more Pa Pa Pa Pa, mediate, you just don't listen, you see, the condition is serious? This temper is even bigger than before! ""Shut up Shen man always gets mad every time he sees Lin Feng. This guy is very capable of causing trouble and is also very talkative and eloquent. She feels that she can never take advantage of her bickering.

Therefore, Shen man did not say a word, first handcuffed, because as long as Lin Feng is present, this matter is bound to have something to do with him, which Shen man will not be wrong about.

"Take these two dead people to the hospital for forensic examination, and all the injured people will be sent to the hospital for guarding! All the rest, take them back to the police station! " Shen man said to Xiao Li.

"Yes! Captain




at this time, on the west coast of the ocean, Japan island state.

In Kyoto Cherry Blossom Bath.

Sakura bathing beach is one of the most luxurious baths in Kyoto, with complete facilities and elegant environment.

Here can be hot spring bath, can be men and women bath, can also have a lot of high interest and even abnormal stimulation services.

It is usually crowded here, but today, it is very cold.

Because today's bathhouse, by a Chinese big man chartered.

At this time, the hot air was steaming in the luxurious hot spring bath. A fat, tattooed man was lying in the bath, his hands were on the edge of the bath, and his face was lying on the pillow beside the bath. His face was covered with a steaming towel.

Two Japanese island women behind her are carefully rubbing their shoulders and tapping their arms.

On the edge of the bathing pool, there are also a group of Japanese island geisha. They are heavily dressed and coquettish. A few people play, play and sing, and a few dance. They are very emotional.

The old man was enjoying himself, but someone came in.

"Report to the boss, there's something wrong with Jincheng!" The man gasped.

"What's the situation?" The big man lifted up a corner towel and asked, showing his lips only.

"The wolf club we hired collapsed. The leader of the wolf club, Lei Hong, committed suicide!" That's humane.

"I didn't finish the task. Did you commit suicide? Is Dongsheng Group so difficult to handle? " He asked in disbelief.

"I heard that under Tang Dongsheng's hand, there was a master named Lin Feng. All Lei Hong's plans were disturbed by Lin Feng. Even his death was related to Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng?" The big man thought about it. In Jincheng, he had never heard of such a character, "is such a big wolf Club abandoned by a little boy?"? How ridiculous! Oh! It seems that I have to do it myself! "

"But, boss, I heard that the Lin Feng beside Tang Dongsheng is very powerful, and his skill is very good. Even the seven wolves are not his opponent!"

"What are the seven wolves? This time I come to Japan island country, is to invite experts. I don't care who Tang Dongsheng has around him. If he comes to an expert, we will kill one. If he comes to two, we will kill a pair! Is not Lin Feng, ha ha, within a few days, I will let his body float in the Songhua River of Jincheng city! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!