The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 639

At this time, Qianfan wave was wet through, and the water on his hair flowed down like a drowned rat.

His stomach is bulging, and his mouth is constantly pouring water out. It seems that he did not drink less water in the water tank just now.

However, due to the role of cold water, most of the Arctic insects on qianfanlang are washed away. The cold insects like the wet environment very much, so the remaining part is also immersed in the cold water of qianfanlang clothes and no longer bite qianfanlang's body.

In addition, the cold water's effect of clearing the mind and strengthening the brain, and soon, qianfanlang will have a sense.

"I... i... I..." qianfanlang wanted to talk, but the tongue still didn't completely slow down!

"It's over! I saw the master lying on the bed just now. Did I get a psychedelic Liu Yuan immediately clapped his thigh: "no, I have to send you back. I can't afford the people who can bewitch me!"

With that, Liu Yuan is going to carry a thousand sails.

"Don't don't... Brother..." Qianfan waves are all about to cry out. Is this a dead brain? Back out and back again?

Qianfanlang was excited and felt saved, but the next second was sad.

He has gone through too many ups and downs tonight. At this time, he is in the Department of tutemukuai Buddha!

Liu Yuan said: "I said big brother, you don't want me to carry you back. Who are you? Is your tongue all right? "

"No, no... give me... Time!" Qianfanlang tried to pop a few words out of his mouth.

"Five minutes!" Liu Yuan said, "if you don't know, I'll send you back!"

"Good!" Qianfan waves said in an impassioned voice.

Then, in an awkward silence, they stare at the wall clock together.

"Tick... Tick..."


"it's five minutes. Who are you Liu Yuan said.

"I am a vagrant Gu master in the mountains!" Qianfanlang found that he could speak. He said, "I came to visit relatives in the county, but I didn't expect to live in a black shop."

He was embarrassed to say that he was the flower picking robber qianfanlang, because many local people in Miao area had a bad impression on him. He was afraid that he would be sent back in case he reported a famous number to annoy the other party. At this time, his hands and feet had not completely recovered, and he could not compete with him.

Liu Yuan heard qianfanlang say so, thinking that it should be the man who was trapped by the boss of the black hearted shop. As a result, he was wrongly recited by himself.

He patted the forehead and said, "NIMA, oolong!"

"What are you doing, brother? How did you carry me back? " Asked the thousand sail wave.

Liu Yuan is also a natural treacherous person. Naturally, he would not tell the truth, so he said, "Oh, I know that it's a black shop. If it's OK, I like to go there to save people, do good deeds and live a long life!"

"You are a good man, brother!" Qianfan waves salute with a fist clasp and a look of gratitude.

"Oh, it's a piece of cake, what a shame!" Liu Yuan said.

These two people's IQ level is absolutely on the same line, even if they cheat each other, they can cheat each other and chat together, and they are so harmonious.

Qianfanlang also felt very predestined, so he said, "brother, you saved me today. I will repay you some other day. To be honest, I am a poisonous master!"

"Oh, I'm also a Gu master! I also have a benefactor master, who is one of the three elders of the moon worship cult... "Liu Yuan is used to boasting. He can't stop talking about it, and almost tells the whole story.

But he quickly covered his mouth, heart said Liu Yuan, Liu Yuan, you still can't change your habit of big mouth, since cheated to the end, why tell the truth?

However, qianfanlang listened carefully, and his heart was suddenly shocked: "worship the moon god religion? I adore the elders and masters of the moon worship cult. Is your master the elder? Great, can you introduce me to the elder some other day, so that I can get to know each other. I'm very lucky! "

Liu Yuan looked sincere at Qianfan waves, but he also took off a bit of defense in his heart. Originally, how could there be so many bad people in the world? It's just that your mind is bad that makes you think bad!

Liu Yuan said: "good, good, I'll introduce you to each other later!"

"Great!" Qianfanlang's body also moved at this time, and said to Liu Yuan, "brother, let's leave the contact information. I'll visit you and your teacher some other day to express our gratitude."

"Oh, you're very kind!" Liu Yuan said.

"No, it should be!" Qianfanlang said: "I also want to see what kind of famous teacher has cultivated such excellent talents as you!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Liu Yuan said with a smile: "good, good, leave the phone, we'll see you another day!"

"I'll see you another day!" Qian fan Lang wrote down Liu Yuan's telephone number and waved goodbye to Liu Yuan.

It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. He has to escape as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a terrible torture if he is found by Lin Feng!Qianfanlang is afraid and hate to Lin Feng at this time. For the first time in his life, someone can make him pay so much attention to him.

He decided to recuperate for a few days, and then find a chance to attack Lin Feng.

Seeing the back of Qianfan wave, Liu Yuan was lost and sighed: "how the hell am I? I don't know it's not the master on my back

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. However, he took Dali pills today. He just used all the sails he had just carried. The medicine can only be used once a day, otherwise the side effects are too great.

He lay down directly on the bed and sighed: "master, if you are warping your hair tonight, don't blame the apprentice. It's all life!"


in the restaurant, Lin Feng actually had a glimpse of this scene, but he was too lazy to get up to catch up.

He knew that Liu Yuan had carried away qianfanlang. The reason why he was too lazy to pay attention to it was that he knew that qianfanlang was a piece of hobo meat. Although he was defeated today, he would surely come back to avenge him some day. As long as the guy didn't die, he would stare at him, unless he was beaten or killed by himself.

Moreover, Lin Feng is not cold to qianfanlang, so he doesn't want to pay more attention to him.

It's elder Qiu. As long as elder Qiu is not taken away, he doesn't care. After all, he mainly depends on elder Qiu to take him to the moon worship headquarters to find blood jade.

Just now, he saw that Liu Yuan wanted to carry elder Qiu away from the mobile phone monitoring. He said that there was a thief and deliberately frightened Liu Yuan.

I didn't expect that the old boy didn't get scared, and he made Lin Feng laugh for a long time.

At this time, Lin Feng felt that Liu Yuan had to digest for a while. It seemed that he would not come tonight.

Looking at the side of the two girls sleep very sweet, Lin Feng will also smile, into the dream.

The next morning, Lin Feng woke up early and asked the two brothers of the shop owner downstairs to bring some food and drink. After breakfast, they planned to go on the road.

But when he opened the door and saw only elder Qiu on the bed, gulee and other three were very surprised.

"What about that bastard of qianfanlang?" Gulee asked.

"Saved by his good apprentice!" Lin Feng pointed to elder Qiu and said, "your apprentice came last night and saved your enemy. You are really excellent!"

Elder Qiu's face was livid. He couldn't let go of what happened last night. He watched Liu Yuan save qianfanlang. His head hit the bed board, and Liu Yuan couldn't hear him.

What's the use of this pig like apprentice? Qiu was so angry that he didn't sleep all night.

Lin Feng untied Qiu changlai's hands, threw a bun to elder Qiu, and said, "don't be angry. Have a good breakfast. After eating, we'll go on the road. The destination is 100000 mountains in Miao." , the fastest update of the webnovel!