The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 638

This person is no other than Liu Yuan, who has changed his clothes.

After Liu Yuan ran, he planned to go back to Chen lame, but he thought about it all the way. It seemed a bit immoral to walk like this!

His face is given by his master. He calls his name wherever he pretends to be forced. If the master is gone, he will be no different from passers-by. Who will know who you are?

Miao people know a little bit about witchcraft, and the only way they can learn is not enough to make them famous!

Moreover, the master promised that if he became the bishop of the moon worship cult, he would pass on the Tiangu secret art to himself.

In that book, there are hundreds of kinds of refining methods of witchcraft, including medicine, insects and even witchcraft.

So Liu Yuan had been salivating at the book for a long time. Seeing that the worship ceremony was going to be held in the middle of the moon, the master was likely to become a candidate for the bishop. By then, the book "secret art of heavenly Gu" would be handed over to him, but he didn't expect to overturn his car here.

No, I have to get the master out, or my plan will be ruined.

I'm nearly 40 years old this year. I'm called elder Qiu in a low voice. I've been a master for so many years. I don't want to become a famous master. If I give up all my previous achievements at this time, it's more painful than killing him.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuan went back to his place, put on a suit of night clothes, and hurried back.

It's almost midnight now. It's estimated that all the people who should sleep are sleeping. If master is still alive, he will definitely have a chance to rescue him. If master is killed by the black masked man, he will die.

Therefore, after two o'clock in the middle of the night, Liu Yuan came back from the dusty, once again entered the restaurant in the dark.

At the same time, in the room, elder Qiu was tied to a bed with adhesive tape on his mouth and could not move.

Qianfanlang was a little bit slow, but it was only limited to one. He wanted to turn over from the bed, but he wasted the strength of nine oxen and two tigers and was so tired that he couldn't even step out of his leg.

At this time, elder Qiu is lying on the edge of the bed, and qianfanlang is lying in the bed. The other end of the bed is against the wall. It is the ancient flower carving bed. If qianfanlang wants to get out of bed, he has to cross over him.

But he can't even step out of the leg, how can he cross it?

"Motherfucker, is he the same as me? What a coward Thousand sails wave heart angry scold.

However, driven by his strong desire to survive, he still tried his best to climb on elder Qiu. Finally, he was so tired that he could not catch his breath. He actually climbed onto elder Qiu's body.

But because he was too tired, he was lying on elder Qiu's body and did not move. His head was drooping and he was close to Qiu's old face.

Two bearded old men, so quietly folded together, shortness of breath, posture shame, each other's stubble will prick each other, very intimate.

Elder Qiu was almost angry at this time. He was riding on his body by his enemy. He tried his best to avoid the enemy, but he stuck it like a corpse. It was disgusting.

Elder Qiu swore that as long as he can get out alive, he must kill this guy. It's hateful for tanima.

There was a silent battle in their hearts. Although they were close to each other, they had become the most hated enemies in the world.

However, at this time, Liu Yuan quietly lurked back and went to the second floor.

Liu Yuan is a very cunning and alert man. He first adapted to the dark light on the second floor, and then stuck to the wall, listening to the movement and walking.

But there is also a characteristic of the alert and cunning people, that is, timidity.

Only those who are reckless and careless are bold.

So the timid Liu Yuan was terrified all the way, especially when he got to the second floor. His palms were full of sweat. He felt like he had experienced a great adventure.

He's playing with his life, but this is the end of the matter, and we have to deal with it.

Liu Yuan Dynasty tied up elder Qiu's house and touched it, then pushed the door gently.

The door didn't lock. It opened.

Liu Yuan looked through the crack in the door. It was dark and could not see anything.

Will master be in here?

At this time, Liu Yuan was not sure. If he made a mistake, would he not have gone to the tiger's mouth?

At this time, he heard a snore coming from the opposite room.

As the restaurant style is ancient Inn style, the windows and doors are antique wooden, and the wall is very thin, so the snoring sound is very clear.

"It seems that they are all asleep!"

Liu Yuan thought, this is a good time, so go in and have a look. If the master is not here, he is not lucky, so I won't blame me.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuan quietly walked into the room, and then vaguely saw the direction of the bed, as if lying on a person.

He stealthily approached him and saw that it was his master who was lying on the bed. He pulled down the black mask on his face and said, "master, it's me, Xiaoyuan!"

Elder Qiu saw that Liu Yuan was overjoyed, and his head was shaking."Master, don't worry. I'll carry you out now!" Because the light was too dark, Liu Yuan didn't see a man lying on elder Qiu's body at all. He felt that the quilt covered by Master seemed a little high.

At this time, however, someone said, "ah, it seems that a thief has broken in!"

When Liu Yuan heard this, he was shocked. If he was caught, he would die for a lifetime!

He didn't care so much. He said to elder Qiu behind him, "master, I'll carry you. Let's go!"

He had seen elder Qiu collapse on the ground and knew that elder Qiu could not move, so he was ready to carry his back.

He put his back to the bed, panicked, but impatient to grab a person, and then run!

He ran out of the house, ran down the stairs, and rushed out of the front door.

To say, when Liu Yuan came, he took Dali pills for himself, which was a kind of medicine that he refined to increase physical strength in a short time.

Liu Yuan's feet are fresh wind, but his heart is incomparably refreshing.

This time, he risked his life to save Shifu. The master was not happy. He passed on his Tiangu secret skill to himself?

The more he wanted to be more beautiful, Liu Yuan didn't feel tired at all. He ran all the way to his hiding place. Then he unloaded the people behind him, closed the door, and looked outside carefully through the window for a long time. He found that no one was following him.

Jade, he then looked back at ease, just about to speak, but suddenly silly eyes.

The man who came back from his back was thrown on the bench by him. As a result, he didn't sit firmly, and his head was in the water tank. At this time, his upper body was in the water tank, and his legs were standing upright there.

"Sleeping trough! Master

Liu Yuan is scared. Don't drown!

He pulled the man out of the water tank. He just wanted to come forward and say that master was sorry. But suddenly, they looked at each other, and Liu Yuan was confused!

"Are you him? Who are you?"

Liu yuanleng is in panic, the waves to the back home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!