The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 640

Lin Feng Guli and others simply cleaned up, took elder Qiu and set off.

It's about two or three hundred miles to the foot of the mountain. First, you need to take a car to the foot of the mountain. Then you can walk more than ten miles on the mountain road to get to Huoling's village where he lived since childhood.

On the way, Guli Xiangxiang and Lin Feng parted ways. The place where they lived was not the same as the village Huoling was going to. They left contact information and agreed to meet again in their spare time.

In the Miao area, the stockade is equivalent to a village. There are many stockaded villages in the mountains or at the foot of the mountain. Before going to the mountains, Lin Feng still wanted these stockaded villages as a foothold.

All the way, elder Qiu walked slowly. The strength of the medicine on his hands and feet had not completely dissipated, and his hands were bound by Lin Feng. So he felt weak when he wanted to break free, so he had to let Lin Feng take him with him.

Afraid of pedestrians on the road to see, Lin Feng covered his hand with a coat, just like the police escorting the prisoners in different places, so he did a good job of confidentiality.

Elder Qiu tried to escape several times. He opened his mouth and cried out to others that he was kidnapped by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng put on a naive smile to the people next to him and said: "Hello, everyone, this is my second uncle. He is ill and mentally ill. We didn't see the doctor in the county. Alas, my poor second uncle doesn't know me any more!"

The fire spirit also cooperates to say: "Alas, quick don't say, you see second uncle began to cry again!"

"Well! Don't let the second uncle talk. Yelling in public will affect everyone's mood! " Lin Feng said, looking for tape, to Qiu elder's mouth wrapped.

After last night's tossing, elder Qiu stayed up all night, dishevelled and listless. When people saw him like this, he really looked like a madman.

Lin Feng is beautiful and handsome, and Huoling is beautiful and generous. Young people from two big cities are very polite. In this age of beauty appreciation, people naturally believe what Lin Feng and Huoling said.

Therefore, no one is in charge of elder Qiu. They all hide far away.

Seeing that elder Qiu was still struggling after wrapping the tape, Lin Feng held down elder Qiu with both hands and pressed him dead on his seat. However, he said with a look of regret: "second uncle, second uncle, I have wronged you. I have no choice but to get better soon, second uncle."! I am so sad

All of them looked at Lin Feng sympathetically and said, "well, what a good person. Now those people who are so filial to their elders are not common. These two uncles are also blessed!"

"Yes, the young man is very kind, and the girl is also very kind-hearted. What a good pair of young people, a talented woman!"

People around are praising the voice, angry elder Qiu's lung is almost exploded.

I'm the victim, all right?

However, at this time, someone suggested to Lin Feng: "young man, it's really hard to get a psychotic attack. If you can't hold on, we'll help you tie up your second uncle first. It's good for him. I have rope here!"

"Thank you, uncle. I'll try my best to hold him down and try not to trouble everyone!" Lin Feng said with a polite smile.

"Well!" Uncle nodded.

"Second uncle, have you heard? If you don't be honest, I'll tie you up! " Lin Feng said to elder Qiu.

Elder Qiu's face was desperate, and he was honest all of a sudden.

Lin Feng squeezed his eyes towards the fire spirit, but the fire spirit could hardly hold back his smile. This Lin Feng really has the ability to confuse the real with the fake.

Originally, Huo Ling thought that human traffickers are all rumors these days. With such advanced technology, people are very smart. How easy is it for human traffickers to abduct people? In particular, I heard that many female college students were abducted, and I felt that it was impossible.

But after watching Lin Feng's performance today, Huo Ling deeply believes that there are traffickers in the world. The performance of Lin Feng is so lifelike that if he is a passer-by, he will believe his words.

"Europa, you've got it The fire spirit gave Lin Feng a thumbs up.

"You're a good match too!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Elder Qiu's mouth was sealed with tape, and he was almost angry.

From last night to today, the elder of the moon worship sect has been subjected to inhuman abuse, which is just too much. Moreover, he is still mute and has suffered a lot from Coptis.

The car sped along the road. Lin Feng and Huo Ling talked and laughed along the way. After half a day, they quickly arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Huoling led Lin Feng and elder Qiu along the mountain path for about an hour and saw a village ahead.

The fire spirit pointed to the village inlaid in the mountains and said, "see? That's where I was born and raised! "

"Very nice place!" Lin Feng said.

The mountains are full of flowers and fragrance, and the flavor of nature is very strong. Surrounded by green, the stockaded village not far away is also very beautiful. The wooden houses are covered with green bricks and gravel tiles, which are quiet in ancient simplicity, just like a paradise in the world.

Lin Feng sighed in his heart: "the air here is fresh, very close to nature and full of aura. It should be an excellent place to practice. If you have a chance in the future, you must find a place like this to practice! "After watching for a while, Huo Ling takes Lin Feng to the village.

"How many families are there in your village now, do you know?" Lin Feng is used to calling village because Zhaizi and village are the same meaning.

"I came back the year before last. There were more than 300 households. This is a very large village in the village. Besides Baima village, which is a few miles away from here, our village should be the largest one." Said the fire spirit.

"Oh, so your village is really big, very good!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

For a long time, he lived in the city, and occasionally came to the mountain village, and felt very comfortable.

"That is!" Fire Spirit said with pride.

Then, the three soon arrived at the head of the village. They saw several children playing at the head of the village. After seeing the spirit of fire, a child yelled, "Tigress, your sister is back!"

Not long, a chubby little girl with a round face and a ponytail ran to this side desperately, and cried out happily: "sister, sister!"

The little girl looks less than ten years old. She has big eyes and a round face. She is very lovely.

Huoling picked up the little girl and said, "Wow, Tigress has grown a lot taller! Where's grandma

"Grandma... Granny is sick and can't get up in bed. Wuwuwu!" As soon as she said to her grandmother, the little girl burst into tears.

"What, what's wrong with grandma? Why don't you tell me? " The fire spirit was very surprised.

Tigress's grandmother is actually Huoling's grandmother.

Huoling had no parents since she was a child. She had never met her grandparents. Her grandmother pulled her up, so she had a good relationship with her grandmother. She always wanted to take her grandmother to a big city to enjoy her happiness. However, her grandmother was old and used to living in the mountains. The air was good and the food was green, which was good for her health.

So Huoling didn't force her to send money back, so that grandma would not worry about money any more. She would occasionally come back to the village in time for festivals.

It's just that in the past year or so, there are too many things for the flying snake gang. Huo Ling also got the respect of master Mang, so he didn't have time to come back. Unexpectedly, grandma was sick in bed!

"It must have been grandma who didn't call to tell herself because she was afraid of being distracted." Fire spirit heart a burst of guilt.

"Tigress, take your sister to see grandma!" Fire Spirit said, put down tigress.

"Good!" Tigress rubbed her eyes with her chubby little hands and ran to the front.

However, he did not run a few steps, but he was picked up.

The man was a strong man with a face full of flesh and a fierce look on his face. He yelled to Tigress:

"where the hell are you running, little boy? I'm not going to kill you today , the fastest update of the webnovel!