The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 637

Lin Feng opened the door, Huo lingguli and other three people stood up together and clapped their hands to Lin Feng.

"Europa, you are in my heart now. You are a man like God!" Huolingdao.

"Elder brother Lin Feng is clever and resourceful. He is a great scholar in the world." Gulee also praised.

"Low key, low key!" Lin Feng smiles and waves: "come on, everybody sit down!"


Fire spirit nods, three people sit together.

Lin Feng, with a harmless smile on his face, asked, "how are melon seeds and fruits delicious?"

"Delicious!" All three nodded together.

"Is the show good?" Lin Feng asked again with a smile and then explained, "yes, I mean the program in the mobile phone!"

"Good looking!" They all nodded again.

But when they saw Lin Feng smile, they thought that Lin Feng's conversation would not be so simple?

"How about it? Is the result satisfactory? " Lin Feng asked again.

Three people suddenly burst into embarrassment, originally thought it must be Lin Feng lost the bet, but now the result is just the opposite, how can this result be satisfied?

As a result, the three people have a tacit understanding of the bow do not speak.

"Now let's talk about gambling." Lin Feng said.

Three people a listen to Lin Feng said bet, instant Qi Qi head up, heart is a tremor: sure enough, the key to!

"Gulee, when you give me a massage later, you should pay attention to the technique. If you don't pass the test, you can't do it! Who, Huoling and Xiangxiang, if you want to dance your striptease dance, you can dance it to the end for me. If you can't leave cloth on your body, you can take off and have a good time Lin Feng said.

Gulee said: "brother Lin Feng, what kind of massage should I use? I haven't been massaged since I was a child. Can you ask me not to be so strict? "

"Hey, hey, hey!" Lin Feng smile, then suddenly cold face: "can't!"

"Europa, people's Day is not right. You can't take off all of them, or you'll be covered with blood!" Said the fire spirit.

"Brother Lin Feng, i... I'm shy..." Xiangxiang blushed to the root of his neck.

"Ah Lin Feng scratched his head and said helplessly: "how? Would you like to gamble and not admit defeat? If I lost, would you be happy to watch me strip? "

"Well!" All three nodded together.

But feeling something wrong, he immediately shook his head: "no, no, no!"

"Shit!" Lin Feng moved a stool and sat down angrily. He said, "well, who let me be your elder brother? I'll step back. Gulee, you can massage your shoulders with the strength of the massage room girl. Gulin, how about you two dance? You can stay in bikini, and your dancing posture must be good-looking. Is this going down?"

Three people you look at me, I look at you, very tacit understanding shook their heads together. "It's a little difficult," said the fire spirit

"Damn it, can you have a good time? I caught the Qianfan waves, but I also wanted to vent my anger on you. As a result, you three are just like bears. It's meaningless. I'll release the Qianfan Wave now. You can catch it yourself later! "

"Wait! Europa The Fire Spirit said, "we three need to discuss."

"Three at most!" "Three, two, one!" said Lin Feng

Fire Spirit said directly, "yes, we agree."

"Fire spirit, have you discussed with us?" Gulee asked.

"Time is short. How can we discuss it?" Said the fire spirit.

Gulee scratched his bald head, too

"Let's start. Stop dawdling. It's midnight later! Music Lin Feng said, his Shanzhai broken mobile phone opened, ordered a "itch", with his leaning on the sofa, a ge you lying.

Gulee clumsily stretched out his hand and pressed it on Lin Feng's shoulder.

"Come on, be happy, anyway, there is a lot of time, come on, make up..." the shameful lyrics filled the whole room with exciting melody.

Xiangxiang's face turned red, but the fire spirit seemed to be more open and jumped first. Xiangxiang was also red and began to jump.

Don't mention that girls from ethnic minorities are really good at singing and dancing. They can dance with music. They are graceful and graceful like butterflies among flowers. They are very eye-catching and comfortable.

In particular, the fire spirit splits the waist and other movements, but also shows the soft beauty of the body incisively and vividly, with a full sexy breath, which makes Lin Feng enjoy himself.

And Xiangxiang's figure is very promising. Before she starts to take off, she opens her front button after a chest expansion, which almost makes Lin Feng's nose bleed!

Then, the next is the segment not suitable for children, a piece of colorful clothes, like a chrysalis molting, the content is more and more wonderful.

Gulee rubbed his hands more and more lightly, listening to music, he was almost happy.

"Ouch, make it harder. Are you addicted to it? You do. Don't you know if you lose? " Lin Feng knocked on the sofa.

"Oh, brother Lin Feng, I'm wrong. I press it!" Gulee chuckled.Soon after, the two girls' clothes were only half gone. Lin Feng shook his head unsatisfied and said, "how is this OK? Keep jumping

As she said this, she played music again, but the two girls danced again until she was left with a bikini.

"Well, it's good. It's very informative, and there's no fat on it!" Lin Feng said contentedly, "it is a great honor for me to have two beautiful women willing to give their first night."

On hearing the first night, the second daughter hesitated again.

The first night is not for fun. Although the two girls have a good impression of Lin Feng, they like it with worship. Naturally, there is no problem giving the first night to Lin Feng.

But, the woman always wants to be reserved, the face always has to struggle for a while, moreover, has not had the matter of the male and female, suddenly wants that, inevitably still has some nervousness.

Lin Feng looked at the two of them. He laughed and said, "look at you two. Can I eat you? You two will accompany me tonight


Huoling and Xiangxiang were shocked, so fast? Two more? How much appetite?

But Lin Feng said: "don't think about it. I just want two beauties to sleep with me. There won't be any improper attempt."

Then he turned his head to the fire spirit and said, "what day do you have in mind today? What are you afraid of? I'm afraid you'll kill me all over

Fire spirit sheepishly smile, say: "Europa, sleep of course OK!"

However, gulee saw what Lin Feng meant. He came up to him and said, "in fact, I understand the mind of elder brother Lin Feng. He just thinks it's dangerous tonight. He deliberately uses this excuse to protect them. I believe that elder brother Lin Feng is not a lecher either!"

When the two girls heard this, they immediately felt their admiration for Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng said, "who says I'm not lustrous? It's just that it's not time. You two think more about it. Keep it for me on the first night. When I have time, I'll ask you for your first night! "

"Ah The children were speechless again.

The whole first night, why is it like a business?

"All right, all right, go to sleep! I have to go into the mountains tomorrow! " Lin Feng said.

"Well, good!" Gulee went back to his room, and Huoling and Xiangxiang really stayed in this room.

There are two big beds in the room. They are merged directly. Lin Feng lies in the middle of the bed, and a beautiful woman is there to accompany him to sleep. Alas, I didn't expect that the first day of Miao was so beautiful!

However, along with the thick night, a man in night clothes came to the restaurant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!