The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 636

If two beauties lose, they will dedicate their first night to Lin Feng.

Fire spirit and Xiang Xiang, even feel very exciting, even gulee is muddled, did not expect his shy sister even dare to bet with others on the first night.

Of course, the second daughter is quite sure.

First of all, if you don't come to assassinate tonight, Lin Feng will lose the first bet, and naturally there will be no second game.

Secondly, if qianfanlang really comes to assassinate Lin Feng tonight, Lin Feng can easily subdue the other party if he doesn't do it. It sounds like nonsense.

Moreover, there is more than a wave of assassination, so how can Lin Feng not start, easily subdue all the assassins?

So the second daughter was not afraid to lose at all. On the contrary, they thought that Lin Feng was in a loss. They bet that Lin Feng would lose everything.

And the second bet, if Lin Feng loses, he will be a male servant for his children for a week, and he must do everything he can.

Male servant ah, it's exciting to think about it. The two girls can't wait to see Lin Feng in leather pants with bare arms and a chain around his neck. He's been drinking around every day.

In order to make the whole gambling fair, fair and transparent, Lin Feng installed a camera inside and outside the room in advance, which was connected to Huoling's mobile phone.

Three people prepared fruit melon seeds, playfully like to the table to do, waiting to see how this gamble.

But they were shocked.

Lin Feng won the first game.

Indeed, there have been two rounds of assassinations, one after the other.

Although she lost the first game, the second girl thought she would win the second game.

Because it was Qian fanlang and elder Qiu who came to assassinate Lin Feng. Both of them were senior big Gu masters. They even came to kill Lin Feng at the same night. How could Lin Feng get rid of them without doing anything?

However, it turns out that Lin Feng did not make a move. As a result, both of them collapsed on the ground.

Three people do not eat melon seeds, also do not eat fruit, are completely a shocked expression, looking at the mobile phone screen, are shocked by Lin Feng's IQ.

Lin Feng was able to bet with them, indicating that he had predicted everything in advance. However, the result really came to Lin Feng's prediction, which was not bad at all.

Lin Feng's image, in their hearts, suddenly like a rocket, lifted to another height that can't be touched.

Fire spirit used to be Lin Feng's idol, but now it's different. He said to gulee and Xiangxiang: "Lin Feng is in my heart now. He is a god like existence, God!"


Gulee and Xiangxiang nodded repeatedly.

If you want to know qianfanlang and elder Qiu, gulee may have to fight hard for a while, and the outcome is still unknown.

But Lin Feng is understatement of the two people, the process was also ironic, applauded.

Therefore, Lin Feng's ability and IQ are not comparable to them.

At this time, Lin Feng's bedroom, Lin Feng has put down the knife, he did not want to cut off the qianfanlang head, he did not want such people's blood dirty his hands.

See Lin Feng put down the knife, Qiu elder anxious, shout: "why don't you kill him?"

Lin Feng untied the black cloth on his face and said with a smile, "Why are you so cruel? Do you think a man is a brute

To see Lin Feng untie the black cloth, Qianfan wave's heart is about to collapse.

Lin Feng, the thief calls to catch the thief!

I didn't expect that he was scheming. As a result, he was played by Lin Feng. He had no power to parry!

Thousand sails wave heart head ten thousand head of god beast gallop and pass, but is to Qiu elder's more angry.

He thought, you stupid pig, you believe what people say? If you didn't mess in, Lin Feng would die in my hands!

In fact, Qiu Changlao hated qianfanlang more. He lived so big that he was paralyzed for the first time. No matter what, he must kill the other party to relieve his hatred.

At this time, their hatred escalated again, and they had reached an irreconcilable level. However, because both sides were unable to eliminate each other, they could only kill with their eyes.

At this time, Lin Feng asked elder queqiu, "you are elder Qiu, aren't you? I was just looking for you

"You want me?" Qiu immediately felt that something was wrong and asked, "who are you on earth?"

"To be honest, I am Lin Feng!" Lin Feng doesn't need to hide with him.


Qiu Chang's elder brother was shocked to lose color, but now his hands are numb, and his arm moves a little, but it doesn't work.

However, Lin Feng went straight forward and wrapped the long prepared rope around Qiu Chang and tied it tightly.

Elder Qiu said to Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, what do you want to do? I can tell you that I am an elder of the moon worship cult. If you dare to move me, you are the enemy of the whole moon worship cult. You... You... ""You what you?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "look, you are nervous. Don't be afraid. I just want to ask you something about the worship of the moon."

"I... I won't say it!" Qiu elder a face arrogantly says.

"You don't say that, do you?" Lin Feng took up the knife, patted Qiu Chang's face and said, "don't you want my head? Now I'll cut your head off first! "

With that, the knife was directly against elder Qiu's neck, and the cold blade was almost embedded in his skin.

"No, no, I said, I said!" Elder Qiu saw that Lin Feng was really moved. He was scared.

"Well, then I ask you, did you rob a treasure from the Central Plains recently? It's a broken jade Lin Feng asked.

In fact, elder Qiu also guessed that Lin Feng would ask these questions. The paper could not cover the fire, and elder Qiu did not hide it. He said, "yes, there is such a thing."

"Who has the broken jade?" Lin Feng asked.

"In the hands of the Lord!" Elder Qiu said.

The worship of the moon has a strict hierarchy. From the bottom of the way, the disciples, the decadent, the centurion, the elder, the bishop and the bishop are in turn.

The position of the elder is not the highest. Above him, there are bishops and bishops.

Although the words of the bishop are similar to those of the archbishop, they are of two natures. The bishop is similar to the position of the vice archbishop, but he does not have the right to directly manage the disciples. Most of the time he deals with internal affairs. The highest leader of the moon worship sect is naturally the leader of the cult, so the treasures will naturally be in the hands of the cult leader.

"Good!" Lin Feng said, "take me to see your leader, and I will go tomorrow."

"This..." elder Qiu was embarrassed. He came down the mountain by himself. A good thing didn't work out. Instead, he took such an enemy back to the headquarters. It didn't become a joke? The next bishopric election is hopeless!

Lin Feng saw the embarrassment of elder Qiu, and he gave a big drink: "do you want to go, or do you want to die?"

At the same time, with the force of the hand, part of the blade directly scrapes into the skin of the meat, and the blood flows out along the blade.

"Lin Feng, don't be excited, don't be excited!" Elder Qiu was very nervous and said quickly, "I'll take you to the headquarters."

"That's about it!" Lin Feng smiles and takes the knife back.

Then take a piece of adhesive tape, seal elder Qiu's mouth, put him flat on the bed, and then bind him in all kinds of ways, so that he can't move at all.

Then Lin Feng said to qianfanlang, "you look like a waste man today. It's meaningless to abuse you. When your poison comes back tomorrow, some of my friends will want to talk to you specially!"

What Lin Feng said is naturally Guli and Huoling. They all hate qianfanlang. Today, qianfanlang was caught by Lin Feng. Guli will not give good fruit to qianfanlang. He will suffer tomorrow!

"You two will love each other tonight and sleep together." Lin Feng said, the thousand sail wave also put on the bed.

Elder Qiu and qianfanlang, two great men, were lying side by side on the bed, unable to move. They were very uncomfortable and embarrassed.

What's more, when the enemy met, they were extremely jealous. It was a kind of suffering to see the enemy close at hand but unable to do it.

After everything was done, Lin Feng clapped his hands and went back to his room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!