The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 635

However, just two steps after elder Qiu rushed out, he fell to the ground.

"No! The poison is on

Elder Qiu had been poisoned by medicine under his legs. He thought it was time to take the other's head first and then heal himself. After all, he practiced Gu on weekdays and knew the attack cycle of Gu very well. As a result, he was totally surprised by the speed of the attack.

At this time, elder Qiu's feet were numb and could not use his strength. The naked eye could see that the shoes were all broken. It was enough to see how harmful the poisonous powder was.

"Well, do you think you can kill me? Naive! You are also in my Gu now, two legs and useless no difference! What's more, I seem to see that your hands are also contaminated with poisonous insect powder, so your hands, hum Seeing elder Qiu fall to the ground, Qianfan waves are very proud.

Elder Qiu felt numbness in his hands and was shocked.

Elder Qiu is very arrogant. Since he became an elder of the worship of the moon, he has become more and more inflated. Today, he has been so humiliated that he has already been furious. His eyes are almost blazing at Qianfan waves and shouting: "Lin Feng, you are not much better. You are trapped in my fixed body poison. In a short time, you will be stiff, even your tongue will be stiff, so you are so fast now Let it go, or you will not be able to say your last words later! "

The Gu insects that elder Qiu just released are Arctic cold insects. They contain strong cold poison. If he bites them, the whole body will become stiff because of the cold poison, but it is not fatal.

Because elder Qiu wants to cut off Lin Feng's head with his own hands and take it back to get his skills, he doesn't need to use a deadly poison, as long as it makes people unable to move.

"What do I have against you? How can you do this to me? " Qianfanlang looks at elder Qiu, and his eyes are red. He should firmly remember elder Qiu's face. As long as he does not die, he will kill him sooner or later.

However, elder Qiu said fiercely, "there is no reason to want your life, just because I want it!"

Elder Qiu always thought qianfanlang was Lin Feng, so he didn't want to tell Lin Feng why he killed him. Besides, there were outsiders on the scene. It was not convenient to mention the quick broken jade!

Qianfanlang also heard for the first time that there is no reason to kill yourself. If you want to kill yourself, you can kill him. It's too rampant!

But at this time, qianfanlang felt that his limbs began to stiffen, his body could not move, and his tongue began to numb. While he was still able to speak, he yelled vaguely to elder Qiu: "hum, now the stockaded people can't even touch them. Are you hungry? Blind?"

His words, the original words are: "hum, now we can't move, I see how you kill me?"

But his tongue was paralyzed. He spoke with a big tongue. Others had to carefully analyze what he said to understand.

However, this is his last chance to speak. After that, he gagged his mouth a few times, but he could only utter: "ABA, ABA, similar to dumb voice!"

"Well, I can't kill you, but someone can." Elder Qiu waved his hand to Lin Feng and said, "aren't you going to kill Lin Feng? Lin Feng is right in front of you. You can help me kill him and cut off his head. I will give you a great reward

"Good!" Lin Feng picked up the fruit knife on the table, weighed a few times, looked at Qianfan waves and said: "Lin Feng, I didn't expect you to have today. It's not that I want you to die. It's the elder brother who wants you to put your neck on the head, which offends me!"

Qianfanlang sighed very much. How many people did Lin Feng offend? He didn't say that he came to kill him. Then two donkeys came to kill him, too?

However, when he thought that he would be killed by these two donkeys, qianfanlang's tears flowed down, and his heart was filled with sadness. His words could not be said, but he had to be executed as Lin Feng. Who in the world could be more unjust than himself?

This feeling is worse than eating excrement!

It's too unjust. I can't close my eyes when I die!

However, at this time, Lin Feng heard a cry outside the door. The man saw the scene inside through the crack of the door, and ran away in terror.

"Who?" Lin Feng put down the fruit knife and went out the door.

Found that the man in order to escape, regardless of this is the second floor, open the window, jump down, run away.

The one who escaped was not others, but Liu Yuan, the disciple of elder Qiu.

Just now he heard something moving upstairs, so he went upstairs and looked at it. He happened to see his master, elder Qiu, and another man lying on the ground. However, a man in black with a mask was holding a knife in his hand. He thought his master was paralyzed by the black masked man, and he was also being held hostage!

So he ran out regardless of everything. He also said to himself: "master, master, don't blame the disciple for his ruthlessness. Even you are beaten and paralyzed on the ground by others. I'm not his opponent any more. Wait for the apprentice to run out first, and then I'll come back to rescue you in time."

Then, his figure quickly disappeared in the dark night.

At this time, fire spirit, gulee and Xiangxiang all saw this scene.

Huo Ling and other three people, in fact, one is in the opposite room, chewing melon seeds, eating fruit, putting the mobile phone on the table, happily looking at the picture inside the mobile phone.The screen of the mobile phone is divided into two parts, which are the scenes inside and outside Lin Feng's room.

But gulee and others found Liu Yuan, but did not go forward to intercept, because they have a bet with Lin Feng, it is not convenient for them to move.

This bet will start a few hours ago.

as like as two peas in the restaurant, Raymond Lam and Gu Li had eaten at the restaurant for a few hours ago. He suddenly felt a restless atmosphere around him and felt exactly the same night in the villa of Songjiang.

As soon as his blood of ancient martial arts touched the fire poisonous insects, he would have some induction, so he concluded that someone must have carried the fire insects nearby.

So he had more thoughts, when the shop owner was cooking, he secretly went to the kitchen to have a look.

happened to see as like as two peas of waves, secretly surmounted the kitchen Chow, but Raymond Lam did not disturb the waves. When they left the restaurant, they secretly let the shopkeeper make a dish that was exactly the same.

So qianfanlang saw that Lin Feng and others had eaten food in the opposite teahouse, and thought that Lin Feng and others had been poisoned. However, what Lin Feng and others ate was not the dishes he had poisoned. Therefore, the four of them were safe and sound.

Moreover, only Lin Feng knows that Qianfan waves are coming, others don't know these things.

So when Lin Feng was having dinner, he talked to gulee and others about qianfanlang.

After dinner, he went upstairs to have a rest. Lin Feng knew that it would not be peaceful tonight. First, qianfanlang would start at night. Second, he could not say that brother one eyed and master Liu, who were beaten by themselves today, would also find someone to seek revenge. After all, he cut the ear of brother one eye, which made Master Liu paralyzed and disgraced. They would not give up.

So Lin Feng knew that tonight was destined to be a restless night.

He asked gulee to come over and told gulee that someone would come to assassinate him tonight, and there might be more than one wave, one of which was Qianfan wave, a big flower picker. He told him to take good care of his sister.

Gulee was shocked. He thought it was impossible. He just talked about qianfanlang in the daytime. How could he say it?

Huoling and Xiangxiang are more inclined to gulee's point of view, saying that Lin Feng must be bluffing them.

So Lin Feng and Guli three people bet that the Qianfan waves will come.

If Lin Feng lost the bet, he would dance striptease for them. Although the bet was very shameful, Huoling and Xiangxiang were very excited and decided.

Gulee rolled his eyes, but agreed.

If Guli and other three lose, Guli will be Lin Feng's servant, serve tea and wine, rub his shoulder and knock his back, and then Xiangxiang and Huoling will dance striptease. Lin Feng can enjoy himself like an ancient emperor.

But this bet is not the most shameful one. What's more shameful is the second bet.

Lin Feng said that no matter how many waves of people will be assassinated tonight, he can easily subdue the other party without any effort.

Gulee and Huoling are even more unconvinced. They think that Lin Feng is drinking too much. This is not a dream!

Let's say that qianfanlang, the four fold cultivator of blood state, is also a senior big Gu master, who can easily subdue the other party without hands-on? How could that be possible?

So, once again, a second bet came into being.

The second bet is even more shameful. It's the first night! , the fastest update of the webnovel!