The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 634

Night, as dark as ink, the light on the second floor is extremely dark, one meter away can not see clearly.

"Lin Feng, today is your death date!" Qianfanlang swore fiercely in his heart, and then took out a piece of black cloth from his pocket and tied it under his nose to cover half of his face.

Since ancient times, the style of assassins has been popular in Miao area, and the clothes of assassins are also essential.

Among them, black cloth was the most common, and even later spread to the Central Plains, where assassins became popular.

Therefore, in many ancient costume TV dramas, the assassin will be seen hiding his face and assassinating, which was originally passed on by the Miao people in the heyday of the Han Dynasty and during the witchcraft rebellion.

So the local Miao people, once doing something bad at night, still follow this tradition.

Qianfan wave tied up the black cloth and quietly walked to the door of Lin Feng's room.

He found that the door was not locked and opened with a gentle push!

Facing the door is a bed, the quilt on the bed drum, as if lying on the person!

He crept to the bedside, and suddenly thought that if Lin Feng's poison broke out, other people's poison should also attack. Then he should act faster. He quickly dealt with Lin Feng, and then went to detoxify the two beauties.

Otherwise, the two beauties have become corpses, what else can they enjoy?

Qianfanlang scolded fiercely in his heart and approached the bedside. Seeing that the people on the bed were still, he took a deep breath and lifted out the quilt fiercely.


Qianfan's face was livid when he was in waves. Where was anyone under the quilt? They were two pillows.

"Played by Lin Feng!"

Qianfan wave reflected immediately.

At this time, however, Lin Feng's voice came from outside the door: "eh? How did the door of my house open? "

Qianfan wave scared a spirit, "Lin Feng in Gu how to still be ok?"

However, the situation was critical at this time. He had no time to think about it. Looking around, the room was dark and he didn't know where to hide. Seeing that the bed was empty, he simply lay on the ground and rolled under the bed.

His mind whirled around, and soon he had a new idea.

If you don't get close to the bed, you'd better put yourself under the bed.

So don't be afraid of him at all. Just wait for him to come.

Qianfan waves want to come here, they are ready, concentrate on alert, waiting for Lin Feng himself to deliver to the door.

But Lin Feng just deliberately said to scare him, people did not come into the room.

Qianfanlang is waiting under the bed with full expectation. His heart beats wildly, but he can't hear the sound of opening the door for a long time.

At this time, he deeply realized a sentence: waiting is a kind of suffering!

That's right. Taimo is suffering!

Qianfan wave hiding under the bed suffering, Qiu elder has also slowly touched the upstairs.

He came to the door of Lin Feng's house and listened quietly to the movement inside.

It's quiet inside. Lin Feng should be sleeping.

Elder Qiu took a deep breath and intended to break into the door. However, someone patted him on the shoulder behind him.

"Who?" Elder Qiu was frightened and looked back. There was a black cloth masked man behind him.

That black cloth masked man is Lin Feng, he also wants to do as the Romans do, cover a face to accompany them to play.

"Who are you? Why here? " Elder Qiu asked in a deep voice.

"I came here to kill Lin Feng!" Lin Feng cheated Qiu Laodao.

"Oh?" Elder Qiu, this is a man of the same mind!

"Why did you kill Lin Feng?" Elder Qiu asked.

"He robbed me of my treasure, and I have a feud with him!" Lin Feng continued to make up, and then asked elder Qiu, "who are you? Why are you here? "

"To tell you the truth, I came here to kill Lin Feng too!" Elder Qiu said.

"Oh, that's great. If we join hands, Lin Feng must not be able to run away!" Lin Feng said.

In order to show his sincerity, Qiu Yi also took off his mask!

Because Qiu Changlao only heard the name of Lin Feng and had not seen Lin Feng, so he did not know what Lin Feng looked like.

"Lin Feng is in this room! He seems to be asleep Lin Feng pointed to the room and said.

"Well, we'll go in and kill him now!" Elder Qiu said.


Lin Feng said, and put on black cloth, the reason why he gave Qiu elder a look, mainly let Qiu elder on his guard a little bit.

He took the lead and pushed the door open.

"Come in!" Lin Feng hooked his finger to elder Qiu.

Elder Qiu stepped in and saw the quilt and two pillows on the bed.

"Isn't Lin Feng here?" Elder Qiu looked around again. He did not find any trace of Lin Feng."It's over!" Lin Feng said: "it must be me two people talking at the door, he heard, so he hid!"

Elder Qiu thought for a moment and asked, "how do you make sure he is in the room?"

Lin Feng said, "I came earlier than you. I saw him go back to this room to sleep with my own eyes, and never came out again! What's more, there is a wall at the back of the room, and there are no windows. Where do you think he can go

"It's true!" Elder Qiu nodded and said, "then he must be in the house!"

"Mm-hmm!" Lin Feng nodded: "or do you want to see if he is in the cupboard? Or under the bed? I'm looking for the cupboard, you're looking for the bottom of the bed

"Excellent!" Elder Qiu said.

Two people separate action, Lin Feng pretended to look for the cabinet, but actually in the heart is bad smile.

The elder brother Qiu looked under the bed carelessly. He went down the cat's waist and was about to turn on the small flashlight to shine inside.

However, at this time, he saw a gray powder suddenly rising from below, with a foul smell, towards elder Qiu's pavement.

Qiu Changlao was surprised and instinctively hid behind.

Although he was agile and avoided the attack, elder Qiu was arrogant and unprepared because of the sudden attack. However, his feet and legs were still contaminated with a lot of powder, and his feet were numb and numb. He felt that he was almost out of control.

"Treacherous villain! Look for death

Elder Qiu took out a medicine bottle size bottle from his waist bag, opened the bottle cap, and threw it directly under the bed.

"Ah - Sleeping trough --"

just listen to a scream under the bed, and then, another howl!

Then qianfanlang was covered with poisonous insects and crawled out of the bed.

The first time out, elder Qiu kicked in the past and threw a heel of qianfanlang on the bed.

"Ah! who are you? What are you doing to me? " Qianfanlang felt the whole body itching incomparably, dozens of poisonous insects biting on the body, the pain was unbearable.

But before elder Qiu could speak, Lin Feng first said to qianfanlang: "good, Lin Feng, you are a treacherous person who stealthily attacks us under the bed."

As soon as elder Qiu heard this, he knew that this guy was Lin Feng. In a moment, elder Qiu's eyes turned red and glared at Qianfan waves.

"I... I'm not Lin Feng!" Qianfan waves cried with a sad face.

At first, he was inexplicably thrown a bug, and then he was pointed out by the black masked man and said that he was Lin Feng. This is really a mess!

Lin Feng pointed to Qianfan waves and said, "don't quibble. You're not Lin Feng. Am I Lin Feng?"

Qianfanlang said, "I'm really not..."

"shut up!" Lin Feng drank: "you are Lin Feng, I know you!"

Then he said to elder Qiu, "this guy is trying to deceive us. Let's take it lightly. He's a very good demagogue. Let's kill him together."

"Excellent!" Elder Qiu said.

"You go first, I will be more generous and give you the chance to take his life!" Lin Feng said to elder Qiu.

"Excellent!" Elder Qiu has already been furious. Even if Lin Feng doesn't say so, he will be the first to rush up.

As soon as the voice fell, elder Qiu really rushed to Qianfan waves. , the fastest update of the webnovel!