The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 633

Two brothers are sleepless, looking at the door of the pot, scared pale.

"What day is it, brother? Why are we so sad? " Said the cook to the shopkeeper.

"Sad is sad, but fortunately, our lives are still there!" The shop owner has no extravagant hope at this time, as long as Ping An is better than anything.

"Brother, now, are we still sleeping?" The cooks were frightened and asked for instructions from the shop owner.

Can you sleep, chicken Said the shopkeeper.

Then he thought again and said, "Oh, yes, we have to sleep. We have to sleep!"

"Why?" Asked the cook.

The shop owner explained: "you think, he killed, we must not know, this sleep is the best explanation, otherwise we do not sleep, know the murder did not report to the police, belong to the guilty ah!"

"That makes sense, brother. Go to bed!" The Cook said, shivering on the bed.

The owner of the bald shop listened carefully to the news upstairs and found that there was no movement. He didn't care. He covered himself and was ready to go to sleep.

At this time, on the stairs, qianfanlang is walking up the stairs.

He knew that he must not be Lin Feng's opponent. He poisoned Lin Feng's food in the daytime today. It's estimated that he would be poisoned at this time. As long as the Gu attacks, Lin Feng is a waste man. How to deal with him depends on his mood.

It's just that the corridor is dark, and every step of Qianfan wave is careful, so the action is very slow.

However, at this time, the downstairs elder Qiu and Liu Yuan also crept toward the restaurant.

In front of the restaurant, elder Qiu specially arranged his clothes.

Qiu Changlao is also a person with status, so he intends to walk in from the door with dignity, but after a few push, the door does not move. It seems that it is locked inside.

Elder Qiu intended to call someone, but Liu Yuan whispered: "master, master, there is a window open here!"

"What's wrong with the window open? The only way to go through the window is to be a layman. I have to go through the door to worship the moon god. " Elder Qiu said.

"Master, you wait!" Liu Yuan said, turning over and entering the house, directly from the inside to elder Qiu opened the door.

"Master, you are so noble. My apprentice will arrange everything for you. Please come in! Hey, hey, hey Liu Yuan said.

"You boy, how exciting you are Elder Qiu stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"Of course, it doesn't depend on whose apprentice it is!" Liu Yuan is flattering.

He didn't have any skills. He was not a good flatterer. How could he become the disciple of elder Qiu of the worship of the moon.

"Go, go in!" Elder Qiu said.

"Wait, master!" Liu Yuan said: "killing is not a trivial matter. In case of emergency, should we ask the shop owner about the situation first?"

"What is the situation?" Elder Qiu asked.

"Ask how many people are staying in the hotel tonight and which room Lin Feng is in, so as not to make a mistake!" Liu Yuan said.

After all, if he made a mistake and hurt others, it would be more than worth the loss if he disturbed Lin Feng.

"Well, may I ask, where is the shopkeeper?" Asked elder Qiu.

"I know, master, come with me!" Liu Yuan said and walked to the kitchen.

Today, when I was having tea with one eyed brother upstairs, he had a simple chat with the shop owner. He learned that the two brothers were sleeping here at night, which was the bedroom behind the kitchen.

Liu Yuan according to the memory of the day, blackened to the kitchen, opened the door, "bang" a sound, feet seem to kick over something.


The owner of the bald shop was frightened by the Qianfan wave just now. He lay down for a few minutes, but he was shocked by the sound.

The shop owner is sweating and crying. What day is it?

Over and over again, let people live?

At this time, Liu Yuan said: "bald brother, it's me, Liu Yuan!"

"Ah, it's Master Liu!" There was a glimmer of hope in the bottom of my bald heart.

However, the moment was dim again, because he remembered that master Liu had been made a paraplegia by Lin Feng during the day. This master Liu was also in name and had no effect.

At this time, elder Qiu came up from behind and asked, "is it clear?"

Liu Yuan said, "master, I'm asking!"

As soon as Liu Yuan said that master, the shop owner and his brother were all shocked. Is it possible that Qiu Changlao, the God of worshiping the moon, has come?

"Is it elder Qiu?" Because there was no light on, the light was very dark, so the shopkeeper asked directly.

"It's me!" Qiu Changlao Dao.

"Great, elder Qiu, we're all safe. Listen to me, elder Qiu. We've had eight generations of bloody mildew today..." the owner of the bald shop felt that he had come to the rescue and began to nag."All right, all right, just tell us, how many people are there tonight?" Liu Yuan asked.

"Just four!" Said the shopkeeper.

"Who are they?" Liu Yuan asked.

"Two men and two women, one is Lin Feng and the girl he brought, and the other is gulee and his sister!" The shop owner said, "all four of them have separate rooms. Each one has a room."

"Well!" Elder Qiu nodded.

On the way, Liu Yuan has told him that gulee thinks Lin Feng is the elder brother, so it is not surprising to know that gulee sleeps here.

Elder Qiu was deeply impressed by gulee. At that time, gulee's sister was bullied by the worshippers of the moon worship sect. Gulee had a conflict with the worship of the moon. With one person's power, he defeated more than a dozen disciples of the moon worshiping cult. Finally, even elder Bai fought, and finally he tied with Guli.

Therefore, elder Qiu doesn't want to be the enemy of gulee. He just wants to feel Lin Feng's room secretly and quickly kill him.

"What's Lin Feng's room?" Elder Qiu asked.

"Go upstairs and turn left first room!" Said the shopkeeper.

"Good!" Elder Qiu said that he would take Liu Yuan upstairs.

But at this time, he found that Liu Yuan's mouth and eyes were crooked, his eyes were straight, and there was white foam in the corner of his mouth.

"No, I'm in a trap!"

As soon as elder Qiu looked at Liu Yuan, he knew that the goods had been bitten by poisonous insects.

He set up a small flashlight, a look at the foot, dense are black insects.


Elder Qiu quickly put his hand into his pocket, grabbed a handful of white powder, sprinkled it directly on the ground, and then moved his lips, as if he were reciting some kind of incantation.

The white powder is glutinous rice flour, because old Qiu can see at a glance that Gu insects are corpse insects. Corpse insects eat human bodies and drink human body oil. They grow up very fierce, with strong body Qi and Yin Qi. This kind of insect can communicate with the owner's heart.

As long as the host is not more than 100 meters away from him, he can still command them at any time. Moreover, this kind of insect will not bite the master. Because the master's body is smeared with body oil, the insects can recognize the smell. Therefore, the Gu is a kind of smart and safe poison.

However, Shi Qi is most afraid of glutinous rice. People who practice Gu all the year round have a lot of things in their pockets. Cinnabar, realgar and glutinous rice flour are all necessary, so Qiu changlai can take out glutinous rice flour.

At this time, I saw that the small insects on the ground fled in a panic, and some of them were still, apparently dead.

Then, elder Qiu grabbed a handful of glutinous rice flour and poured it directly into Liu Yuan's mouth. With his index finger and middle finger together, he put a little bit of force into Liu Yuan's person's acupoint.


Liu Yuan just gasped for breath, but then the white powder fell into his throat and coughed. Most of the powder came out.

Old Qiu quickly covered Liu Yuan's mouth and said, "don't make a noise. Don't disturb Lin Feng."

Liu Yuan's face turned red, but he did not dare to cough again. However, the two brothers were so unlucky that they choked the white powder all over their faces by Liu Yuangang's cough. They looked like two clowns.

"Brother, I seem blind!" Cried the cook.

"Brother, I can't see. Why are we so miserable?" The bald shopkeeper cried, too.

"Shut up, you two!" Qiu elder drank, and then said to Liu Yuan, "you stare downstairs. I'll go upstairs to kill Lin Feng, so as not to dream too much at night."

With that, he stepped out of the house and walked cautiously towards the second floor! , the fastest update of the webnovel!