The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 62

Wu Bo was so scared that he quickly knelt down on the ground and said, "I'll serve you. Please give me a way to live."

"Wu Degui -- you're an eggshell!" Lei Hong Qi's whole body trembles, his eyes are covered with blood, incomparably ferocious.

"You ungrateful eater Lei Hong severely bit his teeth and waved his big hand to the stands behind him: "everyone, for the sake of the wolf club, kill them for me, all of them will be on me together!"

As soon as the voice fell, a large number of black suit men poured down from the audience in the dark behind him.

Each of them was big and tall, and looked ferocious.

This scene makes all of you nervous. At first glance, there are dozens of people. If we fight, we should not be beaten by these people?

At this time, Lin Feng stood out first and yelled at the man in Black: "who dare you? I will never be merciful. If you have seed, you can come!"

With that, he swept his sharp eyes around him. In an instant, his powerful aura came out, completely different from the previous loser temperament.

He clenched his fists, raised his blood vessels, and looked at the crowd around him.

People around him, as long as they saw his eyes, were immediately shocked by his strong murderous spirit, and the scene was once embarrassed.

The power of one person will frighten dozens of people. What a powerful atmosphere it must be! Tang Dongsheng and others are stunned. Is this Lin Feng?

Wu Bo was also frightened. He quickly stood on the side of Lin Feng like a wall grass and called out to the surrounding: "smart, don't move! Don't work for Lei Hong any more. He is a cunning and obscene villain. He doesn't deserve to be the leader of our wolf society! "

Wu Bo is the housekeeper and the second leader of the wild wolf society. He has long been disgusted with Lei Hong's arbitrary and autocratic line. However, Lei Hong is insidious, holding a foil, and he is difficult to defeat him. Therefore, he has been swallowing his courage under Lei Hong.

He is over the age of Huajia, and Lei Hong is only in his forties this year. However, Lei Hong always has no respect for him. He comes and goes as soon as he calls. Sometimes he even commands him like a dog.

Now, he has seen that the general situation of Lei Hong is gone, so he made a wall grass and suddenly fell to the side of Lin Feng.

In addition to raising several killers and the seven stupid wolves, Lei Hong has no confidants. Therefore, these people in black are not those who will work for him.

Although the force value of those killers raised by him is very high, they are all carrying out assassination missions overseas. They are puzzled and thirsty from far away. Today, Lei Hong is doomed to fall down!

The black clothes around him hesitated when he heard Wu Bo say so.

They all work here just for a little salary, and they don't want to cause any trouble. Just now, seeing Lin Feng's fierce and fierce action, they already have fear in their hearts. At this time, Wu Bo said that they were in their hearts, so they withdrew one after another and stood in the same place.

Leihong see this scene, suddenly angry fury, he reached out to grab a person's collar, roared: "you give me, do you hear?"

Then he pulled it in the direction of Lin Feng. Then he reached out and grabbed two people nearby. He yelled wildly, "you can give it to me, all to me!"

But the men were on guard and retreated one after another, and he grabbed the air.

"Ha ha! Lei Hong! I think you'll stop here. If you lose, you won't lose. What's shameful is that you've lost the battle and the people's heart. I'm ashamed of you! " Lin Feng adds fuel to the fire.

"Shut up, shut up! I didn't lose. I can't lose. You're all rubbish! Rubbish - "

Lei Hong roared angrily, just like a dog jumping off a wall. He grabbed the foil he took with him and stabbed him at Lin Feng.

Let's not say that Lei Hong was so angry, but his pace and technique of fencing were not disordered at all. His attack was fierce, and every move had a defensive posture. At first glance, it made people feel invincible.

Look at the slender and sharp foil, stabbing at Lin Feng's eyebrows, but Lin Feng doesn't show any sign of dodging.

This time, all the people nervous bad, is Lin Feng did not respond to it?

However, just when the blade was about to stab Lin Feng, Lin Feng suddenly flashed forward, seized the foil, and bent in a direction.

"No Lei Hong was immediately flustered. Just now, he was besieged in all directions, and he had never been so flustered. At the moment, his sword was caught in his hand, and he was completely yellow, as if the sword were his life.

But Lin Feng will not give him another chance. To give a chance to a villain is to kill a good man.

Lin Feng's wrist fiercely forced, "Keng -" a sound, the foil sword was abruptly broken, into two pieces, the sword tip part, in Lin Feng's hand, the sword handle is still in Lei Hong's hand.

"Ah -" Lei Hong cried out in pain. Looking at the foil which had been with him for 20 years, he was suddenly broken. At this moment, he collapsed. For him who loves sword like life, the importance of the foil is comparable to life.He knelt on his knees, and his eyes lost their luster in an instant.

"Clang --" with a sound, Lin Feng threw his other half of his sword on the ground and said to Lei Hong, "people are doing things, and heaven is watching. Those who do evil will have bad results. On the day you go astray, you should think of your own end. Today, all this is your punishment!"

"Yes! To punish him, he is not a human being. He is a big criminal for how many good women he has harmed and how many good people he has killed. " Wu Bo was the first to call.

"Yes, punish him!" The people around him cried out.

"Well, don't be impatient, don't be impatient. He is such a villain, naturally, he has the law to punish him!" Lin Feng said, and then pointed to Wu Bo: "don't be complacent, you are not a good bird!"

"Brother Lin Feng, what are you talking about..." Wu Bo still wants to get close to him.

But Lin Feng directly scolded: "shut up, or I'm afraid you'll annoy me and kill you with one punch!"

Suddenly, Wu Bo was so scared that he didn't dare to fart.

It has to be said that since Lin Feng returned to Jincheng, he has become more regular. If he had put it in the past, he would have beheaded him directly.

Lin Feng motioned to the mouse and Wei Yichen to loosen the tie.

It doesn't matter if this is untied. The security guards suddenly burst into a nest. They immediately embrace Lin Feng and throw it up in the sky. They throw it back and cheer at the same time.

Then put down Lin Feng, Xia Ming moved a stool for Lin Feng. The rest of the security guards pinched their legs and beat their backs. More than a dozen people were very busy.

Looking at the scene, Su Jing and others also laughed.

Lin Feng pushed them all away. He wanted to ask Wu Bo about Liu Zhen face to face, but Wu Bo hesitated and said that he didn't know who Liu Zhen was.

At this time, Lei Hong behind Lin Feng was dead. But it is incomparably cold, he looked around the bustle, suddenly realized that today, he was defeated, he was a total failure, no face. For a moment, he was desperate!

He asked himself, can I make a comeback?

The answer is: maybe, but as long as Lin Feng is there, he won't be able to make a comeback.

Lei Hong's eyes flashed a sinister light, he suddenly ran away, he saw Lin Feng was back to himself, fiercely grabbed half of the broken sword on the ground, towards the back of Lin Feng's heart, fiercely stabbed in the past!

"Ah --"

the crowd exclaimed, and everyone's face was suddenly shocked.

They didn't expect Lei Hong to come back. It's too late to call Lin Feng back.

But the next second, they were laughing and laughing.

Unexpectedly, the stool Lin Feng was sitting on suddenly creaked and his leg broke.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Lin Feng was out of balance and fell to the ground.

This fall doesn't matter, Lei Hong stabbed a hole, but because of inertia, he continued to stab in the front.

In front of Lin Feng is Wu Bo.

Wu Bo was kneeling on the ground at this time. Before he could stand up, he saw Lei Hong rushing towards him with his sword in his hand. He felt a chill in his neck.

Lei Hong's broken sword was inserted into Wu Bo's neck.

Suddenly, blood spattered three feet, Wu Bo pointed to Lei Hong, and his lips trembled: "you, you, you..." before the words came out, Wu Bo died on the spot.

"I wipe, what's going on? Have you made a mistake Lin Feng gave Lei Hong a kick: "no matter how much you hate old man Wu, can't you do that? If you kill a person, you have to pay for it. Didn't your mother teach you? "

Lin Feng scolded Lei Hong like a child.

He just wanted to avoid the sword just now, but he didn't succeed. Lei Hong was so hard that he couldn't stop himself and stabbed Wu Bo to death.

But these two people are not good things, they are not a few cases of human life, to the police station, the same can not escape the severe punishment of the law, in the end, or die!

At the same time, Lei Hong was also frightened. He saw Wu Bo's eyes open and staring at himself. He was so miserable that he couldn't close his eyes.

"Call the police! Someone has killed someone! " Lin Feng said to the mouse.

Listening to the boss's order, the mouse quickly picked up the phone, called in the past, and soon picked up the phone there.

"Hello, this is the 110 police Hotline..."

the mouse said, "well, I know, you don't want to ink, I have this human case. A silly B accidentally killed, that blood channeled old high, like big Yi flower, you quickly wash the ground! Come on! We're waiting for you. It's scary! "

Lin Feng frowned, for the mouse a strange wording and behavior style, he has not fully adapted.

At this time, Lei Hong has been appointed, he turned on his mobile phone and sent four words to a demon called Guy: "revenge for me!"

Then looked at Lin Feng resentfully, pulled out the broken sword, toward his temple, fiercely inserted , the fastest update of the webnovel!