The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 624

Qianfanlang is a practitioner of the five levels of the blood state. With one punch, the fist is roaring, powerful and fierce.

The same is five heavy, but Lin Feng feels that the Qianfan wave seems to be much stronger than Chen Wu.

Of course, there is also a gap in the same weight. Chen Wu should only be in the early stage of the five levels of blood state, while qianfanlang has obviously reached the later stage.

Therefore, his fighting style is much fiercer than Chen Wu.

Lin Feng didn't pick up the fist because he was holding a witchcraft Cuan in his hand. Instead, he took a step back and said:

"my friend, don't be impulsive. I'm not happy that you come to kill me today, so I want to kill you, but I listen to your music. So I confiscate your Cuan. Your Cuan is for your life. You go, I won't kill you! ”

"what do you say? For my life with my cudgel? You are so arrogant Qianfan was trembling, and his broad cloak covered his cheek. His face in the dark was also ferocious: "I will kill you, I will let you die without a whole body!"

With that, the thousand sails and waves turned around, all the strength was concentrated on the hands, and he roared: "Lin Feng, eat my fist!"

Then, his hind legs bent and suddenly catapulted to Lin Feng, and a fist hit Lin Feng's face.

"Lin Feng, be careful!" Cried the fire spirit.

Lin Feng smiles, but turns his body's essence and Qi to swim around his body, and then flows up and down. The essence enters the sole of his foot, and the essence flows into his hands and turns into a human weapon.

"I'll give you a punch, too." Lin Feng also roared, toward the Qianfan waves hit the past.


Their fists collided, but the sound of bone fracture was heard.

"Ah --"

with a scream, Qianfan waves retreated again and again, and said with an incredible look: "this... How is this possible? Ah

The fire spirit looked at them and found that qianfanlang's arm was interrupted by Lin Feng's fist, and his five fingers were all broken. It was terrible.

"You... Aren't you four levels of blood state?" Qianfanlang still can't believe everything in front of him.

"Yes, I'm quadruple, but who says that quadruple can't beat five?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "do you believe that even if you reach Liuchong, I can beat you as well?"


Qianfan waves curse in a low voice, but his face is white with pain, and beads of sweat fall from his cheek.

He didn't expect that he could not even beat a cultivator of blood level Four.

But today, it's really strange that they catch up with their own black sheep and insects. Otherwise, they won't be defeated.

At present, he has lost his combat effectiveness, and to motivate the insects, he must rely on Wugu Cuan, which was taken by Lin Feng. He has no way now. If Lin Feng counterattacks, he will surely die.

The green hills are here, and there is no fear of firewood burning!

A wave of thousand sails and a wave of sleeves and robes, you can see a light smoke rising and flying towards the forest peak.

"Don't breathe!" Lin Feng said to the fire spirit on one side.

They immediately covered their mouths.

"Lin Feng, I will come back to you sooner or later. When I meet you again, it will be your death time!" See a thousand sails wave sleeve robe a swing, feet such as stepping on the wind in general, quickly disappeared in the dark night.

"Don't chase the poor!" Lin Feng laughed at himself.

Some Gu masters are insidious and like to go back and forth. If they catch up with them, they may be attacked.

In order to prevent the enemy from catching up, Gu masters will sprinkle poisonous powder on the road along the way. Maybe they will be poisoned to death on the way!

Huoling is still in fear. Unexpectedly, her childhood nightmare actually appears in front of her. In retrospect, it's terrible. Fortunately, Lin Feng appears and helps her stop her.

In fact, Lin Feng had been with him for a long time. He appeared after listening to all the conversations between Huoling and the man in black.

"Huo Ling, I heard the conversation between you and that man just now. So you are from Miao?" Lin Feng said.

"Yes, have you heard of fire in the Central Plains of China? Ha ha ha Huo Ling said: "the fire surname originated from the Miao nationality. If there is a fire surname in the Central Plains, it is also intermarriage with the Miao people!"

"Oh, no wonder your name is so interesting!" Lin Feng said.

"Linfeng ouba, thank you today. If it wasn't for you, maybe I would be the flower picking thief..." Fire Spirit said.

"Oh, you're welcome. You're my tenant. I'm responsible for my tenant's safety." Lin Feng waved his hand.

Then he saw that Huoling's face was not very good, and he knew that she had not completely recovered. He said, "Huoling, I don't think you should go to the bar tonight. Come back and have a rest. Your face is pale and pale!"

Fire spirit pursed her lips and said, "it really scared me just now. Now my stomach still has some pain."

"You're scared. Why do you still have a stomachache? Is this a system? " Lin Feng asked.

"Oh, I have a special day these days. My aunt is here!" Said the fire spirit."Oh, I'm scared at this time, but it hurts my body. Don't go to the bar. Come here and come back. I'll give you a massage to make you comfortable and comfortable." Lin Feng said.

"Europa, can you massage?" Huolingdao.

"Know a little bit about it!" Lin Feng giggled: "come on, don't be polite. Don't be out of touch with me!"

Then he took the fire spirit's hand and went back to his room.

"Take off your clothes!" Lin Feng said to the fire spirit.

"Ah The fire spirit was stunned: "ouba, although I worship you, I'm not ready to do this kind of thing. What's more, I'm a special date. Aren't you afraid to kill you all over your body?"

"Oh, where are you thinking? You have a stomachache, don't you? Lift up your abdominal clothes and I'll massage your abdomen Lin Feng said.

"Oh, I thought..." Fire Spirit's face turned red. It turned out that he wanted to be crooked.

"What do you think, what do you think? You, you are also a goddess level figure in my goddess Utopia. You should pay attention to the image. Don't open your mouth and shut your mouth to kill me all over my body. How ugly it is!" Lin Feng said.

"Oh, I see! In fact, they are small jasper type! " The fire as like as two peas in a cartoon, naivete.

Lin Feng was stunned. He didn't expect that Huoling really looked like a cartoon character. It was so beautiful.

"Well, that's good. Keep it like this. Here, I'll press your abdomen!" Lin Feng said, directly lifted the clothes on the fire spirit's abdomen, and then gently rubbed his hands.

But at this time, she suddenly saw something hanging on the head of Lin Feng's bed, which she was very familiar with.

"Europa, why do you have this thing on the head of your bed?" The fire spirit points to the dart hanging at the head of Lin Feng's bed.

The dart is the one who stole the clue of blood jade and used to cut the kite line.

Lin Feng changed his look and asked, "do you know this thing?"

Fire Spirit said: "of course I know, this thing is called moon god dart, is a kind of concealed weapon!"

Lin Feng immediately a joy, asked: "is what person uses?"

Fire Spirit said: "Oh, your hand touched my grass!"

"Ah Lin Feng is also because of the excitement, knead and knead, the hands are almost stretched inside.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll take some out of it!" Lin Feng Road.

"Cough!" Huo Ling blushed and coughed awkwardly and said, "the moon god dart, in fact, only one kind of people can use it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!