The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 623

See that the dense insects, began to encircle the fire spirit, see is about to come to the foot of the fire spirit.

"How about it? You never follow me? " Thousand sails waves wanton smile way.

"Qianfanlang, my ancestors are also Gu masters. If you kill me today, my family will not spare you!" The fire spirit was afraid in his heart, but he threatened the thousand sails on his mouth.

Qianfan wave laughed and said, "I have a witch's Cuan. No matter how many masters of witchcraft can't help me! Just let them come! "

"Well... Lin Feng is my elder brother. Lin Feng is a practitioner of the four levels of blood melting state. I saw him kill a Gu master with one blow. If you dare to move me, Lin Feng will not let you go!" Fire spirit has a strong desire to win, and began to embellish the advocacy of Lin Feng, threatening Qianfan waves.

"Ha ha! Do you think I'm afraid of him? To tell you the truth, after years of cultivation, I have become a five fold practitioner of the blood state. Lin Feng is one weight less than me. I can easily kill him with my body skills. If I use Gu again, he can't escape! " Qianfan wave is very determined, feel Lin Feng's head, is his bag in general.

He said to the fire spirit: "I ask you for the last time, do you follow or not?"

Fire spirit's heart is full of grief and indignation. Is he going to die here today?

She gritted her teeth and held on, slowly closing her eyes.

It's better to be a broken jade than a tile. Even if it's death, don't let this guy sully!

Fire Ling's shell teeth gently pad on the tongue, intending to bite the tongue and commit suicide.

However, just at this time, I heard a joking voice coming over: "I wipe, did I hear you correctly just now? At my door, someone wants to kill me? "

The fire spirit hears the sound, fiercely turns around to look at the past, discovers that Lin Feng is actually standing behind him.

"Lin Feng, you go, this man is here to kill you!" The fire spirit yelled at Lin Feng.

She knows the power of Qianfan wave, and Qianfan wave is the cultivator of the five levels of blood melting state, and Lin Feng is just four levels of blood melting state. Lin Feng can't beat Qianfan wave just because of its hard power. What's more, qianfanlang has the support of witchcraft, so Lin Feng is not an opponent.

Fire spirit did not expect the critical moment, but Lin Feng came, it is to let her heart chaos.

"Well, before I went to see you, you delivered it to the door yourself! It saved me a lot of effort Thousand sail wave sneer way.

"The Sanfan group sent you to kill me, didn't you? Good! I'm here now. Come and take my life Lin Feng spread out his hands and said with a smile.

"You are very arrogant!" Qianfanlang said: "I heard that there are many beautiful women in your villa. Hum, I will kill you first, and then occupy your villa, so that all your beauties will serve me!"

Qianfan wave finished, one hand took the Wugu Cuan, put it on the mouth and blew it up.

The melodious voice sounded again, and those insects were restless and climbed towards the forest peak one after another.

Lin Feng is already on guard. He smiles and suddenly takes out a bottle of insecticide from behind. The "Wuwuwuwu" group of insects spray over.

Fire spirit saw this scene, can not help but laugh and cry.

It's the first time I saw insecticides against poisonous insects.

Qianfanlang also laughed: "I'm afraid you haven't seen Gu? Can you kill poisonous insects with insecticides

Sure enough, after qianfanlang finished, those insects seemed to be more ferocious. They ran towards Lin Feng quickly, one after another, and they were about to devour Lin Feng.

"Oh, it turns out that insecticides can't kill your insects?" Lin Feng smile, suddenly took out a lighter: "do you think this is OK?"

Lin Feng pressed down the insecticide and ignited the fire. The big flame was burning like a gas tank.

Because the spray of insecticide is combustible, and the ignition point is very low, and it will catch fire.

Lin Feng took out the insecticide, which was not used to kill insects. He knew that the poisonous insects were no better than other insects, and the insecticides could not work. So Lin Feng brought a fire machine. In fact, fire spraying was his main purpose.

Even if your poisonous insects are fierce again, a burst of fire has scorched you, can your insects still cheat the corpse?

So Lin Feng was waiting for the insects to gather together, and when they were about to attack, he ignited the insecticide and sprayed it towards the insects.

There was a puff of smoke, and a strong smell of scorch spread.

The insects were burned to death, choked to death, in short, a moment later, all became a pile of black ash, and the remaining part of the insects were still alive, but they did not dare to run towards Lin Feng.

This scene, however, made qianfanlang feel distressed. Most of the Gu insects cultivated by themselves were burned to death by Lin Feng. It's so hateful!

He blew the witchcraft Cuan, the remaining insects crawled back, qianfanlang put the pot down, all the insects climbed into the pot.

"Your poisonous insects are not good either. I advise you to practice some poisonous insects that are not afraid of fire next time." Lin Feng smiles.

"Europa, you really have a way The fire spirit gave Lin Feng a thumbs up.

"Well, don't be complacent too soon!" Qianfanlang put his hand into the pot, but pulled out a smaller pot than the palm.On the earthen pot, there is also a yellow paper symbol, which is hard to understand.

Qianfan waves lips moving, chanting a few words, a yellow paper symbol, open the lid.

There was a big red meat bug crawling out of it.

The meat bug is the size of a human's little thumb, and its whole body is red. With the color of the moon, its two small black eyes are shining.

When the fire spirit saw the bug, he immediately called out to Lin Feng, "ouba, be careful!"

Voice just fell, but see that bug curled up for a while, and then the body fierce a shot, quickly toward the forest peak to shoot.

"No!" The fire spirit is awe inspiring.

That insect, but fire silkworm Gu, looks fat and round, naive, but it can make people sad.

But the next second, the fire spirit is stunned.

After the insect was catapulted to Lin Feng, he didn't feel as violent as he expected. Instead, he became very docile. He even sat on his chest and did not move.

"Well? What's going on? "

Qianfan wave is also confused. He has been practicing fire silkworm poison for more than three years, and killed many people with him. How can he be so abnormal today? When he comes to the enemy, he becomes extremely docile. What's the matter?

However, Lin Feng took down the fire silkworm Gu and put it in his palm. It was like fighting crickets, and he picked and pulled it with his little finger.

The fat little fire silkworm's eyes dribbled around, and it rolled in Lin Feng's hand, as if very happy.

"Lying trough!"

The thousand sail waves and the fire spirit are even more surprised. How did the Gu insect play with Lin Feng?

"Your bug seems to like me very much!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "he is reluctant to give up my mouth!"

"That's not true!" Qianfanlang picked up Wugu Cuan and planned to use it to communicate with Gu insects and drive them to kill Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng thought he would have this move, suddenly a flash to his front, a homeopathy will be insects in the neck of Qianfan waves.

"Ah Qianfan wave was frightened and quickly reached out to dig out the insects.

At this time, Lin Feng snatched the Cuan of Qianfan waves and said, "this thing seems to be able to control poisonous insects. You don't want to harm me with this thing. I'll confiscate it first!"

Qianfan waves took out the poisonous insects and put them back in the earthen pot. They yelled at Lin Feng: "you return my Cuan!"

"Tut Tut, this Cuan is black and shiny with exquisite carving, and its shape is unique and ingenious. It's good Cuan. I like it very much." Lin Feng laughs.

"Lin Feng, you want to die!" Qianfan waves roar, a fist fierce toward Lin Feng in the past. , the fastest update of the webnovel!