The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 625

"What kind of people would use it?" Lin Feng asked.

"Worship the moon!" Said the fire spirit.

"The worship of the moon?" Lin Feng frowned: "how does it sound like some kind of cult?"

Huo Ling said: "the worship of the moon is not a cult. It's just a branch of the Miao people. It's just like the community organizations in our metropolis. However, the worship of the moon worships the moon. Every night when the moon is full, all the believers will worship the moon together. Therefore, the people of the clan name themselves the moon worship cult."

"Who are the people who worship the moon cult?" Lin Feng asked.

"All of them are masters of Gu." Huolingdao.

"Just like that one?" Lin Feng refers to the Qianfan wave just now.

"Qianfanlang is not from the worship of the moon, he is just a vagabond Gold Bug master. The moon worship cult is an organization, and its headquarters should be among the 100000 mountains, but their whereabouts are mysterious. I don't know exactly where they are!" Huolingdao.

"Are all the people in the worship of the moon cult all Gu masters?" Lin Feng asked again.

"In addition to Gu masters, there are also some martial arts experts and assassins. The moon worship cult has always been a mysterious clan of the Miao people. The outside world knows little about it. By the way, how can you have the darts of the worship of the moon?" Fire spirit asked.

Lin Feng said: "Alas, the people who worship the moon god have taken my things, very important things!"

"Europa, why are you still provoking the worshippers of the moon?" Fire spirit asked.

"I didn't provoke them, they provoked me!" Lin Feng said: "dare to rob my things, they are blacklisted by me!"

Fire Spirit said: "what will happen if you are blacklisted?"

Lin Feng smile: "group out!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Fire Spirit said: "enough cruel ah you!"

"Yes! I don't blacklist easily! " Lin Feng has a good laugh.

"As far as I know, the worship of the moon and the Sanfan sect have been very close recently. Because the great monk has a good relationship with one of the leaders of the worship of the moon, the Gu masters sent out by the Sanfan group are all moon worshipers. The skinny monkey Gu master who was beaten up by you in the bar last time is a moon worshiper. I see the half moon sign under his left ear!"

"Oh? It's interesting that the worship of the moon should unite with the Sanfan group Lin Feng nodded.

He thought that it was no wonder that the Church of worshiping the moon suddenly robbed its own things. It was probably ordered by the Sanfan group, or that the Sanfan group wanted to get the blood jade. It was the worship of the moon that wanted the blood jade most.

In short, the birds of a feather, collusion, they two together want to rob blood jade, are not good things.

It's just that you shouldn't, shouldn't, don't think evil about our Lin family's things. Today I know that you have good fruit to eat!

"Fire spirit, you tell me where the worship of the moon is, and I'll go and settle accounts with them!" Lin Feng said.

"This... The worship of the moon is among the 100000 mountains. It has no fixed place. It's very mysterious. It's hard to find it!" Said the fire spirit.

Lin Feng frowned: "then I'll go to Sanfan group first. Anyway, they are partners. If I find Sanfan group, I can follow suit and find the worship of the moon."

The fire spirit thought for a while and said: "the people of Sanfan group are very easy to find, but their leader, the great monk, is too mysterious, even more mysterious than the worship of the moon. Many people in the Sanfan group have never seen the great monk himself. I heard that he occasionally appears in the jungle of Sanwu area, and occasionally appears in the black market of other countries. Anyway, his trace is more difficult to find. If you want to find the big monk, you can't find him It's more difficult! "

"You drink, so say, they robbed my things, I'll let it go?" Lin Feng said with a bitter smile.

"What's important?" Fire Spirit said: "if it is a general item, it is suggested not to be more serious. The gain is not worth the loss."

"No, it's very important. It can be said that it's the lifeblood of the Lin family. I don't care about anything else, but I have to get it back!" Lin Feng firmly said.

"Emmm" fire spirit see Lin Feng extremely serious appearance, she fell into deep thinking.

After about half a minute, she suddenly said, "Oh, by the way, there is a moon worship altar in the mountains near the stockade where I grew up. The moon worship altar is the altar where the worship ceremony is held. They will go to the altar every night when the moon is full. At this time, you can see the people who worship the moon god."

"What a coincidence? Is the altar near your home? " Lin Feng is very happy.

"In the 100000 mountains of Miao, there are many moon worshipping altars, and our neighborhood is just one of them!" Said the fire spirit.

"Well, what else?" "There are so many altars for worshipping the moon," said Lin Feng. "How do you know that they will come to the altar near your home on the full moon night?"

Huo Ling said: "the worship of the moon is very devout. On the night when the moon is full, they send believers to all the altars to worship. At every altar, someone goes to hold a worship ceremony. Only some small altars come, but more people come from the big altar. The religious masters and elders of the worship of the moon worship worship worship at the general altar! So you may see a few moon worshippers at the altar near our house"That's enough!" Lin Feng spirit of a vibration: "as long as give me a gap, I can tear a hole in the sky!"

"I am worthy of being my idol. Talking is domineering!" Fire spirit half joked way.

"Mm-hmm, pretending to be forced doesn't cost money. Life is short, and you can pretend to be forced!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Lin Feng was in a good mood. Unexpectedly, he solved the mystery in Huoling. He decided to leave for the mountain of miaojiang this month. He could not delay the matter of blood jade for a moment.

What's more, the Sanfan group has long been out of favor. This time, he is going to meet the legendary mysterious monk for a while.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time that Lin Feng took the initiative to destroy an organization.

Sanfan group, worship the moon, you are very unfortunate!

Lin Feng bit his teeth and said, "fire spirit, where is your hometown? Tell me the address. I'll go and have a look."

"My hometown is in a hundred thousand mountains. If you go alone, you may not find a place. Even if you can find it, if you don't understand many places, I'm afraid you will encounter danger!" Fire spirit way: "so, I accompany you to go together!"

"Is that all right? I'm afraid you are too busy Lin Feng said.

Danger is not dangerous, but Lin Feng is not afraid of it. When he was on a mission, he also went to 100000 mountains in Miao, and even went to Nanyang. He also met a lot of poisonous masters and head lowering masters. Generally speaking, he was able to cope with them.

However, as Huo Ling said, it's difficult to find a way. There are many paths in the mountains, and there is no road. Besides, navigation in the mountains is useless. The road has no name and no house number. Once you get lost, you may encounter wild animals in the mountains, which is not only dangerous but also time-consuming.

If you have Huoling, a native born person who leads the way, it is the best. Moreover, when you go there, you can get along with the local people, and you can eat and live all inclusive. It's so cool.

"Yes, I haven't been back for many years. It's time to go back and have a look." Fire spirit way: "when to start, I say with boa ye, the bar gives others to look after a few days, I accompany you to go!"

"Start at once, as soon as possible!" Lin Feng Road.

"Well, I'll get ready. We'll start tomorrow." Huolingdao.

"OK!" Lin Feng said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!