The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 622

Lin Feng meditated with cross legs and practiced seriously, but he found himself a little fidgety.

I don't know what the reason is. I feel like my blood is boiling and my temperature is higher than before.

At this time, he heard a burst of melodious music, about a few hundred meters away from his own here, very pleasant to hear.

Instinct tells Lin Feng that the sound is strange. There must be something around him that makes him feel like this. This is a kind of perception. As for what is around him, he doesn't know.

People all have instinctive perception, which is also called the sixth sense.

Sixth feeling, can feel now and in the future, to oneself good bad, dangerous and lucky thing.

This is not metaphysics, but an instinctive response of the body.

For example, a person deep in the mountains, there are a few wolves behind him, even if he does not see the wolf, his body can not help feeling dangerous breath, will not consciously uncomfortable.

So Lin Feng felt something was wrong around here!

He stood up and planned to go out, but from the balcony he saw Huoling push the door open and walk outside.

In the dead of the night, everyone was sleeping. Only Huoling went to the bar at this time, so Lin Feng didn't find it strange. But today, he felt abnormal. He was afraid that if Huoling went out alone, it would be dangerous. So he opened the window and called out to Huo Ling: "Huoling, are you going out so late?"

"Oh, idol, are you back?" Fire spirit see Lin Feng on the balcony, then happy said.

"Oh, don't call me idol in the future. It's strange to hear it!" Lin Feng said.

"What do I call you?" Fire spirit asked.

"Emmm" Lin Feng thought for a moment and said, "call it Europa! Of course, for formal occasions, just call Lin Feng! "

"Well, OK, Lin Feng, ouba!" Fire Spirit said: "why do you stay up so late?"

"Oh, I see you're going out. Say hello to you, and I'm going to sleep!" Lin Feng said.

"Good night, Europa. See you tomorrow." Fire spirit waved goodbye.

"OK!" Lin Feng said.

He wanted to remind the fire spirit that there might be some danger around him, but he didn't say it, because if he did, it would be tantamount to frightening the snake.

So Lin Feng plans to sneak out to see what's going on around him.

He crept downstairs and soon came out of the door.

At this time, Huoling has opened the door and walked out of the yard. According to the established route every day, he is the first to go to the Songpan style bar.

But after a few steps, he saw a man standing in front of the road.

The man, dressed in black and wearing a wide one-piece hat on his head, looked very strange on this quiet night.

Fire spirit can not help but a tight, feel that this person is not good.

"Fire spirit!" The man's voice was very low and hoarse, as if there were hundreds of small insects crawling in his voice when he spoke. The listener was very uncomfortable.

"How do you know my name?" Fire spirit is very surprised!

"I've been hired to kill you! Your name is on the list The man in Black said, and then looked up and down the fire spirit one eye, said with regret: "such a beautiful beauty, should become a cold body, it is a pity!"

Fire spirit a listen, point to black dress person behind say: "Oh, how did you come?"


The man in black turned his head and looked back.

Fire spirit seize the opportunity, turn around quickly, and run away!

But did not run a few steps, but see the ground in front of a black, are dense insects.

It is more than three meters wide, blocking the road and blocking the water.

"Hum, lie to me? You want to run? It's not that easy. No one has ever escaped from me, especially women The man in black sneered.

"Who are you?" Fire spirit is also a person who has seen a big scene. Although he is afraid in his heart, he is not frightened.

"It's said that you are also Miao people. I'm not afraid to tell you that I'm a Miao master, qianfanlang!" Said the man in black.

"Thousand sail waves?" Hearing the name, Huoling felt a pang in his heart.

Huoling and mangye are both from the Miao Autonomous Region. Before he was eight years old, Huoling lived in a Miao village among the 100000 mountains in the Miao Autonomous Region, so he was familiar with the "qianfanlang".

When she was a child, there was a villain who was very disgusting.

That villain, is a reward Gu teacher, is very lecherous, likes the young girl, especially the young girl, if he takes a fancy to him, he will suffer.

Because qianfanlang's witchcraft is superb, ordinary people are not his opponents. He will attract the girl out with Gu before 12 o'clock in the night and then abduct him.

If the girl from him, he will treat the girl well for a period of time, and then kill the girl, buried with three bouquets of roses.

If the girl does not follow, he will rape the girl, and then let the Gu insect gnaw the girl off, leaving only a pair of dense white bones.It's like a devil!

So many children in the stockade don't obey orders and don't sleep at night. Their mother will frighten him and say, "if you don't sleep, qianfanlang is coming. He will catch you and let Gu eat you!"

Children usually go to bed after listening to their families.

Qianfanlang is a nightmare for children, and it is also a nightmare for girls in flower season.

When Huo Ling was a child, he asked his parents why Qianfan waves were so fierce. Can't the people in our stockade beat him?

His parents told him that qianfanlang was not only a cultivator himself, but also that he had a treasure that no one else had, called Wugu Cuan.

Cuan is an ancient musical instrument, shaped like mango, the size of palm, made of clay. The sound of pottery Cuan is simple and natural. It is quiet and long, and it is very beautiful.

Qianfanlang is a treasure handed down from ancient times. It can be used as a medium for poisonous insects and human beings.

Through blowing Cuan, people can turn their thoughts into instructions and convey them to Gu insects. Even the Gu practiced by others will follow his instructions.

There are even rumors that the Wugu Cuan of Qianfan waves can even summon souls, control the dead, drive away corpses, and so on.

It's so divine that people can't talk about it.

Therefore, people who are older say that qianfanlang is holding a Wugu Cuan. If a general demagogue dares to bite him, he will surely be misled by his Wugu Cuan, so as to bite the master himself. Therefore, no one dares to poison him.

In this way, qianfanlang exists like a god of death. Because qianfanlang is too obscene, it is called "flower picking robber" in the stockade!

Unexpectedly, after more than ten years, Huoling met the "flower picking robber" she had heard when she was a child, which made her extremely frightened.

This is a guy who is more terrible than a murderer and a thief!

Seeing the fire spirit scared, Qianfan waves sneered in his heart: "to be honest, I was entrusted to take the life of a man named Lin Feng. What about you? If you are willing to serve me obediently, I will let you live a little longer. Moreover, when you die, I will let you take three roses with you. If you don't obey, hum, I will tie you up Go, let them gnaw you to the bone

With that, Qianfan waves pointed to the insects behind the fire spirit.

"Qianfanlang, who hired you to kill Lin Feng? I can give you double the price Said the fire spirit.

"Ha ha, although I'm a reward Gu master, I'm not a double faced villain. I promised the great monk that I would do things for him. Moreover, it's the first time I've seen a beautiful girl like you. How can I be reconciled without tasting your taste?" Thousand sails waves wanton smile way.

"It turns out that Sanfan group sent you here!" Said the fire spirit.

She knew that the grand monk was the leader of the Sanfan group, and that there were several core personnel in the Sanfan group, all of whom came from the Miao Autonomous Region. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Sanfan group could hire qianfanlang.

Huo Ling thought that this guy not only wanted to kill Lin Feng, but also he would not let me go. It should be the crafty Eagle who told the monk that he wanted to eradicate Lin Feng and the flying snake gang.

It's a good move. It's really cruel.

Huo Ling said: "we all come from the 100000 mountains of Miao. Our ancestors are all the same person. Do we have to fight against each other? Can't we sit down and have a good talk

"No, I've said enough. Next, I'm going to work."

Qianfan wave low said, from the pocket took out a mango shaped Cuan, put it in the mouth, blowing up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!